Biden admitting to extortion!

I feel like I live in the Twilight zone lol but it’s just a country democrats have gained control over the media and education..
cray cray
Biden's a long way from a class act and dumber than a box of rocks. He's a prime candidate for POTUS on the Dem ticket.

What a moron.
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I feel like I live in the Twilight zone lol but it’s just a country democrats have gained control over the media and education..
cray cray

And yet yhey can never really get more than about 50% the country to agee with them.
That is what inspires hope.
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I feel like I live in the Twilight zone lol but it’s just a country democrats have gained control over the media and education..
cray cray

And yet yhey can never really get more than about 50% the country to agee with them.
That's is what inspires hope.
That's why they've been involving millions of illegals into voting. Otherwise no Democrat would ever win.
Biden's a real class act and dumber than a box of rocks. He's a prime candidate for POTUS on the Dem ticket.

What a moron.

Maybe. But President Trump has determined he'd rather face Pocahontas next fall, so he decided to take a stick to this Ukrainian beehive to stink up Biden's campaign and open the door to Warren's coronation as nominee in Milwaukee next summer..

Trump has superb political instincts, it makes it tough for me to 2nd guess him on this.

Meanwhile they try to impeach trump for no impeachable offenses!

The Crazies in the House have effectively removed Pelosi as Speaker. Sure, she is officially Speaker, but she has completely lost control of the House to The Crazed Squad who now effectively run the House. The Palestinian, Cortez, The Somali who married her brother and Pressley. They effectively control what used to be known as The People's House! 2020 can't come too soon!

With NPV, California Republicans who have had NO say for a generation in Presidential Politics, can turn out in large enough numbers to ensure that Trump carries the national vote and with it, the additional 196 ECV votes from the NPV States. The ONLY state with MORE Republicans than California, is Texas.

It's another Great Day to be an American!

BOOM! President Trump Surges Ahead of Slimy Joe Biden by 4 Points in Latest Poll, 47-43


  1. Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, joined the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma in April 2014, according to RSB bank records. Hunter Biden had little background in energy. Over a 16-month period, Burisma paid $3.1 million to a bank account associated with Hunter’s business.
  1. Joe Biden led the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine when he served as vice president. Biden helped shape Ukraine’s energy and anti-corruption policies, issues that directly impact Burisma.

Meanwhile they try to impeach trump for no impeachable offenses!

That's pretty bad. But it only involves money. That's like petty theft compared to the Clintons using America's Haiti earthquake relief funds as leverage to get Laura Silsby out of jail when the Haitians caught her trafficking children.
So why does Barr need to work with Ukraine to charge Biden if according to you folks -- the evidence is already out what's the hold up on charging Joe Biden???
Biden's a real class act and dumber than a box of rocks. He's a prime candidate for POTUS on the Dem ticket.

What a moron.

Maybe. But President Trump has determined he'd rather face Pocahontas next fall, so he decided to take a stick to this Ukrainian beehive to stink up Biden's campaign and open the door to Warren's coronation as nominee in Milwaukee next summer..

Trump has superb political instincts, it makes it tough for me to 2nd guess him on this.

Trump doesn't care whom he's gonna face from Democrats side.

What he cares is to expose the corruption of the previous administration and cover up of their crimes that is still taking place.

Every time left accuse Trump of anything, they just expose more of their own corruption.

What I would like to see happen is for Trump to take the gloves off and stop defending himself and go on the offensive.
So why does Barr need to work with Ukraine to charge Biden if according to you folks -- the evidence is already out what's the hold up on charging Joe Biden???
Speaking of jumping the gun, do you think we want to look as stupid as Pelosi and the Democrats?



See why it's important to carefully review the facts and interview witnesses and corroborate information before formally filing charges?

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