Biden puts the cart before the horse...and it will cost YOU $4,161 /month for 20 years!

Yeah, thats what I thought.

Yeah, thats what I thought.

View attachment 800155
I know, I know, these FACTS are too hard and too complicated for a 4th grader... but thankfully the majority of readers CAN add/subtract/multiple and divide and so these FACTS are the FACTS!

Today without building another power plant, the USA uses : 4,165,030,000,000 kWh per year generated by 11,070 power plants
FACT supporting above statement:Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
FACT: The average EV uses about .32 kWh per mile.
FACT supporting above: How much electricity does an electric car use? | EVBox.
Now for MORE FACTS substantiated with LINKS!
FACT: 13,476 average miles are what an average American drives per year

FACT: according to the below link by 2030 there will be 26 million electric vehicles.,projected%20in%20the%202018%20report.
SO LETS do some simple math:
26 million EVs traveling average of 13,476 miles per year or 350,376,000,000 miles averaging .32 kWh/mile or total kWh needed:112,120,320,000

That's the simple math.

Summary 26 million EVs will use 112 billion kWh per year.

The average cost of constructing a power plant that takes about 3 years is: $1,661.00 cost per kWh

When you multiple 112,120,320,000 kWh (annual EV usage) X $1,661/kWh to build that's a total of $186,231,851,520,000 !
For you.. $186 Trillion dollars!
Now YOU TELL ME where will the "$186 Trillion dollars! come from"?
ANSWER: The 123 million American households when the pay their electric bill for or when they buy groceries, or services all the businesses
will pass their electric power plant constructions by the utilities. That comes out to $1,514,080/ american household.
Over 20 years $75,704/ year or per month $6,309... PER MONTH!
OK so let's assume the EVs DECREASE from .32 kWh/ mile to .08 kWh/mile..or 40% increase.... geez that will mean just $3,785/month!

Lord John Whorfin : "Laugh-a while you can, Monkey-boy"
"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (Across the 8th Dimension)"
I know, I know, these FACTS are too hard and too complicated for a 4th grader... but thankfully the majority of readers CAN add/subtract/multiple and divide and so these FACTS are the FACTS!

Today without building another power plant, the USA uses : 4,165,030,000,000 kWh per year generated by 11,070 power plants
FACT supporting above statement:Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
FACT: The average EV uses about .32 kWh per mile.
FACT supporting above: How much electricity does an electric car use? | EVBox.
Now for MORE FACTS substantiated with LINKS!
FACT: 13,476 average miles are what an average American drives per year

FACT: according to the below link by 2030 there will be 26 million electric vehicles.,projected%20in%20the%202018%20report.
SO LETS do some simple math:
26 million EVs traveling average of 13,476 miles per year or 350,376,000,000 miles averaging .32 kWh/mile or total kWh needed:112,120,320,000

That's the simple math.

Summary 26 million EVs will use 112 billion kWh per year.

The average cost of constructing a power plant that takes about 3 years is: $1,661.00 cost per kWh

When you multiple 112,120,320,000 kWh (annual EV usage) X $1,661/kWh to build that's a total of $186,231,851,520,000 !
For you.. $186 Trillion dollars!
Now YOU TELL ME where will the "$186 Trillion dollars! come from"?
ANSWER: The 123 million American households when the pay their electric bill for or when they buy groceries, or services all the businesses
will pass their electric power plant constructions by the utilities. That comes out to $1,514,080/ american household.
Over 20 years $75,704/ year or per month $6,309... PER MONTH!
OK so let's assume the EVs DECREASE from .32 kWh/ mile to .08 kWh/mile..or 40% increase.... geez that will mean just $3,785/month!

Lord John Whorfin : "Laugh-a while you can, Monkey-boy"
"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (Across the 8th Dimension)"
Nobody cares.

Do you really think the average American will get a 4,000 electric bill? That is what you said in the OP.
Nobody cares.

Do you really think the average American will get a 4,000 electric bill? That is what you said in the OP.
Well you tell me. When your electric utility builds a new plant, where does the money come from to build it?
The federal government? That's your tax dollars! So they borrow the money? Who pays the loan payments? You do with your service payments.
Attached is a partial copy of my electric utility bill.
The base charge is what I would pay to the utility for their construction costs.
If 26.4 million EVs will require each about 4,000 kWh of electricity per year or a total of 105,600,000,000 kWh where it come from?
$1,661 cost per kWh to build new power plant or a total of 105,600,000,000 kWh or $175,401,600,000,000.
Where will the electric utilities get the $175 Trillion? From the 123 million American households...directly or indirectly through businesses passing on their utility increases. Either way the average American household will be paying again directly or indirectly $1,426,029 or per year for 20 years $71,301 or per month for 20 years:$ 5,941/month.
Please.. I'm not making up a single number! I've provided the links. And check these number out!
But our dumb ass government and I've searched for any substantiation where they discuss where the additional kWh will come from...ZERO much less the cost of adding! And then this DUMB ass Biden says...
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

This includes in his dumb ass guarantee the elimination of 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States.May 11, 2023
So this dumb ass wants to get rid of 3,400 fossil fuel plants that generate,,,In 2022, about 4,243 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or about 4.24 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States. About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases
60%!!!!! So reduce nearly 2/3 of existing electric generating and then stupidly add EVs.. AND By the way... where are EV trucks in their numbers?
An average EV truck will use 4.3 kWh/ mile or one EV truck averaging 60,000 miles will need 258,000 kWh! 10 million EV trucks? 2.58 Trillion kWh!

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Well you tell me. When your electric utility builds a new plant, where does the money come from to build it?
The federal government? That's your tax dollars! So they borrow the money? Who pays the loan payments? You do with your service payments.
Attached is a partial copy of my electric utility bill.
The base charge is what I would pay to the utility for their construction costs.
If 26.4 million EVs will require each about 4,000 kWh of electricity per year or a total of 105,600,000,000 kWh where it come from?
$1,661 cost per kWh to build new power plant or a total of 105,600,000,000 kWh or $175,401,600,000,000.
Where will the electric utilities get the $175 Trillion? From the 123 million American households...directly or indirectly through businesses passing on their utility increases. Either way the average American household will be paying again directly or indirectly $1,426,029 or per year for 20 years $71,301 or per month for 20 years:$ 5,941/month.
Please.. I'm not making up a single number! I've provided the links. And check these number out!
But our dumb ass government and I've searched for any substantiation where they discuss where the additional kWh will come from...ZERO much less the cost of adding! And then this DUMB ass Biden says...
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

This includes in his dumb ass guarantee the elimination of 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States.May 11, 2023
So this dumb ass wants to get rid of 3,400 fossil fuel plants that generate,,,In 2022, about 4,243 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or about 4.24 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States. About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases
60%!!!!! So reduce nearly 2/3 of existing electric generating and then stupidly add EVs.. AND By the way... where are EV trucks in their numbers?
An average EV truck will use 4.3 kWh/ mile or one EV truck averaging 60,000 miles will need 258,000 kWh! 10 million EV trucks? 2.58 Trillion kWh!

View attachment 800177


It was a yes or no question.

Do you really think the average American will get a 4,000 electric bill? That is what you said in the OP.

It was a yes or no question.

Do you really think the average American will get a 4,000 electric bill? That is what you said in the OP.
A) Biden wants to rid fossil fuels which provides 60% of our current 4.5 Trillion kWh.
B) Biden encourages MORE electricity use at least 105 Billion kWh for 26 million cars.
If you don't comprehend the direct relationship between generating an additional 105 billion kWh for EVs and another 2.5 trillion kWh by eliminating fossil fuel electric plants... YOU tell me where this nearly 3 trillion kWh will come from?
So YES the average American HOUSEHOLD by the way you missed the whole point... NOT all 300 million Americans... but the 123 million households... I know , I know. the devil is in the details which people like you just gloss over!
So I presented FACTs you are making unsubstantiated guesses!

It was a yes or no question.

Do you really think the average American will get a 4,000 electric bill? That is what you said in the OP.
You have to admit that when they warm up the printing presses, it won't help our runaway inflation.
A) Biden wants to rid fossil fuels which provides 60% of our current 4.5 Trillion kWh.
B) Biden encourages MORE electricity use at least 105 Billion kWh for 26 million cars.
If you don't comprehend the direct relationship between generating an additional 105 billion kWh for EVs and another 2.5 trillion kWh by eliminating fossil fuel electric plants... YOU tell me where this nearly 3 trillion kWh will come from?
So YES the average American HOUSEHOLD by the way you missed the whole point... NOT all 300 million Americans... but the 123 million households... I know , I know. the devil is in the details which people like you just gloss over!
So I presented FACTs you are making unsubstantiated guesses!
So I guess that is a "no". Why did you post it?
So I guess that is a "no". Why did you post it?
Why are you asking for an obvious answer to your dumb ass question?
Where will the utility companies get the money to build the power plants to provide an additional 105 billion kWh to power the 26 million EVs?
$175,401,600,000,000. That's the reality if dummies like you keep asking dumb ass questions when you think you are helping the environment!
Pure unadulterated ignorance on your part. Ultimately the $4,000/month over 20 years will come from YOU and millions like you.
But being part of the Idiocracy crowd... you'll be scrounging around for food to eat!
"Idiocracy" totally the direction we are going!
Why are you asking for an obvious answer to your dumb ass question?
Where will the utility companies get the money to build the power plants to provide an additional 105 billion kWh to power the 26 million EVs?
$175,401,600,000,000. That's the reality if dummies like you keep asking dumb ass questions when you think you are helping the environment!
Pure unadulterated ignorance on your part. Ultimately the $4,000/month over 20 years will come from YOU and millions like you.
But being part of the Idiocracy crowd... you'll be scrounging around for food to eat!
"Idiocracy" totally the direction we are going!

So again, the answer is "no". Thanks for confirming your OP is complete horse shit.
So again, the answer is "no". Thanks for confirming your OP is complete horse shit.
That's right you are a simple-minded 4th grade mentality that truly doesn't comprehend the enormity of the issue.
So either directly or indirectly the answer is YES! At some time sooner rather than later, YOUR electric bill will skyrocket as will inflation skyrocket as more
and more EVs take the road demanding kW hours! And the fact that is so simple to comprehend goes over your head doesn't surprise me.
So let's play simpleton for your benefit:
Experts predict 26.4 million EVs in 6 years (2030) report concludes that:,on U.S. roads in 2030.
Average EV owner will use annually JUST for their EV 4,000 kWh...
26.4 million times 4,000 equals 105.6 Billion additional kWh on top of the 2.5 Trillion kWh fossil fuel generated utilities that Biden guarantees to get rid of:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

OR 2.5 Trillion kWh additional power plants that are NOT fossil fuels..
Since it costs $1,661 per kWh to build new power plant Power Plant Construction: How Much Does It Cost? | ProEst
To replace the 6,642 fossil fuel plants Biden wants to be rid of AND the additional 280 plants JUST for EVs consumption or a total of 2.6 Trillion kWh to be replaced at
$1,661/kWh per plant or a total of 7,000 NEW power plants generating 2,600,000,000,000 kWh a total cost to replace fossil fuel and additional EVs kWh or a total of
$4,326,270,498,000,000 -again for your simple that $4.3 quadrillion!
Your president said" I guarantee to get rid of fossil fuels" which means 6,642 fossil fuel plants, ADDing for 26.4 million EVs another 105.6 Billion kWh and by the way..
no mention of EV TRUCKS that will need for 10 million trucks an additional 2,580,000,000,000 kWh in traveling 60,000 miles/year/truck using 4.3 kWh/ mile?

Have you heard anything like the above FACTS?

You're always good for a laugh.
You copied from my comment ..YOU, ME and 123 million households electric bills will be increased per year for 20 years to pay for the power plants an average per household per month of $4,161 for your electric bill!
And the you said:You're always good for a laugh."

Your electric bill has two basic components:
Base Charge where the construction costs will be passed on to you for any new power plants being built by your utility.
Energy charge: This will be where the average charge will increase by about 4,000 kWh per year due to your EV.
So there will be two increases averaging $4,161 per month for 20 years to cover the new power plants in your utility.
A total of $4,161 per month for 20 years for the average 123 million households...(dummy I never said All Americans!!!)

You copied from my comment ..YOU, ME and 123 million households electric bills will be increased per year for 20 years to pay for the power plants an average per household per month of $4,161 for your electric bill!
And the you said:You're always good for a laugh."

Your electric bill has two basic components:
Base Charge where the construction costs will be passed on to you for any new power plants being built by your utility.
Energy charge: This will be where the average charge will increase by about 4,000 kWh per year due to your EV.
So there will be two increases averaging $4,161 per month for 20 years to cover the new power plants in your utility.
A total of $4,161 per month for 20 years for the average 123 million households...(dummy I never said All Americans!!!)

View attachment 800452
Your brain has 2 basic outputs.

Bullshit and laughable bullshit.

This falls into the latter column.

You're welcome.

PS: That bit of wisdom required no new power plants to be built.
I don't see buying an electric car to power my home. I already have a reliable propane generator with a dedicated 500 gal tank.
It converts cheap night time rate to day time usage...

This without the need for generator or tank... You did the work for that and paid for this...

This means the masses can do it as a bonus to having an EV car..
It converts cheap night time rate to day time usage...

This without the need for generator or tank... You did the work for that and paid for this...

This means the masses can do it as a bonus to having an EV car..

There are too many problems with EVs and their manufacture for me.

I find it ironic that the same people who want all cars to be EV are blind to the fact that the minerals they need to produce them are basically got by slave labor and that mining will have to be increased over 1000 times to meet their goals and that we will be more dependent on China because they have cornered the world market on these minerals.

And let's not forget the people who need all this additional mining are the same ones who have basically banned mining in this country.

It's the typical American shortsightedness that always gets us into the shit.
View attachment 799974
Look through the entire bill..
These steps will help the United States meet President Biden’s ambitious goals to confront the climate crisis, by building a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle chargers along America’s highways and in our communities and have EVs make up at least 50% of new car sales by 2030, all while advancing an industrial strategy to continue to build-out the domestic EV and EV charging industry.
Do you people understand WHAT is missing?
Objective: EVs make up at least 50% of new car sales by 2030,
How many new cars sold in the USA in 2022:The U.S. auto industry sold nearly 2.86 million cars in 2022.
So let's assume for the next 6 years 50% of the 2.86 million cars are EVs or a total of 17,160,000 EV cars in 2030.
So how many new cars will be using an average of about 4,310 kWh per year.
17,160,000 EV cars in 2030 using an average of 4,310 kWh means there will be an additional 73,959,600,000 kWh of electricity needed.
The average electric power plant generates 376,244,806 per plant or to provide the above electricity for additional 74 Billion kWh/year.
That will require 197 new power plants. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. But this idiot is putting the horse before the CART!
197 new power plants at $1,661 per kWh to build new power plant Power Plant Construction: How Much Does It Cost? | ProEst
74 billion kWh needed for 17.1 million EVs will cost $122,846,895,600,000 that's $122 Trillion! Where will that come from?
Do you people understand that it will come from the 123 million households at an annual cost / household of $998,755/household!
YOU, ME and 123 million households electric bills will be increased per year for 20 years to pay for the power plants an average per household per month of $4,161 for your electric bill! And remember businesses will pass their costs on to us!

197 new power plants at $1,661 per kWh to build new power plant

It converts cheap night time rate to day time usage...

This without the need for generator or tank... You did the work for that and paid for this...

This means the masses can do it as a bonus to having an EV car..

If they use up all the car charge to power a home.....then you dont have a car till re'
-charge. So theres that slip up

Apartment living wont allow any of this BS.

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