Biden is coming for trump

Actually the evidence shows a guilty president hiding evidence by forcing people not to testify and withholding documents while all trumps investigations and claims have produced nothing.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that is what Joe Biden's videotaped confession shows....

The only people talking down to blacks are republicans.
That videotape was not what you say. Just watch what happens to trump once the nominee is named.
Biden gave a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, BRAGGED about it, gloated about Obama knowing....

Joe is a punkass Extortionist...Barry's whole administration members were criminals, liars. Perjurors, FISA Court members, spies, etc...
Joe tip toed through the debates while the other Democrats tore Bloomberg apart. Now that he is a front runner, the spotlight turns back on him and the corruption he and Hunter engaged in with Ukraine and China. Obama thought he was off the hook until yesterday.
Nobody really cares about that conspiracy theory
Especially Ukraine

Trump would be wise not to bring up his Ukraine lie.
Trump should bring up everything. Every iota. There is nothing to lose. Go back into Joe's family...generations even. Joe should not have run. Something is afoot.

It would not be wise for trump to do that. For some reason it doesn't register with you trump blowjob artists that trump has been corrupt his entire life.
Actually the evidence shows a guilty president hiding evidence by forcing people not to testify and withholding documents while all trumps investigations and claims have produced nothing.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that is what Joe Biden's videotaped confession shows....


Exactly, and when trump tries to bring up this lie, that will be explained to the nation and trump will look like the liar he is. The Ukrainian parliament wanted Shokin removed. The video from an interview that easydumbass keeps claiming is a confession is just his wish and a wet dream.


You and the Dementia-suffering Extortionists better get used to seeing Joe's videotaped confession, in whichhe says Obama knew all about it and condoned it, over and over and over and over.......

That's no confession and you can keep posting that soundbite all you want, but it doesn't change the truth.

Lil' snowflake, the only thing Biden is coming for is your GUNS....

Beto’s Back As Biden’s Chief Gun Grabber
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers... better tell president Hilary that biden is going to get Trump, and the Bush family, and obama, and Stormy Daniels, and Michael Avenatti, and mueller, comey, stzrok, paige.....and all the rest who got Trump too......

Oh....and this...

The following data is from Decision Desk HQ, as of 11:50 p.m. EST, with many votes still being counted. In those states in which Republican voter turnout exceeded Democrat voter turnout, the Republican numbers are bolded. In those states in which Republicans, while fewer in number than Democrats, still made a good showing, Republican numbers are bolded and italicized.

In Alabama, with 88.44% of votes counted, 387,762 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 623,732 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 613,799 votes.

In Arkansas, with 69.28% of votes counted, 216,840 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 233,898 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 227,078 votes.

In California, with only 12.37% of votes counted, 1,030,439 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 625,295 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 573,611 votes.

In Colorado, with 97.25% of votes counted, 665,014 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 612,497 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 568,143 votes.

In Massachusetts, with 74.49% of votes counted, 978,054 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 169,317 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 150,602 votes.

In North Carolina, with 101.34% of votes counted (yes, you read that correctly), 1,258,615 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 781,960 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 750,074 votes.

In Oklahoma, with 98.87% of votes counted, 303,977 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 292,117 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 273,562 votes.

In Tennessee, with 100.00% of votes counted, 486,091 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 388,975 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 381,041 votes.

In Texas, with 45.24% of votes counted, 1,320,425 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 1,295,764 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 1,266,396 votes.

In Utah, with 93.01% of votes counted, 160,399 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 292,354 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 259,650 votes.

In Vermont, with 88.36% of votes counted, 148,652 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 36,702 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 32,611 votes.

(Some of these numbers are still subject to change, but the relative values have not changed much over the past few hours as of this writing.)

Despite being the incumbent, Trump is still having monster rallies across America. Moreover, in several of the above states, while Republicans could well have sat this one out, they made the effort to vote for Trump.

People aren’t bored with Trump; they are still thrilled. No matter the hype on the Democrat side of the race, it turns out that many Trump haters are happier to tweet their discontent with Trump and their support for one candidate or another than they are to make the effort to vote.
I cannot wait until AOC and the Squid Squad start slicing and dicing Dementia Joe!
You might understand that when the fall campaign starts, these are the people who will be gutting trump. So will the Obamas, and they have plenty to blow trump up with.
Exactly, and when trump tries to bring up this lie, that will be explained to the nation and trump will look like the liar he is. The Ukrainian parliament wanted Shokin removed. The video from an interview that easydumbass keeps claiming is a confession is just his wish and a wet dream.


You and the Dementia-suffering Extortionists better get used to seeing Joe's videotaped confession, in whichhe says Obama knew all about it and condoned it, over and over and over and over.......

That's no confession and you can keep posting that soundbite all you want, but it doesn't change the truth.

Lil' snowflake, the only thing Biden is coming for is your GUNS....

Beto’s Back As Biden’s Chief Gun Grabber

Yes.....running on gun control was a great success in the 1990s when clinton pushed the Assault Weapon ban........and lost control of congress for the democrat for the first time in about 40 years....

Now....they have a guy who says he is going to go house to house and confiscate guns, and arrest their owners running with biden...

So yeah...... be awesome democrats....
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
You're even more of a clown than sleepy Jo is.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers... better tell president Hilary that biden is going to get Trump, and the Bush family, and obama, and Stormy Daniels, and Michael Avenatti, and mueller, comey, stzrok, paige.....and all the rest who got Trump too......

Oh....and this...

The following data is from Decision Desk HQ, as of 11:50 p.m. EST, with many votes still being counted. In those states in which Republican voter turnout exceeded Democrat voter turnout, the Republican numbers are bolded. In those states in which Republicans, while fewer in number than Democrats, still made a good showing, Republican numbers are bolded and italicized.

In Alabama, with 88.44% of votes counted, 387,762 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 623,732 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 613,799 votes.

In Arkansas, with 69.28% of votes counted, 216,840 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 233,898 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 227,078 votes.

In California, with only 12.37% of votes counted, 1,030,439 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 625,295 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 573,611 votes.

In Colorado, with 97.25% of votes counted, 665,014 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 612,497 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 568,143 votes.

In Massachusetts, with 74.49% of votes counted, 978,054 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 169,317 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 150,602 votes.

In North Carolina, with 101.34% of votes counted (yes, you read that correctly), 1,258,615 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 781,960 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 750,074 votes.

In Oklahoma, with 98.87% of votes counted, 303,977 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 292,117 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 273,562 votes.

In Tennessee, with 100.00% of votes counted, 486,091 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 388,975 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 381,041 votes.

In Texas, with 45.24% of votes counted, 1,320,425 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 1,295,764 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 1,266,396 votes.

In Utah, with 93.01% of votes counted, 160,399 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 292,354 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 259,650 votes.

In Vermont, with 88.36% of votes counted, 148,652 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 36,702 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 32,611 votes.

(Some of these numbers are still subject to change, but the relative values have not changed much over the past few hours as of this writing.)

Despite being the incumbent, Trump is still having monster rallies across America. Moreover, in several of the above states, while Republicans could well have sat this one out, they made the effort to vote for Trump.

People aren’t bored with Trump; they are still thrilled. No matter the hype on the Democrat side of the race, it turns out that many Trump haters are happier to tweet their discontent with Trump and their support for one candidate or another than they are to make the effort to vote.

Lol! Trump is running in an unopposed primary where he has pressured state republican parties to not put his challengers on the ballot. The American thinker is a right wing trump ass kissing propaganda piece of shit, so you wasted bandwidth with fake news.
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.

Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?

the guy who made his family rich by embezzling our tax dollars out of countries that it should of gone to. Lets vote for ___ because he actually grabs women and kids. all seriousness its not right for people around _____ [ his handlers] to deceive him and tell him he can be POTUS ! true friends should call the man to the side and tell him the truth ! he's slipping ! its obvious that _____ is not mentally able to be POTUS !
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
trump is going to lose folks. Enjoy your little time left.
The only people talking down to blacks are republicans.
Biden gave a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, BRAGGED about it, gloated about Obama knowing....

Joe is a punkass Extortionist...Barry's whole administration members were criminals, liars. Perjurors, FISA Court members, spies, etc...
Joe tip toed through the debates while the other Democrats tore Bloomberg apart. Now that he is a front runner, the spotlight turns back on him and the corruption he and Hunter engaged in with Ukraine and China. Obama thought he was off the hook until yesterday.
Nobody really cares about that conspiracy theory
Especially Ukraine

Trump would be wise not to bring up his Ukraine lie.
Trump should bring up everything. Every iota. There is nothing to lose. Go back into Joe's family...generations even. Joe should not have run. Something is afoot.

It would not be wise for trump to do that. For some reason it doesn't register with you trump blowjob artists that trump has been corrupt his entire life.
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.

Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?

the guy who made his family rich by embezzling our tax dollars out of countries that it should of gone to. Lets vote for ___ because he actually grabs women and kids. all seriousness its not right for people around _____ [ his handlers] to deceive him and tell him he can be POTUS ! true friends should call the man to the side and tell him the truth ! he's slipping ! its obvious that _____ is not mentally able to be POTUS !
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.
Trump would be wise not to bring up his Ukraine lie.
"If you don't fire The Prosecutor investigating my son, You are not getting the Millions.!"

False narrative. Fake quote. Otherwise known as lies only Banana Republicans claim to believe.

Russian memes are too cute. But I suppose they passes for knowledge back in homeland huh?

Did Putinbear send you that?
Actually the evidence shows a guilty president hiding evidence by forcing people not to testify and withholding documents while all trumps investigations and claims have produced nothing.

"I remember going over and convincing our team, others, to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) (BARRY KNEW) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."


The practice of obtaining something, especially favors or money, through force or threats.


Watch Biden Brag About Bribing Ukraine To Fire Investigator Of Son's Biz
I cannot wait until AOC and the Squid Squad start slicing and dicing Dementia Joe!
You might understand that when the fall campaign starts, these are the people who will be gutting trump. So will the Obamas, and they have plenty to blow trump up with.

The American public know the Dimms have no positive policy platform; as their ONLY PLATFORM is to beat Trump. And that's a loser.
I wonder if all these uneducated low information Moon Bats that think Biden is the Bee Knees realize that if all the Berniebros don't get their man because the DNC screwed them then they are going to be pissed as hell. Many won't vote and many will vote third party. They may even trash the Moon Bat Convention.

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