Biden Administration Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem

The Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election
Perfect example of the attitude of the anti-americans who follow the lies of the Trumpyberra.

The fact that we got a dumbass President that would do something as stupid as to ban gas stoves

Gas stoves have not been banned. If they try a nationwide ban it will face stiff opposition from all quarters.
I've always said Democrats are miserable people, and the only thing that makes them happy is making other people miserable. Democrats don't believe in choice. Choice means freedom, and we all know how Democrats hate freedom.

They were discussing this on evil right-wing news last night with a restaurant owner. He said to cook with electric instead of gas, it would increase the cost of making his food up to six times. That means even more restaurants would have to close on top of what closed during covid.

It's the Nazi mentality at work. We have this climate change agenda, and we're going to act on it no matter how many millions of lives we ruin. You don't get to decide what's best for you, Big Brother makes those decisions on your behalf.
These idiot Moon Bats don't give a shit about consequences of their policies. Probably some functionally illiterate Libtard turd with a degree in Art from a stupid Ivy League college working for the Administration read on the Internet that gas was bad for the environment and that is how it now is policy.

Mandating EVs will be a disaster for this country. Curtailing the use of gas for stoves will be even a bigger disaster.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch.

Letting the Liberals get away with stealing the 2020 election was one of the dumbest things to ever happen to this country and we will all suffer.
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Perfect example of the attitude of the anti-americans who follow the lies of the Trumpyberra.

Gas stoves have not been banned. If they try a nationwide ban it will face stiff opposition from all quarters.
You dumb Moon Bat.

The article said that the stupid Potatohead Administration is considering a ban on gas stoves.

Saying that it isn't law yet is just the typical way you dishonest idiot Moon Bats try to deflect from the issue.

Anybody that voted for that moron Potatohead, who is considering this, is a friggin idiot.
It’s amazing how fast things are going to shit after just two garbage presidents first obie and now bidumb.

From dreaming of flying cars to trying to figure out charging stations so we can drive to the next city, soon horse and buggy will be our transportation again.

From Modern heating and cooking advancements being a given to rushing toward wood fired pot belly stoves to heat and cook again just like when Ben Franklin invented the stove in the 1700’s.

And for all you left wing morons saying they won’t ban gas stoves California banned all new homes from even getting natural gas hooked up to them. Never underestimate the treacherous stupidity of a democrat.
Perfect example of the attitude of the anti-americans who follow the lies of the Trumpyberra.
The BIG LIE is that Potatohead legitimately won the Electoral College.

The 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats with using the pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

You filthy ass stupid uneducated inbred Libtards are so hell bent on making this country a Socialist Shithole that it doesn't even bother you that our Republic has been stolen by the Leftest filth.

Of course you little dumbasses are suffering from the policies of that idiot you let steal the election with massive inflation, high cost of energy, decreased family income, massive debt with nothing to show for it, millions of Illegals with the drain on welfare and drug running and a near recession economy but you are too stupid to care.

You morons.
The BIG LIE is that Potatohead legitimately won the Electoral College.

The 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats with using the pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

You filthy ass stupid uneducated inbred Libtards are so hell bent on making this country a Socialist Shithole that it doesn't even bother you that our Republic has been stolen by the Leftest filth.

Of course you little dumbasses are suffering from the policies of that idiot you let steal the election with massive inflation, high cost of energy, decreased family income, massive debt with nothing to show for it, millions of Illegals with the drain on welfare and drug running and a near recession economy but you are too stupid to care.

You morons.
Hahahaha These anti-America type are hilariously hysterical while being conditioned to believe.
Perfect example of the attitude of the anti-americans who follow the lies of the Trumpyberra.

Gas stoves have not been banned. If they try a nationwide ban it will face stiff opposition from all quarters.
Start with New York.

You fools are so easy.
Start with New York.

You fools are so easy.
Like I said if they try a nationwide ban it will face stiff opposition from all quarters. Conservatives use to believed in state's rights.
Whatever is punitive to everyday productive Americans and interferes in their success is what Biden is all in favor of. He’s going to save the planet!
Like I said if they try a nationwide ban it will face stiff opposition from all quarters. Conservatives use to believed in state's rights.
Dude, are you so willfully blind, like your moniker?
What part of drip, drip, drip do you not understand?
It's not a one day take over like you insinuate, it's a process.
Sheesh, you guys truly are fools.
Dude, are you so willfully blind, like your moniker?
What part of drip, drip, drip do you not understand?
It's not a one day take over like you insinuate, it's a process.
Sheesh, you guys truly are fools.
Imo they need an amendment to the Constitution to enact most any nationwide ban. However the feds have grabbed that power on several fronts. Looks like they want to propagate a health scare with NO2. There are several ways to challenge a nationwide ban. 20 states have already passed laws to forbid cities from doing what NYC did.

Of course they can't ban exiting hookups either, but you know they want too. Restaurants too? Now that will bring another industry in against it, big time.

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