Biden is Not Running for President

Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.


Well, you must be dyslexic ......

No, in my experience college educational course are far from Reality and those who enter the market place with college degrees need to come to understand that they cant do things in the real world the way they are done in college. These courses also put blinders on the thinking of these indoctrinated youths, and they have difficulty imagining how the world could be different from what they read in some book, cuz the books are always right you know.

And that is a FACT, jack ass.

Keep drinking the KoolAid........asshole.
Yo, this dunce, Joe Biden, he made the idiots talk about him for two weeks? Is that sorry News reporting? I say yes! I was sick to my stomach! Is Joe going to run? We have Kevin here to comment on the subject? What a bunch of asses!!! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'Good Riddance"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

trump-hell-hole (1) (1) (1).jpg
Nobody except desperate Republicans and our nutty conservative mainstream media ever had any interest in Biden. Republicans are wetting themselves in terror over Hillary, and had hopes of a Biden savior. The beltway media despises both of the Clintons forever, and latches on to any reason to declare Hillary is in trouble.

To Democrats, Biden was always a yawner, a non-factor. He's always been kind of a wimp. His signature move as senator was to let Republicans steamroller over him in the name of "bipartisanship". He's about the last Democratic Charlie Brown left who still thinks the "bipartisan" Republican Lucy will let him kick the football next time. The other Democrats know from experience the Republicans will always feign good faith and then pull the football away, and that it's foolish to give them any more opportunities to do so.
Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.


Well, you must be dyslexic ......

No, in my experience college educational course are far from Reality and those who enter the market place with college degrees need to come to understand that they cant do things in the real world the way they are done in college. These courses also put blinders on the thinking of these indoctrinated youths, and they have difficulty imagining how the world could be different from what they read in some book, cuz the books are always right you know.

And that is a FACT, jack ass.

^Obviously not college educated and a perfect example of the Trump demo.
Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.


Well, you must be dyslexic ......

No, in my experience college educational course are far from Reality and those who enter the market place with college degrees need to come to understand that they cant do things in the real world the way they are done in college. These courses also put blinders on the thinking of these indoctrinated youths, and they have difficulty imagining how the world could be different from what they read in some book, cuz the books are always right you know.

And that is a FACT, jack ass.

Keep drinking the KoolAid........asshole.

You are such an idiot.

I will give you an example. I am an IT engineer, design and build relational databases. In college they all without exception said that there is no excuse to not achieve Boyce-Codd normalization in all databases. In the real world, no one gets past third normalization, and Boyce-Codd is a joke. In some shops to suggest going to that level of normalization could get your the disfavor of everyone there.

I used to work as a temporary contractor, taking 3 to 9 month assignments to help companies fix problems, make short deliveries, etc. NO ONE EVER USED BOYCXE CODD NORMALIZATION, from 1992 to 2013 when I finally left my job with a herniated disc.

No one ever, but in the ivory tower it was considered essential.

So, you were saying I am drinking the Kool Aid? No, dude, academia is.
Trump is a blowhard.......the only ones following him are the uneducated and uninformed....i

You say uneducated and uninformed, and I read that as 'unindoctrinated' and 'still capable of original thought' like the prisoners that beat the HARVARD DEBATE TEAM.


Well, you must be dyslexic ......

No, in my experience college educational course are far from Reality and those who enter the market place with college degrees need to come to understand that they cant do things in the real world the way they are done in college. These courses also put blinders on the thinking of these indoctrinated youths, and they have difficulty imagining how the world could be different from what they read in some book, cuz the books are always right you know.

And that is a FACT, jack ass.

^Obviously not college educated and a perfect example of the Trump demo.

See post #71, shit-for-brains
Bwahahaha....Faux News must be slow on the uptake.
What all the hysterical faux news spewings all about? She testifies tomorrow in this reality.
Yeah.....and since the fake Benghazi committee has already revealed it's purpose and screwed up royally in the process....I'm sure they're going to be very credible .....:badgrin:
He didn't say that was their purpose. Have an adult explain it to you.
Joe has served his nation well. Thank you Mr. Vice-President. I wish he would have run though.
Amen. America lost the chance of laughing hysterically for four years. He's like a gaffomatic vending machine.

and yet still eons ahead of you in intellect.

The best recruitment engine the Democrats could ever have is to just steer any undecideds to this site and let them watch these idiots.
No, you are misinformed and uneducated despite the fact that you don't agree with liberals.

Lol, that from you is better than an endorsement.


and yet there are smart conservatives on the board.

you just aren't one of them.


Wow and more cause to dance, lol

Why dol you think I could possibly care less what you think of me or anything I post? You are a stupid, just plain stupid, even for the political hack that you are, you are incredibly, raw boned dumb as a sack of hammers.

Thank you for telling me you dont think I am a smart man other wise I would start to wonder.


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