Bide Declares He Is 'Very Proud' Of His Son After Hunter Agrees To Plead Guilty / Is Convicted

I forgot, personal responsibility is an alien concept for the MAGA crowd.
You think being given an option of going to jail or taking a liberally biased sweet plea deal is 'taking responsibility'.

What a Dem/Biden apologist assclown.

Did you sneak out again?
Many of the results of that have protested into riots and maiming killing people. With arson urning down structures and businesses which took a long time to return to the same areas. Hunter had many questions before Joe ran. These people are dead inside. Don't you get it? Numbed from their lifetime perversions of everything that is considered decent. This is something different from cheating or gay or drinking. This is massive extremism on those ways plus other issues that are normalized. Life can be snuffed out quickly. And you know it. And you see it.
So Hunter did what he had to do, congrats, now can the world continue to exist?
What a proud day for Joe Biden ... like father like son .... except Joe hasn't been prosecuted for his crimes YET.

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Where are all the board left wing loons who said Hunter did nothing wrong? Hunter will fall on the sword for his father the Thief in Chief.
Where are all the board left wing loons who said Hunter did nothing wrong? Hunter will fall on the sword for his father the Thief in Chief.

Not in a 'sword', on a 'sweet deal' that keeps him out of jail and distracts from his and daddy's real crimes.

Experts are slamming the DOJ for taking 5 years to come up with these bullshit petty crimes.

Then there are still IRS Whistleblowers who claim Hunter was protected and crimes were committed in doing so.

Meanwhile Hunter's lawyers are declaring all invesyogations are over, but the DOJ is saying this is not true...

....because if the investigations are over they have no more reason to keep withholding DOJ documents from the House Oversight Committee.
haha trump didn’t raise crack heads, and tax cheats…the xiden crime syndicate has a patsey
looks like libs have a hard time accepting the fact that their side commits an awful lot of crime

You'd think they would have figured that out a long time ago, what with how horrific the abortion procedure is... and some other things.

so since they can't understand someone like Hunter doing what he did, they just say dumb things like Hunter seems to be a Trump or whatever..

Not in a 'sword', on a 'sweet deal' that keeps him out of jail and distracts from his and daddy's real crimes.

Experts are slamming the DOJ for taking 5 years to come up with these bullshit petty crimes.

Then there are still IRS Whistleblowers who claim Hunter was protected and crimes were committed in doing so.

Meanwhile Hunter's lawyers are declaring all invesyogations are over, but the DOJ is saying this is not true...

....because if the investigations are over they have no more reason to keep withholding DOJ documents from the House Oversight Committee.
They will not give the House anything tying wrongdoing to the senile Thief in Chief. we will just keep hearing about more whistle blowers and not much will be done until that swamp is drained.
We can all sell out if offered now. If we choose to. Surveillance is a mutha phuka. And we live with it in social media and internet and other ways. Mouthing off is a crime that has grown for a couple of decades now with authoritarians in any government level cajoling private businesses to destroy individuals. The problem is that it does not stop. It expands and expands some more. And the kicker is so called more conservative areas are guilty of this as they have this old way mano mano in your face way of views and have no understanding or concept of those not the same as them blowing off steam. To be fair so do many other areas. Then you see tragedies happen where many people are killed in red areas. I say to you that if you wanted to spazz out you could study an area and a target and take out a multitude of people if you chose to and thought it out. Red areas are more death and destruction potential oriented than blue areas if really thought out.
Of course the worst most idiotic President in the history of the US would be proud of his corrupt coke head criminal son.
Of course the worst most idiotic President in the history of the US would be proud of his corrupt coke head criminal son.

and NOT proud of his beautiful, non-crime-or-sin-committing

GRANDDAUGHTER that he doesn't even recognize as part of the family (What...? Is it bc of fornication?! OMG, what a horrible horrible sin... so much worse than taking $$ from foreign adversaries and changing policy for same (allegedly :rolleyes: )

probably a very good thing for that little girl... a very good thing. Her mother needs to get as far away from those crooked Cornpops as possible..
What a proud day for Joe Biden ... like father like son .... except Joe hasn't been prosecuted for his crimes YET.

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Thing about leftism is every and each day is opposite day. These people aren't just irrational, they're mentally crooked.
Hey leftists, question. Why are Biden's children so fucked up? Trump's children are good people and have their acts together, but the Biden's sure don't, agree?

He's done a poor job leading his family, what makes you think he can run a country? Rhetorical, Biden doesn't, he's a puppet and vegetable.
What a proud day for Joe Biden ... like father like son .... except Joe hasn't been prosecuted for his crimes YET.

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It takes courage to face justice head on and admit you are wrong and take your punishment as it is handed out.
Many men have broken down and cried. Not Hunter.

We can only hope the Trump family will stand by Donald's side, proud, when the hammer of justice meets the forged anvil swiftly and pounds out the sentence.
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It takes courage to face justice head on and admit you are wrong and take your punishment as it is handed out.
Many men have broken down and cried. Not Hunter.

We can only hope the Trump family will stand by Donald's side when the hammer of justice meets the forged anvil swiftly and pounds out the sentence.

Leftists are full of shit.

Biden molests children and admits it.

Leftism: "We're proud Biden admitted to this, that takes fortitude, and I'd rather project on Trump".

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