Biden Administration Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem

How bloody stupid, when was the last time climate changed because of Man burning fossil fuels. BTW natural CC takes thousands of years not decades like is happening now.

Did you think this just started? It's been going on all of my life. If anything, we should be doing wonders with pollution, global warming, climate change. But you know what? After the trillions and trillions we spent on this farce, you people are more pissed off today than you were 50 years ago. So what's the sense of putting trillions more towards if if you people are never going to be happy no matter what we do?
Warming yes. Climate changing, no. The small amount of warming we're created by releasing sequestered carbon might be affecting extreme weather events, but we've always had extreme weather events.

H20 is the green house gas that keep earth warm at night.

it is a drastic increase in the concentration since the industrial age started, but still the concentration is low when compared to the other gases.
For example...there was the mini ice age of the late1700's. That certainly wasnt caused my man and innovation.....and then the subsequent warmup....again, not caused by man and innovation.
For example...there was the mini ice age of the late1700's. That certainly wasnt caused my man and innovation.....and then the subsequent warmup....again, not caused by man and innovation.

You just never know what will happen in a few decades

Really, so what have I posted that is not correct. I'll wait.
Man hasnt caused climate change there are numerous threads on this site that clearly show that scientists that arent bought and paid for by leftist hacks have said CO2 does not cause global warming and the historical record proves that out, the history shows that CO2 never CAUSED rising temperatures and in fact followed the event.
Man hasnt caused climate change there are numerous threads on this site that clearly show that scientists that arent bought and paid for by leftist hacks have said CO2 does not cause global warming and the historical record proves that out, the history shows that CO2 never CAUSED rising temperatures and in fact followed the event.
So you have nothing. It's a fact that Carbon isotope ratios prove the additional CO2 in the atmosphere is from fossil fuel emissions. CO2 is a GHG do yes it does help warm the Earth's temperatures but now we have too much. Your denial just shows your ignorance, poorly educated I'd sat.
And replace them with electric. This is madness. Power grid failures are happening everywhere. What's next? Wood burning stoves like I have at my hunting camp.

It's true. In our laundry room we have a gas drier, we have a fan turned on to have the pollutants to be removed to the outside air:

"Cooking with gas stoves creates nitrogen dioxide and releases additional tiny airborne particles known as PM2.5, both of which are lung irritants. Nitrogen dioxide has been linked with childhood asthma. During 2019 alone, almost two million cases worldwide of new childhood asthma were estimated to be due to nitrogen dioxide pollution."
And replace them with electric. This is madness. Power grid failures are happening everywhere. What's next? Wood burning stoves like I have at my hunting camp.

They've already f'ed up wood burning stoves...

I'll take a gas stove over an electric stove any day of the week. It is more efficient
when cooking, a person can control the heat much better.
The government needs to stay out of the bedrooms and out of the kitchens.
Just goes to show what a power grabbing government looks like.
Get the fuck out and stay out.
Close our southern border to the illegals and bring the Americans
home from Afghanistan.
And replace them with electric. This is madness. Power grid failures are happening everywhere. What's next? Wood burning stoves like I have at my hunting camp.

Potatohead is a friggin idiot.

So are his Environmental Wacko handlers.

However, the top notch idiots were the morons that voted for Potatohead.
Biden is a complete fucking asshole.

The whole climate change thing started from a couple of university professors that needed grant money.
It started with the industrial revolution and it's burning of fossil fuels.
Potatohead is a friggin idiot.

So are his Environmental Wacko handlers.

However, the top notch idiots were the morons that voted for Potatohead.
81,400,000 and counting.

Thanks for the reminder.
There are a lot of idiots in this country but Potatohead did not get 81 million legitimate votes in 2020.

Voters determine nothing. Those who count the votes determine everything.
That is correct, he received 400,000 more than 81 million votes
It's true. In our laundry room we have a gas drier, we have a fan turned on to have the pollutants to be removed to the outside air:

"Cooking with gas stoves creates nitrogen dioxide and releases additional tiny airborne particles known as PM2.5, both of which are lung irritants. Nitrogen dioxide has been linked with childhood asthma. During 2019 alone, almost two million cases worldwide of new childhood asthma were estimated to be due to nitrogen dioxide pollution."

2 million out of a worldwide population of 7.5 billion people. Gee, don't you think that's just the luck of the odds instead of a natural gas stove?
There are a lot of idiots in this country but Potatohead did not get 81 million legitimate votes in 2020.

Voters determine nothing. Those who count the votes determine everything.
Only America's enemies want to divide us with those BigLies. Real Americans know how to lose gracefully and come back swinging. When did the GOP become the party of so many fucking whiners.
Only America's enemies want to divide us with those BigLies. Real Americans know how to lose gracefully and come back swinging. When did the GOP become the party of so many fucking whiners.
The Big Lie was that Potatohead won the Electoral College.

The Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election with the scam of using the cover of the Pandemic to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. It was blatant and it was real.

The fact that we got a dumbass President that would do something as stupid as to ban gas stoves is just one of the many bad consequences of letting Potatohead get away with stealing the election.
The fact that we got a dumbass President that would do something as stupid as to ban gas stoves is just one of the many bad consequences of letting Potatohead get away with stealing the election.

I've always said Democrats are miserable people, and the only thing that makes them happy is making other people miserable. Democrats don't believe in choice. Choice means freedom, and we all know how Democrats hate freedom.

They were discussing this on evil right-wing news last night with a restaurant owner. He said to cook with electric instead of gas, it would increase the cost of making his food up to six times. That means even more restaurants would have to close on top of what closed during covid.

It's the Nazi mentality at work. We have this climate change agenda, and we're going to act on it no matter how many millions of lives we ruin. You don't get to decide what's best for you, Big Brother makes those decisions on your behalf.

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