Biden couldnt have done this on his own

The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic
Dems didn’t want Bernie. So they banded around joe.

Is Donald telling his idiots to do this so Bernie bro’s don’t go out and vote?

never mind. We know the answer.

but thanks for embarrassing yourself
The Dem establishment does not want Bernie. A dead goat is more electable than The Bern. If you think the DNC has not been manipulating the shit out of this primary to get Barnie out of the way, you have been sold a bag of goods.

The GOP tried the same shit with Trump, but the left-leaning media worked overtime to get him the nomination because they were CERTAIN he would NEVER come CLOSE to beating Hill-dawg. Ironically, their nonstop Trump show in the primaries actually GOT HIM ELECTED.

Bloomberg was the DNCs white knight (and they changed the rules to let him in) but after his Super Tuesday ass kicking, they are back to Biden as the only electable prospect.

The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic
Look in the mirror.
TNHarley is not a GOP cultist. You're mistaken.

LOL. Is he your alter ego?
Are you saying I am a GOP cultist?

I get it, a Libertarian.
Biden is a suit with a retarded puppet in it. Someone else is hiding behind the curtain, pulling his strings, and that's what a Biden presidency would be.

He probably wouldn't even be aware of whatever bills or orders he was signing when they placed them on the desk and handed him a pen.

"Just sign the papers Mr. President, and we'll give you your squeaky toy back..."
Change "Biden" to "Trump" and you've got a perfectly accurate post.

Who is pulling Trump's strings? Oh, that's right: "Putin", right?

I think that would be the Republican party doing that.

You know, you might on to something here. Perhaps the Republican Party has some super-secret mind-control program or propaganda tool they developed in the basement of their headquarters.

They've probably rigged up a wire into the White House bedroom, with a speaker on the end of it. So when Mr. Trump sleeps, they send him subliminal messages.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It took some hard work but after some research, I found a transcript of these secret suggestions they're feeding him while he sleeps....

Republican Platform Preamble | GOP
The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic

That's pure conspiratorial nonsense Harley. True, the DNC did kinda shaft Bernie when Little Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazile were around in 2016. Not this time. It was the Clyburn endorsement and the fact that folks just weren't ready for Bernie's 60 trillion dollar revolution.

Normalcy is that folks want, not another old man who yells really loud and insists it's their way or the highway. Mostly folks are sick of the chaos, corruption and amorality of the Dotard.
Yea thats why he was winning until the DNC told the others to fuck off
Ahhhh, well he may have have pluralities, but Bernie didn't poll majorities in NC VA and Tx
I just looked at 4 recent polls on TX dem prinaries and bernie was leading them all.
I didnt check the other 2 because you are obviously making shit up

From Real Clear politics, the most recent three complete before the elections from the 3 largest states outside CA

Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Pete Klobachar Gabberd Steyer .. in that order

CBS News/YouGovCBS News 2/27 - 2/29 635 LV 30 26 13 17 6 6 0 1 Sanders +4
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 513 LV 30 21 21 13 9 5 1 1 Sanders +9
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 556 LV 34 19 15 10 8 3 1 1 Sanders +15

N. Car
East Carolina U.ECU 2/27 - 2/28 499 LV 29 25 14 11 5 4 1 Biden +4
Civitas (R)Civitas (R) 2/26 - 2/27 587 LV 27 19 16 11 5 4 -- Biden +8
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 568 LV 24 26 15 11 5 7 1 Sanders +2
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 536 LV 25 27 18 11 6 10 1 Sanders +2

Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/25 499 LV 19 28 17 17 5 1 12 Sanders +9
MonmouthMonmouth 2/13 - 2/16 400 LV 18 22 5 22 9 1 11 Tie
Christopher Newport Univ.CNU 2/3 - 2/23 561 LV 22 17 8 13 5 -- 8 Biden +5

Sanders didn't have a maj in any of those. I think if you total Sanders with Warren and the rest in another column, it's fairly even.

What happened appears to be that Bloomberg's support collapsed and went to Biden, and Bernie underperformed. Whether his base didn't come out (and it appears the new voters stayed home according to media) or the blacks really came out for Biden after SC and Bernie choosing not to show up for the march over the Pettis Bridge this weekend.

Ps, I was rude to you sometime back so I let it go.
And I don't see any data, but I assume Klobachar had an effect in Minn.
The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic

That's pure conspiratorial nonsense Harley. True, the DNC did kinda shaft Bernie when Little Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazile were around in 2016. Not this time. It was the Clyburn endorsement and the fact that folks just weren't ready for Bernie's 60 trillion dollar revolution.

Normalcy is that folks want, not another old man who yells really loud and insists it's their way or the highway. Mostly folks are sick of the chaos, corruption and amorality of the Dotard.
Yea thats why he was winning until the DNC told the others to fuck off
Ahhhh, well he may have have pluralities, but Bernie didn't poll majorities in NC VA and Tx
I just looked at 4 recent polls on TX dem prinaries and bernie was leading them all.
I didnt check the other 2 because you are obviously making shit up

From Real Clear politics, the most recent three complete before the elections from the 3 largest states outside CA

Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Pete Klobachar Gabberd Steyer .. in that order

CBS News/YouGovCBS News 2/27 - 2/29 635 LV 30 26 13 17 6 6 0 1 Sanders +4
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 513 LV 30 21 21 13 9 5 1 1 Sanders +9
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 556 LV 34 19 15 10 8 3 1 1 Sanders +15

N. Car
East Carolina U.ECU 2/27 - 2/28 499 LV 29 25 14 11 5 4 1 Biden +4
Civitas (R)Civitas (R) 2/26 - 2/27 587 LV 27 19 16 11 5 4 -- Biden +8
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 568 LV 24 26 15 11 5 7 1 Sanders +2
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 536 LV 25 27 18 11 6 10 1 Sanders +2

Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/25 499 LV 19 28 17 17 5 1 12 Sanders +9
MonmouthMonmouth 2/13 - 2/16 400 LV 18 22 5 22 9 1 11 Tie
Christopher Newport Univ.CNU 2/3 - 2/23 561 LV 22 17 8 13 5 -- 8 Biden +5

Sanders didn't have a maj in any of those. I think if you total Sanders with Warren and the rest in another column, it's fairly even.

What happened appears to be that Bloomberg's support collapsed and went to Biden, and Bernie underperformed. Whether his base didn't come out (and it appears the new voters stayed home according to media) or the blacks really came out for Biden after SC and Bernie choosing not to show up for the march over the Pettis Bridge this weekend.

The problem with these polls (all of em) is that they were mostly done PRIOR to his endorsement from Clyburn and the huge win in SC.
Biden is a suit with a retarded puppet in it. Someone else is hiding behind the curtain, pulling his strings, and that's what a Biden presidency would be.

He probably wouldn't even be aware of whatever bills or orders he was signing when they placed them on the desk and handed him a pen.

"Just sign the papers Mr. President, and we'll give you your squeaky toy back..."
Change "Biden" to "Trump" and you've got a perfectly accurate post.

Who is pulling Trump's strings? Oh, that's right: "Putin", right?

I think that would be the Republican party doing that.

You know, you might on to something here. Perhaps the Republican Party has some super-secret mind-control program or propaganda tool they developed in the basement of their headquarters.

They've probably rigged up a wire into the White House bedroom, with a speaker on the end of it. So when Mr. Trump sleeps, they send him subliminal messages.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It took some hard work but after some research, I found a transcript of these secret suggestions they're feeding him while he sleeps....

Republican Platform Preamble | GOP
I just want to know how they outwitted the russians here and couldn't against trump. too funny. This is just more evidence of no russian interference. so much now.
The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic
Look in the mirror.
TNHarley is not a GOP cultist. You're mistaken.

LOL. Is he your alter ego?
No he just pays attention and doesnt think it is only either this or that, because it is ignorant.
Bloomberg is going to spend a billion more on him, he said he's going to do "all he can" to get Biden elected.

Money is going to decide your next president? Or will Trump crush him as he did Hillary?
So Bloomberg is already admitting to Campaign Finance Fraud.
Bloomberg can spend whatever he wants so long as he doesn't coordinate with Biden's campaign. Thank the Roberts Court and McConnell for nixing Garland who was pro gun but wouldn't commmit to upholding Citizens' United.
Biden is a suit with a retarded puppet in it. Someone else is hiding behind the curtain, pulling his strings, and that's what a Biden presidency would be.

He probably wouldn't even be aware of whatever bills or orders he was signing when they placed them on the desk and handed him a pen.

"Just sign the papers Mr. President, and we'll give you your squeaky toy back..."
Change "Biden" to "Trump" and you've got a perfectly accurate post.

Who is pulling Trump's strings? Oh, that's right: "Putin", right?

I think that would be the Republican party doing that.

You know, you might on to something here. Perhaps the Republican Party has some super-secret mind-control program or propaganda tool they developed in the basement of their headquarters.

They've probably rigged up a wire into the White House bedroom, with a speaker on the end of it. So when Mr. Trump sleeps, they send him subliminal messages.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It took some hard work but after some research, I found a transcript of these secret suggestions they're feeding him while he sleeps....

Republican Platform Preamble | GOP
I just want to know how they outwitted the russians here and couldn't against trump. too funny. This is just more evidence of no russian interference. so much now.

Maybe the House should have just tried to impeach Putin. :21:
That's pure conspiratorial nonsense Harley. True, the DNC did kinda shaft Bernie when Little Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazile were around in 2016. Not this time. It was the Clyburn endorsement and the fact that folks just weren't ready for Bernie's 60 trillion dollar revolution.

Normalcy is that folks want, not another old man who yells really loud and insists it's their way or the highway. Mostly folks are sick of the chaos, corruption and amorality of the Dotard.
Yea thats why he was winning until the DNC told the others to fuck off
Ahhhh, well he may have have pluralities, but Bernie didn't poll majorities in NC VA and Tx
I just looked at 4 recent polls on TX dem prinaries and bernie was leading them all.
I didnt check the other 2 because you are obviously making shit up

From Real Clear politics, the most recent three complete before the elections from the 3 largest states outside CA

Sanders Biden Bloomberg Warren Pete Klobachar Gabberd Steyer .. in that order

CBS News/YouGovCBS News 2/27 - 2/29 635 LV 30 26 13 17 6 6 0 1 Sanders +4
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 513 LV 30 21 21 13 9 5 1 1 Sanders +9
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 556 LV 34 19 15 10 8 3 1 1 Sanders +15

N. Car
East Carolina U.ECU 2/27 - 2/28 499 LV 29 25 14 11 5 4 1 Biden +4
Civitas (R)Civitas (R) 2/26 - 2/27 587 LV 27 19 16 11 5 4 -- Biden +8
NBC News/MaristNBC/Marist 2/23 - 2/27 568 LV 24 26 15 11 5 7 1 Sanders +2
Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/27 536 LV 25 27 18 11 6 10 1 Sanders +2

Data for Progress (D)DFP (D) 2/23 - 2/25 499 LV 19 28 17 17 5 1 12 Sanders +9
MonmouthMonmouth 2/13 - 2/16 400 LV 18 22 5 22 9 1 11 Tie
Christopher Newport Univ.CNU 2/3 - 2/23 561 LV 22 17 8 13 5 -- 8 Biden +5

Sanders didn't have a maj in any of those. I think if you total Sanders with Warren and the rest in another column, it's fairly even.

What happened appears to be that Bloomberg's support collapsed and went to Biden, and Bernie underperformed. Whether his base didn't come out (and it appears the new voters stayed home according to media) or the blacks really came out for Biden after SC and Bernie choosing not to show up for the march over the Pettis Bridge this weekend.

The problem with these polls (all of em) is that they were mostly done PRIOR to his endorsement from Clyburn and the huge win in SC.
I'm sorry but I don't see ANY polls giving Bernie close to 50% and that's what it takes to win a Dem nomination.
Bloomberg is going to spend a billion more on him, he said he's going to do "all he can" to get Biden elected.

Money is going to decide your next president? Or will Trump crush him as he did Hillary?
So Bloomberg is already admitting to Campaign Finance Fraud.
Bloomberg can spend whatever he wants so long as he doesn't coordinate with Biden's campaign. Thank the Roberts Court and McConnell for nixing Garland who was pro gun but wouldn't commmit to upholding Citizens' United.
so quid pro, sleepy, creepy Joe can't say the ad was his. So let bloomberg waste his money, it didn't do him any good.
And why do people call Biden a "centrist?" Lol he is as far from that as i am screwing jennifer aniston in her butthole
Some comments from a few favs over on Twitter:

Joe Biden on Vegas ... "What happens in Vegas, burnt toast skittle farts."

If Joe Biden went on camera and said that he is Elvis Presley and he is running for jelly of the month, the MSM would praise him for being so bold and articulate.

The DNC did it despite the lefts rhetoric. The DNC can do what it wants because it knows most of its cult will fall in line.
Democrats are fucking pathetic

Some influential people made calls to have marginal candidates drop out.
It is all part of the game of politics
Bloomberg is going to spend a billion more on him, he said he's going to do "all he can" to get Biden elected.

Money is going to decide your next president? Or will Trump crush him as he did Hillary?
Over and over again it has been shown that money only gets you so far. Bloomberg has no idea how to spend it anyway. He poured hundreds of millions into blanket ads that were not targeted at all. If they continue with that they will get shellacked by Trump again when he goes the same rout as last time - very, very specifically targeted ads through social media and complete control over the media narrative.

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