Biden is Not Running for President

You forgot to add........."goodbye America", but that's okay because T-chump is a chump and won't ever live in the WH....remember that. Don't know why so many uneducated, uninformed conservatives continue to think that Trump has a chance at the WH....he's just one step above Sarah Palin.

At every step of this process the libtards and RINOS and FOX have been saying Trump is just about to lose/collapse/commit a fatal error, but the dude is still the top candidate and draws more support than anyone else and you still insist he is going to get dropped.

Lol, Trump will be taking the oath of office and you libtards will still be insisting he cant win.
You forgot to add........."goodbye America", but that's okay because T-chump is a chump and won't ever live in the WH....remember that. Don't know why so many uneducated, uninformed conservatives continue to think that Trump has a chance at the WH....he's just one step above Sarah Palin.

At every step of this process the libtards and RINOS and FOX have been saying Trump is just about to lose/collapse/commit a fatal error, but the dude is still the top candidate and draws more support than anyone else and you still insist he is going to get dropped.

Lol, Trump will be taking the oath of office and you libtards will still be insisting he cant win.

Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....if he were to win the Republican nomination (which he might very well pull off since we know there are way too many uneducated/uninformed in the Republican party) he will have to face Hillary.....I think Hillary will shut him up in the first debate and he will go down worse than Romney.

Washington Post: “Trump’s support is strongest with Republicans in the Midwest, conservatives across the country who do not have a college degree and (perhaps not surprisingly) those who report the most negative views of immigration and Mexican immigrants in particular, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released last week.”


Who Are Trump’s Supporters? Uneducated Whites.

The secret to Donald Trump's success in the polls: Less-educated followers
You forgot to add........."goodbye America", but that's okay because T-chump is a chump and won't ever live in the WH....remember that. Don't know why so many uneducated, uninformed conservatives continue to think that Trump has a chance at the WH....he's just one step above Sarah Palin.

At every step of this process the libtards and RINOS and FOX have been saying Trump is just about to lose/collapse/commit a fatal error, but the dude is still the top candidate and draws more support than anyone else and you still insist he is going to get dropped.

Lol, Trump will be taking the oath of office and you libtards will still be insisting he cant win.

just like McCain/palin took the oath of office
just like Romney/ryan took the oath of office.... even as karl rove was running around with rigged numbers ...

you wingers haven't been right since baby bush crashed the economy. and the further right the wingers go, the less chance you have of ever winning a national election again.

so please, keep driving away the normal people.
Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.

Bwahahaha....Faux News must be slow on the uptake.
What all the hysterical faux news spewings all about? She testifies tomorrow in this reality.

Yeah.....and since the fake Benghazi committee has already revealed it's purpose and screwed up royally in the process....I'm sure they're going to be very credible .....:badgrin:
just like McCain/palin took the oath of office
just like Romney/ryan took the oath of office.... even as karl rove was running around with rigged numbers ...

you wingers haven't been right since baby bush crashed the economy. and the further right the wingers go, the less chance you have of ever winning a national election again.

so please, keep driving away the normal people.

I did not vote for McCain or Romney and these generalizations you make of those not from the coasts and/or who have no college degrees as 'not normal' is amusing.
Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.


I suspect those prisoners were very informed on the subject they were debating.

unlike rightwingnut loons... who are as a group famously uninformed and misinformed.

but that's what happens when you get your information from the rightwingnut blogosphere.
Bwahahaha....Faux News must be slow on the uptake.
What all the hysterical faux news spewings all about? She testifies tomorrow in this reality.

Yeah.....and since the fake Benghazi committee has already revealed it's purpose and screwed up royally in the process....I'm sure they're going to be very credible .....:badgrin:
The FBI will clarify all that shortly.

The FBI should come to some form of conclusion soon as the WH doesnt want an investigation clouding Hillary;s run now that Biden is not running.

What is crazy about that, you goofy girl?
just like McCain/palin took the oath of office
just like Romney/ryan took the oath of office.... even as karl rove was running around with rigged numbers ...

you wingers haven't been right since baby bush crashed the economy. and the further right the wingers go, the less chance you have of ever winning a national election again.

so please, keep driving away the normal people.

I did not vote for McCain or Romney and these generalizations you make of those not from the coasts and/or who have no college degrees as 'not normal' is amusing.

You are dyslexic.....the "driving away the normal people" doesn't include the loons that follow T-Chump - those loons are the ones that aren't normal.
Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.


Well, you must be dyslexic ......

No, in my experience college educational course are far from Reality and those who enter the market place with college degrees need to come to understand that they cant do things in the real world the way they are done in college. These courses also put blinders on the thinking of these indoctrinated youths, and they have difficulty imagining how the world could be different from what they read in some book, cuz the books are always right you know.

And that is a FACT, jack ass.
Biden was the best hope for Democrats. Sanders is a fraud who doesn't appeal to minority voters. Hillary is a cackling tool of the rich.

Bad days for the Democratic party: The party used to offer practical help for working folk. Now the party elite seems to mostly care about screeching transgender activists. The party has become just a plaything of corrupt billionaires.
You are dyslexic.....the "driving away the normal people" doesn't include the loons that follow T-Chump - those loons are the ones that aren't normal.

The total number of people in the Midwest and also including all those who never got a college degree are the majority of people in this country, idiot, and thus they are closer to a statistical norm than idiot libtards.

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