Biden is forcing higher emissions standards before auto manufacturers can meet them


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Which means, you guessed it, auto shortages.

That is what Biden is best at after all.

But Biden and his elite class cares nothing for you, and will push this no matter how much pain it causes any of you.

The sick part is, even if it has zero impact on global temperatures, it won't matter. There are no goals to meet other than implementing their agendas that have no measurable criteria to show success or failure related to their agendas.
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The auto manufacturers always say that. Yet they always meet the standards.

And you fell for it again? Is there any conspiracy anywhere that you don't fall for?
Same complaint from the manufacturers as with emission controls, seatbelts, air bags, crash protection, etc., etc.

The onl worth noting on this one is the American working class again siding with big business instead of siding with their best interests!
The auto manufacturers always say that. Yet they always meet the standards.

And you fell for it again? Is there any conspiracy anywhere that you don't fall for?
Always met the standards regardless of the restrictions, time lines and guidelines from government?

Yeah .. right .. I can think of a couple examples that squash your theory: VW in 2015, when they were caught cheating on diesel standards for their vehicles in order to meet the desired outcomes. Kia was unable to meet standards on time in 2021 ... Fiat was unable to meet standards in 2019 ... and .. and .. and ..

Which means, you guessed it, auto shortages.

That is what Biden is best at after all.

But Biden and his elite class cares nothing for you, and will push this no matter how much pain it causes any of you.

The sick part is, even if it has zero impact on global temperatures, it won't matter. There are no goals to meet other than implementing their agendas that have no measurable criteria to show success or failure related to their agendas.
The price for pickup trucks is already out of reach. Biden is hammering one more nail in America's economic coffin. I hope the next time he falls down the Air Force One stairs, he reaches the bottom and smashes that empty skull of his.

Which means, you guessed it, auto shortages.

That is what Biden is best at after all.

But Biden and his elite class cares nothing for you, and will push this no matter how much pain it causes any of you.

The sick part is, even if it has zero impact on global temperatures, it won't matter. There are no goals to meet other than implementing their agendas that have no measurable criteria to show success or failure related to their agendas.

This is your second "Chicken Little" post today.
This is your second "Chicken Little" post today.
Here is the official announcement, released by the EPA today...

Here is commentary....


Which means, you guessed it, auto shortages.

That is what Biden is best at after all.

But Biden and his elite class cares nothing for you, and will push this no matter how much pain it causes any of you.

The sick part is, even if it has zero impact on global temperatures, it won't matter. There are no goals to meet other than implementing their agendas that have no measurable criteria to show success or failure related to their agendas.
Wow... a few days ago the man was supposedly wearing a diaper and drooling into a cup. Now he's taking your car from you.
The auto manufacturers always say that. Yet they always meet the standards.

And you fell for it again? Is there any conspiracy anywhere that you don't fall for?
The American companies' decades used to come to D.C. cup in hand begging for rollbacks or to be marked on the curve with emissions. The Asians were pulling away with technology and quality of their vehicles. Emissions screwed with the computer systems and our vehicles were archaic. They even made sure truck sales had exemptions. So, the auto workers and management made inferior vehicles. The workers retired and left Detroit for greener pastures and live like kings as the American auto industry is slowly dying. China when they enter vehicle and passenger jets will end the suffering.
I'd sure like to see input from the other party on this. When our two parties refuse to intelligently and honestly collaborate, all we're going to get out of government is overreaction, overcompensation, and wild swings back and forth.

As a result, nothing big gets done, and we stagnate and then decay.

How in the world we don't see this is one of the great mysteries of life.
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I'd sure like to see input from the other party on this. When our two parties refuse to intelligently and honestly collaborate, all we're going to get out of government is overreaction, overcompensation, and wild swings back and forth.

As a result, nothing big gets done, and we stagnate and then decay.

How in the world we don't see this is one of the great mysteries of life.
Why? You no longer come here to debate, remember?
It isn't about climate. It's about money and squashing people into smaller and smaller areas.

If you force people to buy cars they can't afford then penalize them when they can't afford them eventually they won't have a car. They will have to rely on public transportation which is what Kamala has been harping about for a while now by telling how awesome electric buses are and how you can charge your phone them during your ride.

Take away people's ability to freely travel then they have to stay in there area they live in. Start building rental property and apartments in a area then you push them all into that area where rent keeps them stuck there.

That means more land they can buy up and own while the serfs live in smaller areas they work and live in.

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