Biden expresses disapproval of jury verdict by saying he is angry and concerned over it

I got that impression from the views posted online by libs about how Kyle was going to be a "bitch" or a "punk" in the penitentiary and their obvious glee about it.

Apparently, Kyle made them his bitch. :laughing0301:
Oh.... Look what I found on Fox News.

Biden never called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

"Oh, look, I can avoid having to watch the video or find out what he said by focusing on the source! I'm so glad I once again avoided having to know something!"

It's his tweet, and his campaign ad, and it doesn't stop existing just because your masters carefully avoided letting you know about it.
I also found that on fox news, and fox says Biden never called Rittenhouse a white supremicist.

' Joe Biden compared Kyle Rittenhouse to "white supremacists and militia groups" during a video posted to his Twitter in 2020.

Oh, well, if you can find someone SAYING it didn't happen, that certainly negates any need for you to read the tweet and watch the ad and find out whether or not he actually did it.

I stand by my statement: you ferociously defend your right to be as fucking ignorant and uninformed as you can. You treasure your foolishness.
He hasn't started the lawsuits yet. Remember the payoff Nicholas Sandman got from CNN? Kyle's lawsuits are going to make that one look like pocket change.

Maybe he should even sue you for slander. I'd be more than happy to provide the evidence. Boy, I'll tell ya: You were pretty much wrong on everything, ya dumb fuck.
Everybody is still scratching their heads over the judges interpretation of the hunting law.

Under Wisconsin law, anyone under 18 who possesses a dangerous weapon is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless they fall under an exception, such as for hunting, military service or target practice.

Rittenhouse's attorneys have pointed to one of those exceptions — one that is confusingly worded

Schroeder said he had been "wrestling" with the statute for a while, calling it unclear.

Ultimately, Judge Bruce Schroeder dismissed the possession charge on Monday[I/]
Oh, well, if you can find someone SAYING it didn't happen, that certainly negates any need for you to read the tweet and watch the ad and find out whether or not he actually did it.

I stand by my statement: you ferociously defend your right to be as fucking ignorant and uninformed as you can. You treasure your foolishness.
You mean Biden posted a picture of Rittenhouse next to white supremacists?

Like this one?
Yes and his dressing down of the prosecuting attorney was so prejudiced and obvious that it seemed a waste of time to continue the trial.

I don't know what happens in your sad little attempt at a country - because who gives a fuck - but in the country that matters, attorneys aren't allowed to violate the law in court, and judges control the behavior of attorneys trying to break the law in their court.

If you don't like your heroes being killed or slapped down in court, I'd suggest that you stop idolizing criminals and unethical shitbag lawyers.

Your frustrated, crying impotence makes me laugh.
You lied. You said that Biden called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist. Which even Fox News says he did not.

Now I'm waiting for the quote, so I can tear it to pieces.

Remember what Fox News said: Joe Biden compared Kyle Rittenhouse to "white supremacists and militia groups" during a video posted to his Twitter in 2020.

Do you think someone with an AR-15 is like the militia groups armed with AR-15's?

No, you're not waiting for anything. You're actively avoiding it, while pretending that you weren't given it.

You're the perfect fanboy for your dementia-ridden, poop-covered "President".
You said that Biden posting Rittenhouse next to white supremacists was calling him a white supremacist.

What about when Rittenhouse posed with white supremacists and letting them put his picture next to theirs. Weren't the proud boys calling rittenhouse a white supremacist?

Geesus, give up kid. You're acting like a five year old who's throwing a tantrum.

Do you want me to put you back on ignore or something?

Biden expresses disapproval of jury verdict by saying he is angry and concerned over it​

Of COURSE he is!!!!

1. The DementocRats didn't make any money off of it.
2. No riots were created.
3. No looting and destroying went on.
4. The DementocRats can't use "racism" as another cowardly stance, since everybody involved is white.
5. The DementocRats have to find SOME way to spin and distort this to THEIR advantage.
More proof that Biden is all but brain dead. He just screwed his own party. 2022 and 2024 will be the virtual political end of Democrat power in this country for the forseeable future. :yes_text12:
Geesus, give up kid. You're acting like a five year old who's throwing a tantrum.

Do you want me to put you back on ignore or something?
You said posting pictures side by side was the same as "calling rittenhouse a white supremacist"

Clearly you got your ass in a twist when you said Biden "called" Rittenhouse anything. That's why when I asked for the quote of Biden calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist, nobody could post it. And they still haven't been able to post it. The most they got was a twitter where rittenhouse was part of a montage.

Is that how far you've sunk ?
Just great. The ”president” has to weigh in on a jury verdict - which was the CORRECT decision! - by saying he is among those who are angry over It. IOW, our leftist government is still pandering to the violent BLM criminal thugs and taking their side when they are within inches of killing a teenager, and the teen saves his own life in self-defense.

Think about it. He pays lip service to respecting the jury verdict, but he has to add that he disagrees with it and is angry the kid wasn’t convicted.

This is EXACTLY why Joe Biden is the dumbest man we've ever had as our President! He says he's angry about the jury verdict...then declares that he wants to bring Americans together? Here's a suggestion, Joe! Shut your pie hole. Don't make a bad situation worse like you did when you called Rittenhouse a white supremacist! What are you accomplishing with that statement? Giving people a reason to take to the streets in protest because they know you really agree with them?
You said posting pictures side by side was the same as "calling rittenhouse a white supremacist"

Clearly you got your ass in a twist when you said Biden "called" Rittenhouse anything. That's why when I asked for the quote of Biden calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist, nobody could post it. And they still haven't been able to post it. The most they got was a twitter where rittenhouse was part of a montage.

Is that how far you've sunk ?

Debunked. Biden never called Rittenhouse a white supremacist

He insinuated. Pedo Joe is going to have his shit-stained ass sued off.

"There are multiple types of defamation through spoken or written false words against a person. Online defamation and defamation by implication can harm a person’s reputation or standing in his or her community. In defamation by implication, the statements made remain true but carry an insinuation that the information is false or harmful and false.

Defamation by implication is possible both by an average person and a publication in print or online. There are numerous instances of implied negative aspects of truthful information that could sway the public opinion about certain issues.

With the implication that the truth is either false or could pose a negative issue against the person through what the writer or speaker says, a defamation case is possible. Some authors or speakers may imply that other situations occur rather than just the reported details of the story. It is important to seek a lawyer when harmed by implied defamation issues."

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