Biden Lies About Academic Record In Angry Rant

Trump claims to be so smart
He claims to have a Yuge IQ

If he is as smart as he claims, why did he threaten to sue his schools if they released his grades and IQ scores?

Why would school need to release his records, regardless of what they show?
If Trump is willing to release his academic records, I’m sure Biden would also.

Only Trump has sent legal letters to his schools threatening a lawsuit if they reveal his records.
Obama blocked his records.

As much as I disliked Obama, it does not give you the right to lie. Everyone's records are "blocked". It is the law.
I agree, but liberals want to know everything about Trump but didn't care about obama.
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter

A real Liar-n-Chief.

Yet we’ll still see leftwing retards dismiss it because they don’t actually care about lies.

Wow- the Right caught Biden in a 30 year old lie. A lie he fessed up to 30 years ago.

Meanwhile the Right applauds their Dear Leader for his daily lies- who is never accountable for his lies.

He’s a serial liar today, he was confronted by a voter about appointing gun grabber Beto as his anti-gun Czar, and he lied about it.
“We’re gonna take your AR-14?” LOL.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

He can't stand that long. He's also drastically reducing the length of his speeches. As you know, his usual stump speeches were 45 minutes to more than an hour. Sadly, he gets more and more gaff prone.

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches
March 10, 2020 at 6:49 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 168 Comments

Washington Post: “As Joe Biden cradles a delegate lead through the handful of primary states that will vote Tuesday, he has unleashed a rarely used weapon in what has become a two-man battle for the Democratic presidential nomination: Brevity.”

“Biden’s event in St. Louis, framed by the Gateway Arch, clocked in at around seven minutes Saturday. A short time later, at a windswept event in Kansas City, people were streaming for their cars after Biden wrapped up in 12 minutes. His longest speech of the weekend, in the gym of Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., didn’t quite make 15 minutes.”

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter

A real Liar-n-Chief.

Yet we’ll still see leftwing retards dismiss it because they don’t actually care about lies.

Wow- the Right caught Biden in a 30 year old lie. A lie he fessed up to 30 years ago.

Meanwhile the Right applauds their Dear Leader for his daily lies- who is never accountable for his lies.

He’s a serial liar today, he was confronted by a voter about appointing gun grabber Beto as his anti-gun Czar, and he lied about it.
“We’re gonna take your AR-14?” LOL.
Biden rightfully called the Trump plant a liar about his gun record
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter

A real Liar-n-Chief.

Yet we’ll still see leftwing retards dismiss it because they don’t actually care about lies.

Wow- the Right caught Biden in a 30 year old lie. A lie he fessed up to 30 years ago.

Meanwhile the Right applauds their Dear Leader for his daily lies- who is never accountable for his lies.

He’s a serial liar today, he was confronted by a voter about appointing gun grabber Beto as his anti-gun Czar, and he lied about it.
“We’re gonna take your AR-14?” LOL.
Biden rightfully called the Trump plant a liar about his gun record

How is her a “Trump plant”?

How was the guy a liar?
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

He can't stand that long. He's also drastically reducing the length of his speeches. As you know, his usual stump speeches were 45 minutes to more than an hour. Sadly, he gets more and more gaff prone.

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches
March 10, 2020 at 6:49 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 168 Comments

Washington Post: “As Joe Biden cradles a delegate lead through the handful of primary states that will vote Tuesday, he has unleashed a rarely used weapon in what has become a two-man battle for the Democratic presidential nomination: Brevity.”

“Biden’s event in St. Louis, framed by the Gateway Arch, clocked in at around seven minutes Saturday. A short time later, at a windswept event in Kansas City, people were streaming for their cars after Biden wrapped up in 12 minutes. His longest speech of the weekend, in the gym of Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., didn’t quite make 15 minutes.”

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches

And you are complaining about a politician making shorter speeches- why?
If Trump is willing to release his academic records, I’m sure Biden would also.

Only Trump has sent legal letters to his schools threatening a lawsuit if they reveal his records.
Obama blocked his records.

As much as I disliked Obama, it does not give you the right to lie. Everyone's records are "blocked". It is the law.
I agree, but liberals want to know everything about Trump but didn't care about obama.

LOL- you have that exactly backward.

Trump went full birther on Obama- demanding he release his birth certificate(which he already had) and demanding he release his college records- which of course Trump hasn't- and beyond that while Birthers were claiming Obama was 'sealing his college records'- the only one who sent his lawyer to make sure his college records were kept secret was Donald Trump.

Lets review further shall we?
Income Tax returns:
Obama- released
Trump- promised but never released

College Records:
Obama- never released
Trump- never released- but Trump demanded Obama release his- and threatened his own colleges with legal action if they released his info.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

What ????:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Biden will campaign as a “regular guy “
Good family man, working class, guy to sit down and have a beer with.

Trump will campaign as TRUMP

Yeah, and because Trump is genuine, he will win over the fraud that is joe biden.

LOL- so you would buy a used car from Trump?

Trump is a New York con-man, an adulterer, a man so petty that he defrauded his own charity, a man so petty that he claims credit for a VA program that John McCain passed.

Wow- I can understand the right supporting Trump on several issues- but calling him 'genuine' is like calling the New York naked cowboy a 'genuine' cowboy.....

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You stupid Moon Bats bought that "Hope and Change" bullshit from Obama/Biden and all that got you were increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth, increased taxes, increased racial strife and some serious Muslim ass kissing.

As I said before:

If you have any evidence of any crimes committed by Biden- please share it with us- right after you notify the FBI.

If not- well you are just smearing Biden- because that is what Trumpsters do

And you just showed that again- no evidence at all that Joe Biden ever made any money off of Ukraine or China- but it doesn't stop the Trumpsters from smearing him.

Because that is what Trump was doing from the beginning- asking Ukraine to smear his political rival- and you are just doing his bidding.
In spite of the scrubbing of Biden's snarky braggadocious claims available last September through a couple of months ago, the Democrats didn't get all the corruption out:

What corruption?

Still trying to figure out what was wrong about Biden bragging about successfully implementing American foreign policy, supported by the GOP, and getting the removal of an inept and corrupt prosecutor.

This 2016 letter proves that GOP attacks on Biden over Ukraine are nonsense

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

If Shokin was corrupt, why Ukrainians didn't removed him, before Biden's demand?

Yes- why didn't a country that was known for corruption remove a corrupt prosecutor until it was forced to do so by pressure from the United States, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian citizen groups?

Hard to say.......

If they're all corrupted, why would they remove him? They had that power, right?

But if they're all corrupted, why to demand removal of only one guy, that happens to investigate corruption, one that got him fired. Why stop there?

Because that guy was in charge of prosecuting corruption.

Look- there are literally hundreds of articles written on what happened- if you step away from Trump's tweets and Fox News you can probably find an accurate account of what happened.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

He can't stand that long. He's also drastically reducing the length of his speeches. As you know, his usual stump speeches were 45 minutes to more than an hour. Sadly, he gets more and more gaff prone.

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches
March 10, 2020 at 6:49 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 168 Comments

Washington Post: “As Joe Biden cradles a delegate lead through the handful of primary states that will vote Tuesday, he has unleashed a rarely used weapon in what has become a two-man battle for the Democratic presidential nomination: Brevity.”

“Biden’s event in St. Louis, framed by the Gateway Arch, clocked in at around seven minutes Saturday. A short time later, at a windswept event in Kansas City, people were streaming for their cars after Biden wrapped up in 12 minutes. His longest speech of the weekend, in the gym of Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., didn’t quite make 15 minutes.”

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches

And you are complaining about a politician making shorter speeches- why?

and you just confirmed that Biden has problems !! do you want him to hide and stay silent until nov ??
A New Hampshire voter named Frank Fahey asked Biden, "What law school did you attend and where did you place in that class?"

Who cares?" blurted out someone in the crowd, and Biden appeared to lose his temper.

"I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. I was the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. ... The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you only needed 125 credits. And I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank."
-- Joe Biden responded.

Several months later Biden released his academic records revealing that many of the credentials that he cited in the rant in Claremont were not true.

In fact, Biden attended Syracuse law school on a half-scholarship and graduated near the bottom on his class.

Former Wharton Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G ... › News & Politics
Oct 13, 2017 - ... Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G*ddamn Student I Ever Had' ... T. Kelley taught marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance, ...

Despite claiming that he improved his academic performance over time, the records did not indicate that he did.

he graduated with a dual major in history and political science -- not "three degrees" as he stated.

Biden is going around the country LYING HIS ASS OFF!

Joe Biden lied about academic record in angry rant with voter

Let's not compare Biden's academic record with Trump, who even lies about the weather. A professor at the Wharton undergraduate school said that Trump was the dumbest student he ever taught in 30 years as a professor. So what is your point?

Does professor have a name, or he wishes to remain anonymous?

Former Wharton Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G ... › News & Politics

Oct 13, 2017 - ... Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G*ddamn Student I Ever Had' ... T. Kelley taught marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance, ...

Fake news.

Let's say he does remember him after 50 years. Does anyone remembers Barry from his time in college, professor or student? Anyone?

Yep- there are people who remember Obama from kindergarten(his two kindergarten teachers)- through high school- through Occidental College(both professors and students), Columbia(both professors and students) and Harvard Law- about 2 dozen of Obama's Harvard Law classmates joined Obama's election campaign.
Biden will campaign as a “regular guy “
Good family man, working class, guy to sit down and have a beer with.

Trump will campaign as TRUMP
i dont think working class average Americans have drug addict sons getting kicked out of the military getting millions from foreign companies and countries like Ukraine and China !
Biden will campaign as a “regular guy “
Good family man, working class, guy to sit down and have a beer with.

Trump will campaign as TRUMP

"regular guy"

Lemme guess, he grow up poor, while his dad had largest Chevy dealership in his state.

Biden grew up working class

Trump was born into his wealth, and has always been employed by the family business.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

all about looks identity no substance ! holywood props to fool idiots ! no substance ! tell us what Joe is going to do for the average working Americans to make their lives better going to vote for another disaster like nafta ??
Biden will campaign as a “regular guy “
Good family man, working class, guy to sit down and have a beer with.

Trump will campaign as TRUMP
i dont think working class average Americans have drug addict sons getting kicked out of the military getting millions from foreign companies and countries like Ukraine and China !

Neither candidate has 'drug addict sons'.

Lets discuss this- because I find it fascinating how the Right wants to use Biden's children to smear Joe Biden.

Joe Biden had three children.

His daughter died with his wife in a car crash in 1972, which injured both sons.
His oldest son- Beau- graduated from law school, joined the Army National Guard and served honorably in Iraq.
His youngest son- Hunter- also graduated from law school- and volunteered for the Navy Reserve- but was discharged a month later for failing a drug test.

So Joe Biden's two sons volunteered to join the military- one served in Iraq- and one of them had a life long problem with drugs.

As compared to say Donald Trump's adult children.

Yes- they have managed not to get addicted to drugs(or perhaps not get caught) but not one of them volunteered to defend the United States.

If I am going to compare the record of Beau Biden to Donald Jr. - there is a clear winner.
Y'all need to concern yourselves with whether or not Joe Biden makes it to election day. He's fading fast. His team was forced to negotiate with the DNC a change in their rules in order for Joe to sit down.

Also, he's losing his cool more and more often.

Sitting down is more informal.

Joe does better looking like a regular guy

He can't stand that long. He's also drastically reducing the length of his speeches. As you know, his usual stump speeches were 45 minutes to more than an hour. Sadly, he gets more and more gaff prone.

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches
March 10, 2020 at 6:49 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 168 Comments

Washington Post: “As Joe Biden cradles a delegate lead through the handful of primary states that will vote Tuesday, he has unleashed a rarely used weapon in what has become a two-man battle for the Democratic presidential nomination: Brevity.”

“Biden’s event in St. Louis, framed by the Gateway Arch, clocked in at around seven minutes Saturday. A short time later, at a windswept event in Kansas City, people were streaming for their cars after Biden wrapped up in 12 minutes. His longest speech of the weekend, in the gym of Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., didn’t quite make 15 minutes.”

Biden Shifts to Shorter Speeches

And you are complaining about a politician making shorter speeches- why?

and you just confirmed that Biden has problems !! do you want him to hide and stay silent until nov ??

Again- why do you think that a politician making shorter speeches is a 'problem'?

We are going to be seeing Joe regularly right up to when he gets sworn into the White House in January 2021.

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