Biden Has Always Been a Doofus

I've never understood though.........citizens have the power to remove any political official from office for not doing their job, which is given to us by the Constitution. Yet, nobody uses it. Why?

I've signed so many petitions to get criminal elements ejected out of office, and put my name on so many lists to get them sued and cited for treason and dragged to prison.......but yet nothing happens. If SO many citizens want these criminal elements gone, then I would assume that these petitions would be flooded with signatures.......more than enough to carry out our wishes.
But they never seem to get the signatures they need, or get enough citizens to sign up for backing those who have the power to get these lunatics out of office and into prison cells.


As my school teachers always told us.........If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
The Amazing Biden is a Bad Ass


Best first hundred days EVER
This Dufus (Doofus) piece of shit is an embarrassment to this country. Everything the shithead is doing is wrong.

Anybody that voted for the clown and then ignored the fact that he stole the election is a moron.
I've never understood though.........citizens have the power to remove any political official from office for not doing their job, which is given to us by the Constitution. Yet, nobody uses it. Why?

I've signed so many petitions to get criminal elements ejected out of office, and put my name on so many lists to get them sued and cited for treason and dragged to prison.......but yet nothing happens. If SO many citizens want these criminal elements gone, then I would assume that these petitions would be flooded with signatures.......more than enough to carry out our wishes.
But they never seem to get the signatures they need, or get enough citizens to sign up for backing those who have the power to get these lunatics out of office and into prison cells.


As my school teachers always told us.........If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
I think people see what you see, and I've seen it too, all these petitions that circulate but nothing ever happens, so why sign them?
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Serious criticism of Biden by a famous economist and a Supreme Ct justice

democRats have always picked the biggest and stupid clown to run for president but besides the same old criminal piece of shit this biden jokers make even the usual no informed voter look like the bed wetting drooling democRat. Think how great if we allowed genocide to take it's course weeding out the dependents and useless garbage. The worst thing is these troops won't do their duty. I was thinking to mail them a short rope and they would figure it out and give us a large Mississippi wind chime. I BET IF SOME ONE SAT DOWN JOE AND READ HIM THE CONSTITITION HE WOULD STILL BE A PIECE OF SHIT ONLY HAVE TWO BLACK EYES AND FIT IN A MATCH BOX WITH THE SHIT KNOCKED OUT OF HIM AND SOMEONE WOULD BE A REAL HAPPY CAMPER. LET'S PASS HIM AROUND.

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