Beware the votes of March

Our local news just broke that the GOP does not even have enough votes in the House to pass Trump-Care.

So with losses in both the House and in the Senate expected, the GOP has no reason to even introduce this bill.

So Trump's first big really big loss is on his Trump-Care.

He did deliver as promised, but it went down in flames.

Next up is tax reform.

Batter up !!
Our local news just broke that the GOP does not even have enough votes in the House to pass Trump-Care.

So with losses in both the House and in the Senate expected, the GOP has no reason to even introduce this bill.

So Trump's first big really big loss is on his Trump-Care.

He did deliver as promised, but it went down in flames.

Next up is tax reform.

Batter up !!

He's not going to win them all, but unlike Obama, Bush, and he rest of them, he's actually trying.
The system was working much cheaper for ~300 million before ObamaCare messed it up.

Why not just let the states deal with 30 million? Nothing for illegals. Go home until we ask you to come back on a work permit. If it cost $1K/yr to provide basic coverage that is $30Bil. Seems easy enough. Take it out of reduced GOVT pension funding.
GOP is a no win situation with this.

The only win will be single payer.

Because we all win when Health Care is treated like a Trip to the DMV. /sarcasm
It should be even easier than that, Chuckles. How many western industrialized type nations with a national health care system are trying to imitate our train wreck of health care follies?

It wasn't a train wreck for me until Obamacare fucked me over.

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