Biden Pushes Homosexual Marriage as a Binding Human Right

Depends on the church leader. Nobody should trust their little kid around Biden or Gates and all of those Dem pedos in Hollywood and D.C.
I am going to expand that. No sensible parent trusts leaving their child alone with anyone other than close relatives who have proven their trust, Except Granny of course. Grannys are awesome.
I can't believe the Catholic Church hasn't excommunicated this demon many years ago. They must like his donations better than their moral standards.
Biden has been refused Communion several times, which is very serious for Catholics. Pelosi has also been denied Communion by a Bishop in San Francisco. These actions were taken because of their abortion activism.
Marriage is not a right. You need a license from the state to do it and they can refuse.

It's not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution, no, but a state would typically establish the criteria for getting a license and assuming that criteria's met, would need a reason to deny one said license. States can't discriminate; they have to treat people as equals under the law, in their application of the law.
Sadly, many pedos ARE hetero male family members.
And I would surmise that most are in left-leaning, atheist families. Someone should do a study.

Article from a lefty news site:

How paedophiles infiltrated the left and hijacked the fight for civil rights​

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WE were married in a religious-sanctioned marriage over 10 years before we could legally marry.
In the US it might have been possible over ten years ago, due to all these splinter religious churches. - so called reformed churches or reformed Christians
However not by a church such as the Roman Catholic Church.
Protestant Church in Germany, it is up to the 20 state organized Protestant Church-districts - AFAIK officially 17 of them acquit towards homo marriage since 2019.
I'm a traditionally white married Christian male who feels zero threat against my traditional marriage. Not my business what two consenting adults do. It's nobody's business but theirs. It's a total non issue.
And I would surmise that most are in left-leaning, atheist families. Someone should do a study.
Doesn't look good for conservatives;

Brain - neurological studies have already identified significant differences in the development of brain sections between e.g. liberal/democrat and conservatives.
It is therefore already proven that the EI function/emphasis of conservatives are less developed/emphasized then those of liberals or democrats.

Simple example: a person like me who is in majority a conservative will shoo away or ignore a stray cat - whilst a liberal&lefty will immediately bring a bowl with milk, or go to tears complaining as to why the world doesn't provide lush homes to all cats. - paid for by conservatives off course.

Studies in regards to pedophile behavior have revealed that 80%+ of Pedophilia cases are in regards to a low EI - expressed via a brutalizing urge, in regards to a random availability, (of a victim) rather then a sexual motive. Specifically noticeable in cases involving relatives or family members.

Liberals&lefties are trying to "excuse" or define Pedophilia - as a "mere different" sexual orientation (just as being gay) - that therefore needs to be acknowledged, respectively needs to be thought in e.g. schools so as to prevent Pedophiles thoughts and to possibly derail them at a young age - aka it is not okay to have sex with a 6 year old person. That liberals&lefties are simultaneously trying to lower the sex consent age - or the definition time spectrum of sex in regards to the term minors is also understood. E.g 12 years should be okay, but not 11.

Other scholars define Pedophilia as a mental deficiency/distortion - that as such can't be cured or treated medically, or therapeutic means offering a very low probability of success. Just as homosexuality - that in all cases known to me personally, is based on a mental distortion due to family related issues in regards to the upbringing of those respective mentally distorted children.

Trans-sexuality, independent of family cultural upbringings such as predominately exercised in e.g. the Philippines or Thailand - actually intentionally raising queers - is due to hormone and a genetic disorder - resulting into bisexual humans with the respective bi-organs or simply e.g. a male body trapped in a female enriched hormone body. As such the latter two, are simply poor bastards IMO harmed/impeded by a dysfunction of nature. If an operation can help them to lead a normal life - I would be in support of this.

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