Biden Administration & US Liberal Fake News Media Gives Putin Opportunity to Ask If Ashli Babbitt Was 'Assassinated'

Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
Then it must disgust you to see Putin's Puppet and a CCP Shill life Faux Fraud Xiden in office.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

You're fucking deranged, FruitieTootie. :lmao:

Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. After a lengthy investigation which started under Trump and extended under Biden, the Department of Justice determined it was a justifiable shoot and that no legal action would be taken against that officer.

Let me explain it to you since you're too dense to understand what that means -- it means it's not murder. You don't have to like that ... you can shake your cane at the sky and stomp your feet all you want ... it will never make that murder. It'll do nothing but frustrate losers like you.

The DOJ is a bigger joke than you are.

That's what losers cry.
Your posts clearly show who the loser is, and it is not me.

I have no doubt you believe that. Of course, you're out of your friggin' mind and believe Trump won the election. Do you also believe Obama faked his birth certificate? :badgrin:
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
Then it must disgust you to see Putin's Puppet and a CCP Shill life Faux Fraud Xiden in office.

You don't even know what this thread is about, do ya, Stumpy?
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
^^^ Yet another useful idiot who falls for Putin's ploys to drive a wedge between Americans.
Who is worse Putin or Xi?.....
Why choose?
I just want your I can see how well the fake news artists work on you....which is more of a danger?....
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
Then it must disgust you to see Putin's Puppet and a CCP Shill life Faux Fraud Xiden in office.

You don't even know what this thread is about, do ya, Stumpy?
It's about your calcified heart and The Delusions that God sent to you so that you will believe nothing but lies, and perish in your lies.
But yes, I know what this thread is about. It is about The Left's never ceasing and endless campaign to manufacture lies, and a narrative which only benefits their warped ideologies and satanic agendas.

Faux Xiden buckled at the knees when The Feeble, Weak, Incompetent, and Illegitimate "OCCUPIER" of The White House approached His Master Pootty Poot Putin, and called him a "Killer".

What a joke. I was waiting for Corn Pop to burst in at any moment to save Joe and stare down Putin, who is the real head of the Faux Xiden Regime.

Asking about Babbit was the worst political theater I have seen in years.




By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.

The decision to not name the officer is the right thing due to the potential violence from Trump supporters. He did not murder her. He fired into a crowd that was breaking down the door and the fact that the officers were heavily outnumbered. That justifies the use of force. They should have been far more aggressive with their weapons. These UNARMED terrorists caused 140 injuries among the Capitol police and 1 death.

The reason why Putin does it is because he knows right wing Nazis will eat it up. He is encouraging a right wing coup.

The fact is that there was no violence in Lafayette Park when they used tear gas against peaceful protestors. No protestor ever crossed onto the White House lawn so there was no reason to move Trump. He was probably cowering in fear and crying to be taken to safety. The Jan 6 protestors came just 1 room away from the VP of the White House. No official injury figures have ever been released. If they ever were, the question is whether they should be believed.

Putin is playing you rubes like a violin. He wants to divide America which is exactly what Trump and Republicans want to do. Trump is the one who was not mentally or physically able to stand up to Putin. Trump was busy praising Putin and wishing he had the power to make himself President for Life the way Putin has.
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guys raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
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Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guy raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
Everything you said was a lie.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
^^^ Yet another useful idiot who falls for Putin's ploys to drive a wedge between Americans.
Who is worse Putin or Xi?.....
Why choose?
I just want your I can see how well the fake news artists work on you....which is more of a danger?....
I have no answer to that as I don't see where that's quantifiable. They're both evil. They're both a danger to this country.
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guy raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
Everything you said was a lie.
Thanks for your input, Church Lady.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
^^^ Yet another useful idiot who falls for Putin's ploys to drive a wedge between Americans.
Who is worse Putin or Xi?.....
Why choose?
I just want your I can see how well the fake news artists work on you....which is more of a danger?....
Since both Putin & Xi own Faux Xiden, then they are equally dangerous.

Faux Xiden being a puppet is more dangerous than bothh of them combined because he has the ability to sell the country out like he, Obama, Clinton did in Ukraine, with Russia and with China, and well anyone with deep pockets.
Lafayette Park? There Trump had protesters attacked to make way for his Bible photo-op. Totally contrived scenario.

The woman killed by Capitol Police deserved what she got, as she was a traitor, and engaged in treason at the time. Real patriots wish they'd mowed down the lot of them.
That report was just proven to be a lie three days had nothing to do with Trump....Please find a new news source....

My source is the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff and the Defense Secretary who admitted it was a photo op. The local governments who sent police withdrew them because they realized it was a photo op.
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guys raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :ahole-1:
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guys raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :ahole-1:
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guys raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :ahole-1:
Keep hating.
Why is the murderer being hidden?
Because he is well known and was disguised that day
Because the police know what unhinged freaks you rightards are and would resort to vigilante justice to execute revenge for Benedict Babbitt's justifiable death.
You talked about how low someone could go? You win. I have not seen anything more despicable than insulting a 14 veteran and trying justify the shooting of an unarmed woman. I bet people can smell the hate coming off of you.
She surrendered her proud service when she became a traitor attacking her own government. That's how she died. That's all she'll be remembered for. But you're right that I hate traitors. You would too if you were American.
No government was attacked you lying bag of shit. They let 38% of those people in. That is a fact, proven by security videos they will not release to the public. We are done, you are a hate filled moron and a blight on anything human.
Dumbfuck, they "let" them in because police were overwhelmed and unable to keep that massive mob out. Trump's mob beat one cop into unconsciousness as they tried to break in. At some point after that, the police backed off to avoid further injuries. That's like ten guys raping a woman and she's too beat up to resist the 11th one and fucking retards like you portray it as though she welcomed the rape. You're a sick fuck whether you know it or not. Still, others can see it.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :ahole-1:
Keep hating.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
^^^ Yet another useful idiot who falls for Putin's ploys to drive a wedge between Americans.

But the divide and problem is already there, so then we should not ignore it, but try to fix it.
And in this case, I think Putin is right, that the US has become a police state, where the murder of nonviolent protestors is being encouraged.
There is no political freedom at all unless both sides have it.
If Ashli's shooter is not prosecuted, then we have nothing and we have to end the failure and start all over.
I think Ashli was totally wrong in her beliefs, but I would defend her right to be wrong, with my life.

The divide and problem is being pushed by Republicans. republicans are trying to seize control of this country by their assault on voting rights in this country All because Trump lost.
Putin is wrong. You have to support your pal since he is a Trump supporter. Go back to your Mother Russia where you belong.
Both sides should have political freedom. Republicans are stripping the country of voting rights. That is giving us less political freedom.
Her shooter was more than justified in shooting. She was a terrorist who admitted it on her facebook post. What you are pushing is a coup.
She was storming the capitol which she has no right to do so. She was shot for her actions not her beliefs.

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