Biden gets favorability bump after convention, from 40 to 45% (Trump at 32%)

Don't worry, Hillary has a 99% chance of winning according to the polls.

You know what's really funny? When someone lies to me I no longer listen to anything they have to say and I ignore them. The polls lied to liberals in 2016 and instead of ignoring them, they suck them up like they are god all over again. Don't you know Trump supporters and playing games with the polls? I've been polled 3 times and every time I told them I'd be voting for Biden, 100%. And like good little poll takers, they copied down exactly what I'd said.

And I lied through my fucking teeth. And so did every single person in my family who got a call. All said they were voting for Biden. None would vote for Biden on their death bed.

You stupid fucking morons are too dumb to rub two sticks together.
Last edited:
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.
Biden's opinion is validated with his vote for legislation that imprisoned thousands of blacks.
biden said it did everything locking the SOB's up
Harris opinion has been validated by her own actions

You're echoing something and not providing any evidence to support your claim. I'm sure whatever you have read did not come in full context.

BTW, you didn't rebut my comments about Trump and his supporters ideas on justice. They are easily supported by Trump's Rallies and tweets on the Internet as facts.
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.
Biden's opinion is validated with his vote for legislation that imprisoned thousands of blacks.
biden said it did everything locking the SOB's up
Harris opinion has been validated by her own actions

You're echoing something and not providing any evidence to support your claim. I'm sure whatever you have read did not come in full context.

BTW, you didn't rebut my comments about Trump and his supporters ideas on justice. They are easily supported by Trump's Rallies and tweets on the Internet as facts.
it's a fact if you knew anything about Biden and Harris you would know it's true
You're the bullshitter talking about Justice and attacking the president saying he's unjust yet support two of the biggest frauds of justice the democrat party could have placed in the general election.
Last edited:
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

MAGAt at 32%?
That's truly amazing. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.
How in the world are that many people still falling for his daily litany of lies, stealing, cheating and twitting?
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

MAGAt at 32%?
That's truly amazing. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.
How in the world are that many people still falling for his daily litany of lies, stealing, cheating and twitting?
so explain why do you believe the continuously lying leftists controlled mainstream media? And I'm not being sarcastic either.
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
Quit wasting your time with this drivel. It means absolutely nothing. Current polling means nothing. Because polls do not take Russia into account, and Trump has Russia in his pocket.
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
Quit wasting your time with this drivel. It means absolutely nothing. Current polling means nothing. Because polls do not take Russia into account, and Trump has Russia in his pocket.
Russia is who gave Steele his dossier information
Maybe you have forgotten that little piece of information
Here's The Real Reason That Polls Always Survey Way More Democrats Than Republicans

"In many recent polls, The percent of people interviewed who say they are Democrats has been consistently higher than the number of people who identify as Republicans."

"What some polls actually do in order to represent a state is they will sample for demographic information, like gender and race. Still, not all polls do that."

The Devil is really in the details when it comes to polling.
Only an idiot would vote for that Biden clown. A real morally confused dumbass. You know, like somebody that thought Crooked Hillary was honest and voted for her in 2016. Or one of these morons that were so idiotic they voted for Obama thinking he was going to do a good job.

when biden's sister says he is a liar & can't be trusted...

like maryanne trump did ...

then we'll revisit this m'k?

Just ask Hunter Biden's cocaine supplier if Hunter is his best customer after Hunter getting that sweet billion dollar hedgefund from his father's Chicom buddies.

Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.

steve bannon is CONvict # 10 that was within donny's orbit.

LO!!! ' the law & order president '
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
Just so you know. You and others have allies and opportunities to use nuclear, biological and chemical agents on areas of this nation. So use what you get to further your agendas.

What are my agendas?

I suppose if you read my signature line, and then consider my comments on my support / desire for equal rights for all of our citizens, equal opportunities for all of our citizens and equal justice for all of our citizens you might call me a libtard, a commie or an idiot.
You got the attention. Frankly you always have. The criminal codes must be changed. But the state, local, regional and city governments get money from infractions. Plus everything we pay for to drive a vehicle including insurances. Are they taxed too? More redlining of areas is most certainly going to happen. With taxes goin gup and insurance cost rising the civil people will just love it. The Progs control areas. Why none of them have changed the criminal codes is on them, not everyone else.

I'm not sure after reading this post ^^^ what you mean. If you mean fines for infractions (parking tickets and moving violations for example) and the fine is sometimes less than the penalty assessments I get that. The way to avoid the fines and PA's is simple. obey the laws.

Perhaps that should be emphasized to the terrorists using violence arson and attempted murder/murder in the Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... By emphasis, I mean crack down hard on their violent demonstrations and assaults on police and citizens......
I'd love to see fire hoses dousing the violators with high pressure water/dye so they can be picked out later.

I'm sure you would, and you'd approve of them being placed in RR Box Cars and taken to concentration camps too. Of course you didn't consider that violence begets violence and the facts that ignited a violent response was created by rogue police officers, Sheriff Deputies, and then unidentified Federal Agents used violence against all protestors - those who were exercising their First Amendment Rights, and the criminals who committed vandalism and arson.

Read your post now that it's morning and you've sobered up and laugh at you like everyone else is
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.

That's just stupid. No one said that, you made it up. And wow, you did a suck ass job of making up things no one said but you
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
Just so you know. You and others have allies and opportunities to use nuclear, biological and chemical agents on areas of this nation. So use what you get to further your agendas.

What are my agendas?

I suppose if you read my signature line, and then consider my comments on my support / desire for equal rights for all of our citizens, equal opportunities for all of our citizens and equal justice for all of our citizens you might call me a libtard, a commie or an idiot.
You got the attention. Frankly you always have. The criminal codes must be changed. But the state, local, regional and city governments get money from infractions. Plus everything we pay for to drive a vehicle including insurances. Are they taxed too? More redlining of areas is most certainly going to happen. With taxes goin gup and insurance cost rising the civil people will just love it. The Progs control areas. Why none of them have changed the criminal codes is on them, not everyone else.

I'm not sure after reading this post ^^^ what you mean. If you mean fines for infractions (parking tickets and moving violations for example) and the fine is sometimes less than the penalty assessments I get that. The way to avoid the fines and PA's is simple. obey the laws.

Perhaps that should be emphasized to the terrorists using violence arson and attempted murder/murder in the Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... By emphasis, I mean crack down hard on their violent demonstrations and assaults on police and citizens......
I'd love to see fire hoses dousing the violators with high pressure water/dye so they can be picked out later.

I'm sure you would, and you'd approve of them being placed in RR Box Cars and taken to concentration camps too. Of course you didn't consider that violence begets violence and the facts that ignited a violent response was created by rogue police officers, Sheriff Deputies, and then unidentified Federal Agents used violence against all protestors - those who were exercising their First Amendment Rights, and the criminals who committed vandalism and arson.

That's a big leap from what I wrote. Conservatives are not the ones that tried to repeat Kristallnacht in Seattle.

Those looters, vandals and arsonists are not progressives, liberals, Democrats, conservatives or Republicans; they are Criminals. They maybe agent provocateurs, anarchists or just iniquitous.

And it's the Democrats who keep conflating them with the peaceful protesters and protecting them. Democrat mayors, Democrat counsels, Democrat protected police unions have created this situation and Democrats are still doing everything they can to shelter the looters and rioters and no one is harmed more than inner city blacks and black business owners. You're just wonderful people ...
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.

steve bannon is CONvict # 10 that was within donny's orbit.

LO!!! ' the law & order president '

Documenting the Democrat party criminalization of politics, are you?
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

From the linked article's poll source:

Among those Americans who watched any of the proceedings, a large majority approve of what the Democrats said and did. However, among Americans who did not watch any of the convention, majorities have a more negative view. ...
However, among Americans who more frequently align with President Trump, very few gave the DNC positive reviews.
  • Over half (57%) of Americans with a high school degree or less and 60% of people in the battleground region of the Midwest report not seeing any of the convention.
    • Eighty-three percent of Republicans and 61% of white Americans without a college degree disapprove of the content of the DNC.
    • Among Republicans and Independents who heard news of the convention, but did not watch it themselves, 70% disapprove of the DNC.
With a sample size of under 750 participants, I am not impressed.
Everybody knows who they're voting for.
Biden gets 0 Red States.
The Liberals have pissed everyone off to the extent that there will be a record number of Rs voting.
Apparently not. Donnie's numbers keep going down and Joe's keep going up. Has Donnie ever been as low as 32%?
Sure, puppy!
You keep listening to NBC!
You keep listening to Rasmussen tell you Republicans will win the House in 2018.
Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.

steve bannon is CONvict # 10 that was within donny's orbit.

LO!!! ' the law & order president '

Pussygrabber's administration is a criminal enterprise, even his retired judge sister despises him...

Well here's what we were looking for. Did Biden get a bump from the convention?
Prior to the convention, Biden had a net negative favorability rating, with slightly more Americans having an unfavorable view of the former vice president than a favorable one. In the days after the convention, Biden's favorability ticked up from 40% just over a week ago to 45% in the new poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.
The question is how can 33% of people approve of Trump.
But I understand Hitler had a 30% approval rate in Germany after WWWII.
There are a lot of stupid, sick people in the world. One is our President.

Democrats, uniting the country! LOL. Douche

Republicans are dividing our country, it began with Gingrich and Delay, and has continued for decades. Trump, however, has trumped their decades long effort into making the Pledge of Allegiance a mockery.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are no longer one nation, we are no longer indivisible, and we have never ever provided liberty and justice for all. Donald Trump has made sure we will be divided as long as he remains President; his call for law and order is hateful rhetoric when he eliminated a critical word: JUSTICE!
grow up kid you don't get rewarded for misbehaving. how do you feel about Biden's bill that locked blacks up? Harris aggressively locking blacks up and laughing about doing it. Fighting to keep innocent people in prison? Is that the justice you believe in?

It's not my opinion and it's not Biden's either. Trump's idea is to listen to and applaud his base who chant "lock her up" without the her being arrested, indicted and convicted. And Trump's base who support a felon who twice admitted guilt and because he is a friend of Trump and his lap dog Barr is seeking to exonerate Flynn.

That's not justice to me, I suppose it is to you.

steve bannon is CONvict # 10 that was within donny's orbit.

LO!!! ' the law & order president '

Pussygrabber's administration is a criminal enterprise, even his retired judge sister despises him...

And yet you voted for a rapist ... twice ...

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