Biden chides GOP for 'trying to hide the truth' about Black history in marking Bloody Sunday


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘President Biden on Sunday called out Republicans for efforts to limit teaching parts of Black history as he marked the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

“History matters,” Biden said at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. “The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.”

Biden highlighted the importance of teaching African American studies, which comes amid a growing debate over Republicans pushing to prevent the teaching of certain subject matters such as African American studies in schools.

“No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know but not what we should know. We should learn everything, the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. And everyone should know the truth of Selma,” Biden said.’

Conservatives are wrong to try to censor and prohibit the teaching of African American studies.
Black History in 2023

The race baiting white Dem Prez was best buddies with an Enchanted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan and voted for him to be Dem Senate leader four times...

‘President Biden on Sunday called out Republicans for efforts to limit teaching parts of Black history as he marked the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

“History matters,” Biden said at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. “The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.”

Biden highlighted the importance of teaching African American studies, which comes amid a growing debate over Republicans pushing to prevent the teaching of certain subject matters such as African American studies in schools.

“No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know but not what we should know. We should learn everything, the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. And everyone should know the truth of Selma,” Biden said.’

Conservatives are wrong to try to censor and prohibit the teaching of African American studies.
You mean the false narrative that whites are evil and the black race is superior, and that America needs to be "cut down to size"? Fuck that and fuck you.
‘President Biden on Sunday called out Republicans for efforts to limit teaching parts of Black history as he marked the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

“History matters,” Biden said at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. “The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.”

Biden highlighted the importance of teaching African American studies, which comes amid a growing debate over Republicans pushing to prevent the teaching of certain subject matters such as African American studies in schools.

“No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know but not what we should know. We should learn everything, the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. And everyone should know the truth of Selma,” Biden said.’

Conservatives are wrong to try to censor and prohibit the teaching of African American studies.

People and people just as dim witted as you, are part of the problem.

So long as there ARE people like you in the numbers there are- we have little hope of any real solutions
I don't need to be lectured on "what I need to know" by a senile putz who dropped out of his first presidential run due to lying.
‘President Biden on Sunday called out Republicans for efforts to limit teaching parts of Black history as he marked the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

“History matters,” Biden said at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. “The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.”

Biden highlighted the importance of teaching African American studies, which comes amid a growing debate over Republicans pushing to prevent the teaching of certain subject matters such as African American studies in schools.

“No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know but not what we should know. We should learn everything, the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. And everyone should know the truth of Selma,” Biden said.’

Conservatives are wrong to try to censor and prohibit the teaching of African American studies.

In other words Biden, the extremely, historically documented, racist President, is attempting to defend despicable CRT by condemning Republicans for opposing it...

Sounds like Biden stood up for Republicans, mot insulted/ attacked them.
Time out.

I wish. In fact, I wish Jones were standing at the precipice - the very edge of the living world and teetering with an unbalanced arm load of every social media tool he owns (including his stupid brain) There are tortures and howling things all the way to the bottom, but on his side there is no bottom. There are only teeth.

Then I hope he sneezes and uses that last trembly bit of balance...

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