Biden jobless claims skyrocket to 861,000!

Gee, this is completely unexpected after Biden killed tens of thousands of American jobs in his 1st 10 days alone...

Way to go, Joe, you're off to a great start.

Thanks to the strength of the economy Trump left behind unemployment was back under 7% in spite of all the foolishness from the Blue States.

Thanks to the Dems and their arrogant lockdowns; that was the reason why toward the end of Trump's term was the unemployment rate so high. If you remember, some of those blue states started doing so in March. While New York waited until May 2020, to do the same.
So, you can thank your wonderful Dems for that!

Don't forgot how important it was for Demonicrats to see that crash through. It wasn't working as planned so they came up with riots over a false race narrative as usual. They stroked that fire for all it was worth. When that wasn't enough mail-in ballots and games. Love them PROGS, such neat people.
thirty days in office they were still blaming Oblama in 2017.

That's chump change. 8 years in office they were still blaming Bush. Hell, Quid Pro Job Killin' Joe was whining about it from his basement during the campaign.
see, we should continue the tradition of blaming the last president because Bush bitched about Clinton for eight years. Mission accomplished!

Sorry, that didn't happen. But you and I both know the Obamunist blamed Bush for 8 years.
Sorry, I can't recognize anyone who lies..

Wow! You really don't see your reflection in a mirror? How cool!
Thanks to the strength of the economy Trump left behind unemployment was back under 7% in spite of all the foolishness from the Blue States.

Thanks to the Dems and their arrogant lockdowns; that was the reason why toward the end of Trump's term was the unemployment rate so high. If you remember, some of those blue states started doing so in March. While New York waited until May 2020, to do the same.
So, you can thank your wonderful Dems for that!

Don't forgot how important it was for Demonicrats to see that crash through. It wasn't working as planned so they came up with riots over a false race narrative as usual. They stroked that fire for all it was worth. When that wasn't enough mail-in ballots and games. Love them PROGS, such neat people.
That's some serious crazy there
Given the jobs numbers, I imagine Republicans will unilaterally support Biden’s Infrastructure plan

Biden created the increase due to his EO's and you think no one is going to figure it out?
I cant figure out how his EOs would lead to 800,000 jobless claims
Maybe you can show your math

Wow! It is rare indeed to see a far-left Liberal admit that they have no clue as to how the economy works. Democrats are mystified that today's actions will influence the market in the future which includes companies planning in the future.

With what President Biden has promised, and done, we all see dark clouds on the horizon.

Those clouds were seen by the employers of nearly 900,000 workers who lost their jobs last week.
Biden is a complete disaster for the nation.
And he's more popular than Trump ever was
Stupid comment by a stupid poster.

  • 10,000 people traveled from other states to storm the Capitol just because they thought maybe Trump got cheated.

  • Joe Biden couldn't scare up 100 people to show up at one of his rallies! Now Joe Biden rewards them by putting thousands more out of work as unemployment hits record numbers and the government faces artificially buoying its own economy with bankrupted money borrowed from its #1 enemy Red China while democrats ponder their biggest concern as how to label all their political adversaries they help create as a domestic threat.
This guy is a complete disaster.

More evidence to support Biden’s Stimulus Plan

Shovel ready jobs,cash for clunkers and Solyndra.
Sounds like a winner!
Stopped us from going into a depression.
These jobless claim are a result of trump. It's dishonest to act like suddenly we are in this situation because of Biden. But "conservatives" are dishonest so this is expected.
The key is.....What are we going to do about the jobless?

Republicans will mock Biden for the numbers, but will they back Stimulus and Infrastructure bills to reduce it?

Biden has to fail

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