Biden is Not Running for President

Well....there goes the Dems chances haha.

People are sick of Hilary already. Another 8 years of her all day everyday....uuuggh.

And an open socialist? He can't win the general election.

Hello President Trump!
Well....there goes the Dems chances haha.

People are sick of Hilary already. Another 8 years of her all day everyday....uuuggh.

And an open socialist? He can't win the general election.

Hello President Trump!

He just upped Clinton's chance.
Good Riddance Joe, GTFO, he would have lost badly anyways..

He is a fucking weak Presidential candidate was knocked out by A WEAK Dukakis in 1988, and tanked early in 2008..

SEE YA:clap:
Just announced in the Rose Garden
Hello President Trump!

Glad to hear Biden finally made his decision public.

You forgot to add........."goodbye America", but that's okay because T-chump is a chump and won't ever live in the WH....remember that. Don't know why so many uneducated, uninformed conservatives continue to think that Trump has a chance at the WH....he's just one step above Sarah Palin.
The Dems are going to have a tough time coming up with a candidate as the Hildabeast will be facing indictments.
:rofl:, Obama will just pardon her like Drunk Bush gave scooter Libby a pass...

You fucking REPUGS, and Tea Maggots are praying for an indictment, because you are scared Shitless of her..

I'll let you in on a little secret she's not going to be indicted..:finger3:
He is dangerous whereas Palin wasn't.
Just announced in the Rose Garden
Hello President Trump!

Glad to hear Biden finally made his decision public.

You forgot to add........."goodbye America", but that's okay because T-chump is a chump and won't ever live in the WH....remember that. Don't know why so many uneducated, uninformed conservatives continue to think that Trump has a chance at the WH....he's just one step above Sarah Palin.
The excuse was, there isn't enough time? :dunno:

He should have announced he was running AND having a sex change operation. Going by Barbie and she's gay.
Since Crazy Uncle Joe isn't going to bail them out the uneducated low information Gruberidiots now own the Hildabeast lock, stock and barrel. They know the bat shit crazy Communist can't win an election so all they have left is The Bitch of Benghazi.

They are so screwed and they don't even realize it.
He is dangerous whereas Palin wasn't.
Just announced in the Rose Garden
Hello President Trump!

Glad to hear Biden finally made his decision public.

You forgot to add........."goodbye America", but that's okay because T-chump is a chump and won't ever live in the WH....remember that. Don't know why so many uneducated, uninformed conservatives continue to think that Trump has a chance at the WH....he's just one step above Sarah Palin.

Palin would have been very dangerous if McCain had won, died, and left her as President. You can't lead and protect a country with just "talking points".

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