Biden declared Jackson non qualified

I am saying they are in no better position than they were in 1980 when I was born. CORRECT.

I can only judge what I see. In the 60s 20% of black families had one parent. Today its 75%. So its not getting better, race baiter. I guess being "in the system" is the way for Democrats to retain your lemming vote.
You do understand those stats you posted are pulled out of your ass....

But please let's not pretend you dic suckers care about the state of black households as it relates to 2 parent homes -- because back in those "golden days" of black 2-parent homes -- that didn't stop dic suckers like you from still insisting on their oppression....

I don't play that respectability politics game......

And why are you morons having such a hard time naming me a single right-winger who was along side of James Baldwin and John Lewis fighting for civil rights??
You do understand those stats you posted are pulled out of your ass....

But please let's not pretend you dic suckers care about the state of black households as it relates to 2 parent homes -- because back in those "golden days" of black 2-parent homes -- that didn't stop dic suckers like you from still insisting on their oppression....

I don't play that respectability politics game......
I accept your surrender. Keep voting Democrat and you'll see you're no better off. Baltimore voted for Elijah Cummings for 40 years and not one kid graduated with math proficiency from their 13 high schools. NOT ONE. Maybe give someone else a shot?

You play the race card. Easy. I would easily vote for Byron Donalds for President. EASILY. Same for Tim Scott. I like policies over color. You only see color as you're a primitive asshole.

"Following a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Wednesday, Carlson, came under fire for questioning the credentials of President Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. This came just days after he attacked her very nomination, saying it would humiliate the Supreme Court, and make the U.S. look like Rwanda.
Taking a different approach than he did for any of former President Trump’s three nominees, all of whom are white, Carlson demanded to know what Brown got on her LSAT.

Why wouldn’t he tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she’s a once-in-a-generation legal talent. It would seem like American’s in a democracy have a right to know that and much more before giving her a lifetime appointment." DNC Chair Jaime Harrison took it upon himself to put forth Jackson’s academic accomplishments. So, despite not knowing the meaningless answer to what Jackson got on the LSAT, Carlson’s question about her academic prowess has been answered."

Tucker brings up an excellent point, why don't we know this woman's LSAT scores? Just look at her name for example -- it sounds so foreign and inferior; putting her on the court will make our Supreme Court look like Rwanda...why is Biden hiding her LSATs?? Everyone knows that every Supreme Court nominee going back for the last 30 yrs have all been asked to provide their LSAT score -- why does this whore think she is so special to where she can hide her scores??

Look at her name, it sounds foreign and muslim, are we sure she was even born in America?? Why hasn't she released her birth certificate? Why hasn't she released her LSATs...What do we know about her 9th grade Algebra scores?? What is Biden hiding. Yea, I know she graduated from Harvard with honors, yea, I know she was editor of the Harvard Law review -- but still, how do we know she actually earned any of it?

We all know that most blacks who get degrees from schools like Princeton and Harvard never earned them and only got them because their black. Do you think Thomas Sowell really deserved his Harvard degree? The guy was a high school dropout. It reminds me of how Tucker couldn't get into the CIA; I am sure people like Jackson reminds him of how he was probably passed over by some inferior black.

Congrats on spelling her name correctly! The dipshits in the White House weren't able to do that.


I am saying they are in no better position than they were in 1980 when I was born. CORRECT.

I can only judge what I see. In the 60s 20% of black families had one parent. Today its 75%. So its not getting better, race baiter. I guess being "in the system" is the way for Democrats to retain your lemming vote.
Oh yea, thanks for admitting that all of that bullshit you dic suckers were claiming when Trump was president about black folks doing better than ever -- was also bullshit

Like I said....the longer you idiots talk -- the more you show the rest of us that you are full of shit
I accept your surrender. Keep voting Democrat and you'll see you're no better off. Baltimore voted for Elijah Cummings for 40 years and not one kid graduated with math proficiency from their 13 high schools. NOT ONE. Maybe give someone else a shot?

You play the race card. Easy. I would easily vote for Byron Donalds for President. EASILY. Same for Tim Scott. I like policies over color. You only see color as you're a primitive asshole.
Why are yo afraid to answer a simple question??

Name me a single right-winger who was down south marching along side of MLK for Civil Rights??

Since we are claiming it was only Southern Democrats who opposed Civil should definitely be able to tell me about all of the right-wingers who were down there fighting the good fight....

Name one?
He made himself look bad there but that doesn't mean he is wrong here.
He has never apologized for trying to influence an election through corrupt means. Dan Rather covered Richard Nixon, a successful politician who was right about so many things yet his obsession and hatred of his political enemies propelled him to do something corrupt, blame others, and ultimately lead to his downfall. Dan Rather followed the same path and outcome as Nixon.
Why are yo afraid to answer a simple question??

Name me a single right-winger who was down south marching along side of MLK for Civil Rights??

Since we are claiming it was only Southern Democrats who opposed Civil should definitely be able to tell me about all of the right-wingers who were down there fighting the good fight....

Name one?
I am not a civil rights era expert. I would have to read about it, so I honestly cannot answer your question. So you're saying that during Selma only Democrats marched? Link please.
Congrats on spelling her name correctly! The dipshits in the White House weren't able to do that.


As long as her name was spelled right when she was confirmed by the Senate those previous 3 times.....

and as long as her name is spelled right in your fragile mind when you are hate posting about her....
That is precisely what happened. Southern DEMOCRATS. Let's be real. Now it is a different plantation. Depend on me for your food, shelter, daycare, etc. But don't get uppity and think you're equal to me. You need me. While the GOP says we are all equal. The Democrats state that PoC are in need of special programs and assistance because we aren't all equal.
Why would you try to paint others as racist and then say incredibly racist things right after? That makes no sense. No one is fooled by it. I know you're a racist. You know you're a racist. Why pretend? Why be the weakest kind of racist? One who can't even be proud enough to admit your ideas align more with Southern slavers and segregationists? It really makes no sense to come off like a coward rather than someone who's proud of what you believe in.
Dinesh D'Souza got his ass owned by historian Kevin Kruse who broke down all the State and Federal politicians who opposed the civil rights act and voting rights act switching to the Republican Party or retiring as well as their aides and assistants going on later to run as Republican candidates. You can read it here.
Oh yea, thanks for admitting that all of that bullshit you dic suckers were claiming when Trump was president about black folks doing better than ever -- was also bullshit

Like I said....the longer you idiots talk -- the more you show the rest of us that you are full of shit
Why don't you follow the rule of not saying shit here that you would not say to my face? Easy. Tough guy. LOL
He has never apologized for trying to influence an election through corrupt means. Dan Rather covered Richard Nixon, a successful politician who was right about so many things yet his obsession and hatred of his political enemies propelled him to do something corrupt, blame others, and ultimately lead to his downfall. Dan Rather followed the same path and outcome as Nixon.

I'm not sure I discussed any of that. I simply stated he was right here.
Why would you try to paint others as racist and then say incredibly racist things right after? That makes no sense. No one is fooled by it. I know you're a racist. You know you're a racist. Why pretend? Why be the weakest kind of racist? One who can't even be proud enough to admit your ideas align more with Southern slavers and segregationists? It really makes no sense to come off like a coward rather than someone who's proud of what you believe in.

Dinesh D'Souza got his ass owned by historian Kevin Kruse who broke down all the State and Federal politicians who opposed the civil rights act and voting rights act switching to the Republican Party or retiring as well as their aides and assistants going on later to run as Republican candidates. You can read it here.
I have never said one RACIST thing on this board. NEVER. You are a race baiting fool. You're also a fat slob. Fuck you.
I am not a civil rights era expert. I would have to read about it, so I honestly cannot answer your question. So you're saying that during Selma only Democrats marched? Link please.

This is why I have ZERO respect for you racist are too much of coward to admit that there were no right-wingers fighting for Civil Rights because those right-wingers WERE THOSE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS....

so yea, we are not a Civil Rights expert; especially when it comes to someone else's fight for Civil Rights.....

but the minute you were asked to wear a mask to go into Walmart -- suddenly you dic suckers think you are the modern day Rosa Parks...

This is why I mock you morons...
This is why I have ZERO respect for you racist are too much of coward to admit that there were no right-wingers fighting for Civil Rights because those right-wingers WERE THOSE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS....

so yea, we are not a Civil Rights expert; especially when it comes to someone else's fight for Civil Rights.....

but the minute you were asked to wear a mask to go into Walmart -- suddenly you dic suckers think you are the modern day Rosa Parks...

This is why I mock you morons...
"Racist Cucks" to you we are all the same...GOT IT!


Idiot race baiter

How come in my 41 years on this planet, people of color are still crying racism if the Democratic Party is so great? Please explain. I just told your fat racist ass that I would vote for Byron Donalds and Tim Scott. Doesn't fit your narrative though, so you ignored it. Dick.

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