Biden jobless claims skyrocket to 861,000!

The key is.....What are we going to do about the jobless?

Republicans will mock Biden for the numbers, but will they back Stimulus and Infrastructure bills to reduce it?

Biden has to fail

Biden is failing and he needs no help from anyone. He has a solid 47-year record of making the wrong decision and being on the wrong side of almost every issue.
Our President is knocking it out of the park

Great to have a responsible President again
thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

Nobody blames Obama for anything. The stupid SOB was nothing but a puppet for Soros.

There's nothing to blame Obama for, except saving the economy and creating the greatest economy in American history, with the longest sustained period of growth ever.
thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

Yea, it's Trump's fault that Biden canceled the pipeline and banned drilling, right?

That resulted in 1000 layoffs. Biden didn't cancel drilling. He cancelled drilling on wildlife refuges.
12,000 job losses on Keystone alone, Moron.

And he cancelled drilling on ALL federal land, you raving lunatic.

You never have anything correct.
President Dufus has never got anything right in his life and has fucked up everything that he has touched. Now the idiot is in a position to fuck up all the United States.

Anybody that voted for him was a moron.

Anybody that pretends he didn't steal the election from a competent President is a delusional moron.
HEY Republican shit heads Hospitalizations are down deaths are down and you insist on pulling more shit out of your asses???
Thanks to President Trump's vaccine.
Trumps vaccine The killer vaccine lol lol nostra you are such a trump asskisser
Link us up to how many have died from it, Cupcake.
You mean when trump said you didn't need masks ? The virus was a hoax?? and he didn't want to tell you how bad the virus was?
Abe Lincoln, too: Was a Supremacist. The Liberian movement was thought liberal at the time, but was essentially: "Ship "em back to Africa!" Costa Rica was also considered--since it had a jungle(?). The Trumped-Up administration ceased effective operations November 4, 2020. No credible legislative agenda was advanced. The Transition to the New Administration was stalled. The build was to a "Stolen Election" Propaganda:. The outcome creating an insurgent assault on the vote count. The Biden Administration was not involved--regarding any current numbers.

Now, just this week: Speaker Pelosi has a stimulus package ready to go. Comparing--an apparent insurgency in Cancun--an assault on some virtual office--was more on the minds of the Party now in opposition--an opposition in all three branches of the federal administration. Tales of webbed footed BLM Anti-Fa--and from Antarctica--were centerpiece attention of the minority party disintegration: In all three branches of the federal government.

Lincoln could stir imagery of a nation, Half-Free and Half-Slave. The slave part is no longer statute. Statute aside(?): A nation Half-Free and Half-Dubious is not so much an improvement as posters want to contend, e.g., the Op.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Had the arithmetic backdrop of Matt 20: 1-16, within which Matt 25: 14-30 can be described: Then even a lot of Holy Crap would have easily been avoided--subsequent the Moses subjugation Atrocity: Deut 23: 19-20!)
thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

Yea, it's Trump's fault that Biden canceled the pipeline and banned drilling, right?

That resulted in 1000 layoffs. Biden didn't cancel drilling. He cancelled drilling on wildlife refuges.
12,000 job losses on Keystone alone, Moron.

And he cancelled drilling on ALL federal land, you raving lunatic.

You never have anything correct.

Why do you keep embarassing yourself FuckBoi?

Biden cancelled NEW drilling on federal land, you fucking fool. Not all drilling on federal land.

HEY Republican shit heads Hospitalizations are down deaths are down and you insist on pulling more shit out of your asses???
Thanks to President Trump's vaccine.
Trumps vaccine The killer vaccine lol lol nostra you are such a trump asskisser
Link us up to how many have died from it, Cupcake.
You mean when trump said you didn't need masks ? The virus was a hoax?? and he didn't want to tell you how bad the virus was?
That's what I thought.

thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

Yea, it's Trump's fault that Biden canceled the pipeline and banned drilling, right?

That resulted in 1000 layoffs. Biden didn't cancel drilling. He cancelled drilling on wildlife refuges.
12,000 job losses on Keystone alone, Moron.

And he cancelled drilling on ALL federal land, you raving lunatic.

You never have anything correct.

Why do you keep embarassing yourself FuckBoi?

Biden cancelled NEW drilling on federal land, you fucking fool. Not all drilling on federal land.

That's just one company, Dumbass.
Our President is knocking it out of the park Great to have a responsible President again

I don't know who's a bigger idiot, you or China-Joe.

You have to start with those who think the election was stolen
Then to those who think the earth is flat and those who think cigarette smoking doesn‘t cause cancer
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thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

Yea, it's Trump's fault that Biden canceled the pipeline and banned drilling, right?

That resulted in 1000 layoffs. Biden didn't cancel drilling. He cancelled drilling on wildlife refuges.
12,000 job losses on Keystone alone, Moron.

And he cancelled drilling on ALL federal land, you raving lunatic.

You never have anything correct.

If you want infrastructure jobs, why don’t you support Bidens trillion dollar infrastructure initiative?
The key is.....What are we going to do about the jobless?

Republicans will mock Biden for the numbers, but will they back Stimulus and Infrastructure bills to reduce it?

Biden has to fail
You bastards broke it without Republican help. YOU figure out how to fix it without Republican help.
The key is.....What are we going to do about the jobless?

Republicans will mock Biden for the numbers, but will they back Stimulus and Infrastructure bills to reduce it?

Biden has to fail

Xiden already did. The key is don't cheat in an election to the left for Mad Joe Robinette & The Kosher Commie

Not playing your silly conspiracies
Take them to Q Anon


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