Biden is Not Running for President

No, in my experience college educational course are far from Reality and those who enter the market place with college degrees need to come to understand that they cant do things in the real world the way they are done in college. These courses also put blinders on the thinking of these indoctrinated youths, and they have difficulty imagining how the world could be different from what they read in some book, cuz the books are always right you know.

And that is a FACT, jack ass.

^Obviously not college educated and a perfect example of the Trump demo.

See post #71, shit-for-brains

The fact that you can't even remain civil reveals your true uneducated and uninformed self. The right-wing redneck whackos always turn to insults when pushed against the wall with "facts" and you just got slammed.

I stated facts. That you think factors unrelated to doing the job makes someone qualified proves you're the type of uneducated moron the Democrats like. All they have to do is throw something in front of you that you think is important when it's not and you jump like a trained monkey.

Who the fuck are you and who was even talking to you? You're not even part of this conversation......whacko!

If it's on an open forum, you made me part of it.

I'm the one that made you look like a fool boy. Now go kiss that black ass and try to get you a piece from Hillary. That's all you care about.
we say it because it's true. it's not my fault you're uneducated.

It is your fault that you perceive me as uneducated when I plainly am.

You have allowed your ideology to blind you to any possibility of informed disagreement that is not immoral, corrupt and/or evil.
unlike rightwingnut loons... who are as a group famously uninformed and misinformed..
Lol, because we disagree with libtards wee must be misinformed and uneducated, lolol.

No, you are misinformed and uneducated despite the fact that you don't agree with liberals.

Is that because I don't use skin color or reproductive organ as my sole reason for voting for someone. one was talking to you but we get it, you want everyone to know that you are a rightwingnut loon, part of the famously uninformed and misinformed group who disagrees with the majority of Americans and who insists is not racist........:)

Another one drunk on the KoolAid.
The best recruitment engine the Democrats could ever have is to just steer any undecideds to this site and let them watch these idiots.

Lol, yeah, the Democrats who are so ideologically rigid that they cant make room for apro-working class moderate like Jim Webb, yeah you ideological morons are going to win a lot of people over to your side, roflmao

This elections is really starting to look like a slam dunk.

Yupppp..........but not for the Republicans.......:D
IT is a slam dunk for the corporations, you mindless twit

The parties dont matter any more as Reid and Pelosi's endorsement of Paul Ryan for House Dictator proves.

Reid and Pelosi are just eager to get back to the "circus" performance of conservatives in was easier for them to deal with the familiar clowns than it is for them to deal with the total dysfunction that has overtaken the GOP......the TeaBags are not happy with Ryan and prefer their non-working status, because after all, that is why Americans put them in do nothing. Thanks GOP.
^Obviously not college educated and a perfect example of the Trump demo.

See post #71, shit-for-brains

The fact that you can't even remain civil reveals your true uneducated and uninformed self. The right-wing redneck whackos always turn to insults when pushed against the wall with "facts" and you just got slammed.

I stated facts. That you think factors unrelated to doing the job makes someone qualified proves you're the type of uneducated moron the Democrats like. All they have to do is throw something in front of you that you think is important when it's not and you jump like a trained monkey.

Who the fuck are you and who was even talking to you? You're not even part of this conversation......whacko!

If it's on an open forum, you made me part of it.
It's an open forum, retard, but nobody was telling you that you couldn't remain civil........but I'm glad that you were willing to offer up that you were also part of the uneducated and uninformed group. I knew it the moment I read your post where you obviously were trying to defend another loon.

I'm the one that made you look like a fool boy. Now go kiss that black ass and try to get you a piece from Hillary. That's all you care about.
The only one you made look like a fool was yourself, whacko. Now go kiss Trump's ass and continue to drool over him as he continues to use you......retard.
Bwahahaha....Faux News must be slow on the uptake.
What all the hysterical faux news spewings all about? She testifies tomorrow in this reality.
Yeah.....and since the fake Benghazi committee has already revealed it's purpose and screwed up royally in the process....I'm sure they're going to be very credible .....:badgrin:
He didn't say that was their purpose. Have an adult explain it to you.

Hahaha....that's what conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe after their ignorant politician spilled the beans in clear text. We already knew that was what they were after since a "Republican" committee (the 8th one, to be exact) had already revealed there was no "wrongdoing" on the part of the Obama Administration, but looney tunes Republican politicians thought they were smart and showed everyone how really ignorant they are.
He's one guy, not the conservatives and he didn't say that's why we are having the hearings. Did you listen to Trey Gowdy's remarks in the opening of the hearing this morning?
Bwahahaha....Faux News must be slow on the uptake.
What all the hysterical faux news spewings all about? She testifies tomorrow in this reality.
Yeah.....and since the fake Benghazi committee has already revealed it's purpose and screwed up royally in the process....I'm sure they're going to be very credible .....:badgrin:
He didn't say that was their purpose. Have an adult explain it to you.

Hahaha....that's what conservatives are trying to get everyone to believe after their ignorant politician spilled the beans in clear text. We already knew that was what they were after since a "Republican" committee (the 8th one, to be exact) had already revealed there was no "wrongdoing" on the part of the Obama Administration, but looney tunes Republican politicians thought they were smart and showed everyone how really ignorant they are.
He's one guy, not the conservatives and he didn't say that's why we are having the hearings. Did you listen to Trey Gowdy's remarks in the opening of the hearing this morning?

There's been more admittances....than the one by this "one guy"!

This was their last hope to try and derail Hillary Clinton........the one Presidential candidate that gives them heartburn because they realize that none of the clowns in the clown train can compete with her. Which is why, embassy attacks, common throughout George W. Bush's presidency didn't cause a stir from them, but this one, which they could try and tie to Hillary was their only opportunity to try and paint her as a villain....Americans are not buying it and this last fake investigation/committee has all but exploded in their face due to their incompetence.

1. McCarthy reveals that the total purpose of their investigation was to bring Hillary's poll numbers down.
Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi

2. Republican Committee member admits investigation is all about Hillary and gets fired from the committee.
Second GOP Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton (UPDATE)

3. Committee Chair Gowdy alters data to try and implicate Hillary Clinton and gets caught.

Republican leader admits he altered documents to frame Hillary Clinton on Benghazi
There's been more admittances....than the one by this "one guy"!

This was their last hope to try and derail Hillary Clinton........the one Presidential candidate that gives them heartburn because they realize that none of the clowns in the clown train can compete with her. Which is why, embassy attacks, common throughout George W. Bush's presidency didn't cause a stir from them, but this one, which they could try and tie to Hillary was their only opportunity to try and paint her as a villain....Americans are not buying it and this last fake investigation/committee has all but exploded in their face due to their incompetence.

1. McCarthy reveals that the total purpose of their investigation was to bring Hillary's poll numbers down.
Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi

2. Republican Committee member admits investigation is all about Hillary and gets fired from the committee.
Second GOP Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton (UPDATE)

3. Committee Chair Gowdy alters data to try and implicate Hillary Clinton and gets caught.

Republican leader admits he altered documents to frame Hillary Clinton on Benghazi
Wow, those look like some really unbiased sources. Y'all are starting to panic.
unlike rightwingnut loons... who are as a group famously uninformed and misinformed..
Lol, because we disagree with libtards wee must be misinformed and uneducated, lolol.

No, you are misinformed and uneducated despite the fact that you don't agree with liberals.

Is that because I don't use skin color or reproductive organ as my sole reason for voting for someone. one was talking to you but we get it, you want everyone to know that you are a rightwingnut loon, part of the famously uninformed and misinformed group who disagrees with the majority of Americans and who insists is not racist........:)

Another one drunk on the KoolAid.
I wasn't talking to you either. I wasn't talking DOWN AT YOU.
It is your fault that you perceive me as uneducated when I plainly am.

Oh, thank you for finally admitting it. And yes, you plainly are, uneducated.

Hahah, good catch.

Bottom line is that the far left is crippled by their ideological narrowness and inability to respect even fellow progressive populists like Jim Webb, nor the thought of any opposition of those that disagree with them.

I have a bachelor of science degree and 22 years of experience in my profession. I had to complete my degree after getting married and having two kids by going to school at night. I have attended five different colleges and universities in that time and have met a wide variety of people in that time.

That you cant see the truth of what I am talking about says more about your willful stupidity than it does about my education, you idiot clown.
unlike rightwingnut loons... who are as a group famously uninformed and misinformed..
Lol, because we disagree with libtards wee must be misinformed and uneducated, lolol.

No, you are misinformed and uneducated despite the fact that you don't agree with liberals.

Is that because I don't use skin color or reproductive organ as my sole reason for voting for someone. one was talking to you but we get it, you want everyone to know that you are a rightwingnut loon, part of the famously uninformed and misinformed group who disagrees with the majority of Americans and who insists is not racist........:)

Another one drunk on the KoolAid.
I wasn't talking to you either. I wasn't talking DOWN AT YOU.

you couldn't do that. you aren't capable enough.
Lol, because we disagree with libtards wee must be misinformed and uneducated, lolol.

No, you are misinformed and uneducated despite the fact that you don't agree with liberals.

Is that because I don't use skin color or reproductive organ as my sole reason for voting for someone. one was talking to you but we get it, you want everyone to know that you are a rightwingnut loon, part of the famously uninformed and misinformed group who disagrees with the majority of Americans and who insists is not racist........:)

Another one drunk on the KoolAid.
I wasn't talking to you either. I wasn't talking DOWN AT YOU.

you couldn't do that. you aren't capable enough.
You wouldnt know if he was or was not, your blind ideologue.
No, you are misinformed and uneducated despite the fact that you don't agree with liberals.

Is that because I don't use skin color or reproductive organ as my sole reason for voting for someone. one was talking to you but we get it, you want everyone to know that you are a rightwingnut loon, part of the famously uninformed and misinformed group who disagrees with the majority of Americans and who insists is not racist........:)

Another one drunk on the KoolAid.
I wasn't talking to you either. I wasn't talking DOWN AT YOU.

you couldn't do that. you aren't capable enough.
You wouldnt know if he was or was not, your blind ideologue.

again, you rightwingnuts keep projecting your biases onto me. I've voted for republicans when they were worth voting for. people of your ilk are wacky and NOT worth voting for.

it's not that complicated.

well, maybe it is to people who are ignorant rightiwingnut shills.

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