Biden angry because Twitter won't transfer Trump's followers to his account

I highly doubt Biden is going to be a twitter moron like trump so what does it matter?

If he's not a Twitter moron, what kind of a moron is he?

I would suspect that he's the opaque type of bureaucratic moron who only speaks to a select few members of the press, who will be stationed 6 feet apart and wearing masks. They will him pre-scripted questions that were typed out by his staffers, and his responses will also written in advance. Therefore he will be read from a teleprompter.

Occasionally some rouge member of the press who somehow managed to slip into the event, will hit him smack between the eyes with an embarrassing question, at which he will angrily lose his temper, curse at the reporter, and walk off the stage.

I'm expecting Joe to ask the press NOT to even question him.
Joe doesn't care. It states in the OP link that "the Biden Team" is upset with losing the losers.
Just to be clear....

Followers of the leader of the free world are losers?

So what are you when you follow the leader of the free world?

Or are you not going to follow the leader of the free world because you are above that?
I'm a loser. I follow @realdonaldtrump, but I never log into twitter, so I'm in recovery.
I see Mrs Biden is calling herself Dr Jill Biden :auiqs.jpg:
I always thought if you had a PHD that made a doctor of whatever you got the PHD for.
Technically yes, but its rarely used except by the self absorbed who demand that you not mistake them for the lowly rabble like you and me. Feel free to call me lord. I've always liked that title
Why would Joe want Trump's followers on his twitter feed? Hopefully, Joe is only going to use the official twitter site for the Office of the President, and say boring Presidential stuff once a month or so.
Maybe he just wants to tell them he will try and be a president for all Americans. (good luck with that)
Joe doesn't care. It states in the OP link that "the Biden Team" is upset with losing the losers.
Just to be clear....

Followers of the leader of the free world are losers?

So what are you when you follow the leader of the free world?

Or are you not going to follow the leader of the free world because you are above that?
I'm a loser. I follow @realdonaldtrump, but I never log into twitter, so I'm in recovery.
I am not even on twitter. I stopped with Facebook in 2017 when good friends posted things like "if you voted for Trump, you are not worthy of my friendship"
Social media is nothing more than a fantasy. Very much like High School reunions. You get to say what you want without anyone knowing the truth. Like my sister in law who constantly tells me and my wife how much she hates her husband (who is a dick, by the way). What does she post on Facebook? " I love my husband. He is my rock, my inspiration and the love of my life" know, the guy who I know treats her like shit.
My wife is constantly showing me her posts and we laugh. It is all the guy who works at Walmart as a 12 dollar an hour clerk but at the 25th year reunion tells everyone he is head of client services of the Walmart Corporation.
the sheer fact that a politician or party is even LOOKING at twitter being a political tool kinda proves the point it is and has been used accordingly.
I think I read twitter reaches 10% of the population but the twitterverse is 90% liberal.

Seems like a waste of efforts
Real pussy's cannot handle confrontation on social media!
That's why we have USMB!!!
I can handle it. I just opt not to.

I mean...sure...Someone can say to me "all Trump voters are racist"
And I can respond with "i am not"
And he will respond with "thou protest too much"
And I can respond with "you don't know me"
And he will respond with "the fact that you are defending yourself makes it clear you believe you are a racist"
And I can respond with what makes you think I am a racist.
And he will respond with "where did I ACTULLAY say you are a racist"
And on and on and on.

Not that I cant handle it. I just don't want to.
Real pussy's cannot handle confrontation on social media!
That's why we have USMB!!!
Ah, but there isn't any confrontation on the webz. It's just a cool platform where we can form teams and do typewritten battle without worrying about confrontation.
Real pussy's cannot handle confrontation on social media!
That's why we have USMB!!!
I can handle it. I just opt not to.

I mean...sure...Someone can say to me "all Trump voters are racist"
And I can respond with "i am not"
And he will respond with "thou protest too much"
And I can respond with "you don't know me"
And he will respond with "the fact that you are defending yourself makes it clear you believe you are a racist"
And I can respond with what makes you think I am a racist.
And he will respond with "where did I ACTULLAY say you are a racist"
And on and on and on.

Not that I cant handle it. I just don't want to.

Well, all I can say is, that USMB ain't no disco, no CBGB, but your voice still COUNTS here!!!
It sure beats the hell out of censorship.

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