Biden Pushes Homosexual Marriage as a Binding Human Right

Doesn't look good for conservatives;

Brain - neurological studies have already identified significant differences in the development of brain sections between e.g. liberal/democrat and conservatives.
It is therefore already proven that the EI function/emphasis of conservatives are less developed/emphasized then those of liberals or democrats.

Simple example: a person like me who is in majority a conservative will shoo away or ignore a stray cat - whilst a liberal&lefty will immediately bring a bowl with milk, or go to tears complaining as to why the world doesn't provide lush homes to all cats. - paid for by conservatives off course.

Studies in regards to pedophile behavior have revealed that 80%+ of Pedophilia cases are in regards to a low EI - expressed via a brutalizing urge, in regards to a random availability, (of a victim) rather then a sexual motive. Specifically noticeable in cases involving relatives or family members.

Liberals&lefties are trying to "excuse" or define Pedophilia - as a "mere different" sexual orientation (just as being gay) - that therefore needs to be acknowledged, respectively needs to be thought in e.g. schools so as to prevent Pedophiles thoughts and to possibly derail them at a young age - aka it is not okay to have sex with a 6 year old person. That liberals&lefties are simultaneously trying to lower the sex consent age - or the definition time spectrum of sex in regards to the term minors is also understood. E.g 12 years should be okay, but not 11.

Other scholars define Pedophilia as a mental deficiency/distortion - that as such can't be cured or treated medically, or therapeutic means offering a very low probability of success. Just as homosexuality - that in all cases known to me personally, is based on a mental distortion due to family related issues in regards to the upbringing of those respective mentally distorted children.

Trans-sexuality, independent of family cultural upbringings such as predominately exercised in e.g. the Philippines or Thailand - actually intentionally raising queers - is due to hormone and a genetic disorder - resulting into bisexual humans with the respective bi-organs or simply e.g. a male body trapped in a female enriched hormone body. As such the latter two, are simply poor bastards IMO harmed/impeded by a dysfunction of nature. If an operation can help them to lead a normal life - I would be in support of this.
Doesn't look good for conservatives;

Brain - neurological studies have already identified significant differences in the development of brain sections between e.g. liberal/democrat and conservatives.
It is therefore already proven that the EI function/emphasis of conservatives are less developed/emphasized then those of liberals or democrats.

Simple example: a person like me who is in majority a conservative will shoo away or ignore a stray cat - whilst a liberal&lefty will immediately bring a bowl with milk, or go to tears complaining as to why the world doesn't provide lush homes to all cats. - paid for by conservatives off course.

Studies in regards to pedophile behavior have revealed that 80%+ of Pedophilia cases are in regards to a low EI - expressed via a brutalizing urge, in regards to a random availability, (of a victim) rather then a sexual motive. Specifically noticeable in cases involving relatives or family members.

Liberals&lefties are trying to "excuse" or define Pedophilia - as a "mere different" sexual orientation (just as being gay) - that therefore needs to be acknowledged, respectively needs to be thought in e.g. schools so as to prevent Pedophiles thoughts and to possibly derail them at a young age - aka it is not okay to have sex with a 6 year old person. That liberals&lefties are simultaneously trying to lower the sex consent age - or the definition time spectrum of sex in regards to the term minors is also understood. E.g 12 years should be okay, but not 11.

Other scholars define Pedophilia as a mental deficiency/distortion - that as such can't be cured or treated medically, or therapeutic means offering a very low probability of success. Just as homosexuality - that in all cases known to me personally, is based on a mental distortion due to family related issues in regards to the upbringing of those respective mentally distorted children.

Trans-sexuality, independent of family cultural upbringings such as predominately exercised in e.g. the Philippines or Thailand - actually intentionally raising queers - is due to hormone and a genetic disorder - resulting into bisexual humans with the respective bi-organs or simply e.g. a male body trapped in a female enriched hormone body. As such the latter two, are simply poor bastards IMO harmed/impeded by a dysfunction of nature. If an operation can help them to lead a normal life - I would be in support of this.
Biden has been refused Communion several times, which is very serious for Catholics. Pelosi has also been denied Communion by a Bishop in San Francisco. These actions were taken because of their abortion activism.

Biden is not a Catholic. He is a Jew. Failure to recognize that requires an IQ under 5....
Doesn't look good for conservatives;

Brain - neurological studies have already identified significant differences in the development of brain sections between e.g. liberal/democrat and conservatives.
It is therefore already proven that the EI function/emphasis of conservatives are less developed/emphasized then those of liberals or democrats.

Simple example: a person like me who is in majority a conservative will shoo away or ignore a stray cat - whilst a liberal&lefty will immediately bring a bowl with milk, or go to tears complaining as to why the world doesn't provide lush homes to all cats. - paid for by conservatives off course.

Studies in regards to pedophile behavior have revealed that 80%+ of Pedophilia cases are in regards to a low EI - expressed via a brutalizing urge, in regards to a random availability, (of a victim) rather then a sexual motive. Specifically noticeable in cases involving relatives or family members.

Liberals&lefties are trying to "excuse" or define Pedophilia - as a "mere different" sexual orientation (just as being gay) - that therefore needs to be acknowledged, respectively needs to be thought in e.g. schools so as to prevent Pedophiles thoughts and to possibly derail them at a young age - aka it is not okay to have sex with a 6 year old person. That liberals&lefties are simultaneously trying to lower the sex consent age - or the definition time spectrum of sex in regards to the term minors is also understood. E.g 12 years should be okay, but not 11.

Other scholars define Pedophilia as a mental deficiency/distortion - that as such can't be cured or treated medically, or therapeutic means offering a very low probability of success. Just as homosexuality - that in all cases known to me personally, is based on a mental distortion due to family related issues in regards to the upbringing of those respective mentally distorted children.

Trans-sexuality, independent of family cultural upbringings such as predominately exercised in e.g. the Philippines or Thailand - actually intentionally raising queers - is due to hormone and a genetic disorder - resulting into bisexual humans with the respective bi-organs or simply e.g. a male body trapped in a female enriched hormone body. As such the latter two, are simply poor bastards IMO harmed/impeded by a dysfunction of nature. If an operation can help them to lead a normal life - I would be in support of this.
From my perspective, it appears that the left leaning, woke crowd are generally more violent and unpredictable than right leaning folks. But before a study could be universally understood by all, we'd have to define what "right leaning" and "left leaning" actually mean. There are a myriad of definitions based on individual perspective. A person could be "right" on the economic spectrum while "left" on social issues (or vice versa). There are "left leaning" folks who reject the current "woke" movement, and there are people in the woke movement who believe average liberals are "Nazis" if they don't accept the idea of hacking up a child's genitalia.

Personally, I define "right" as an adherence to biblical and Constitutional principles. I begin my premise on the idea that children should be taught right from wrong from a very young age. Standards of conduct should be introduced early and should become habit by the time they're teens. Families should routinely interact with each other by enjoying social activities (family gatherings; eating dinner together; going to events together, etc.) as well as outdoor activities (hiking, fishing, camping, hunting, horseback riding, etc.). Parents should be good examples to their children.

I'm not Amish but I could use their community as an example. They know their gender roles and what their actual gender is. From my perspective, their way of life is far superior to this:


These "men" adopted two boys then proceeded to molest them. Then they sold them into prostitution with other men. Sickening, in my opinion.
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Personally, I define "right" as an adherence to biblical and Constitutional principles. I begin my premise on the idea that children should be taught right from wrong from a very young age. Standards of conduct should be introduced early and should become habit by the time they're teens. Families should routinely interact with each other by enjoying social activities (family gatherings; eating dinner together; going to events together, etc.) as well as outdoor activities (hiking, fishing, camping, hunting, horseback riding, etc.). Parents should be good examples to their children.
Couldn't agree more - but that is exactly what lefties&libs are all about - how to gain access/influence towards what conservative or normal people define to be right and wrong.
After-all they are convinced that a free/liberated progressive society can only arise, upon the destruction of prevailing morals and social culture of today's societies. That they have so far only initiated the development of an own society-form that rejects personal responsibility for it's own deeds, is the present result.

Hey gay is great - let them do whatever they want and live their life. Upps... LGBTq are now free to publicly displaying and promoting an abnormal behavior - so off-course the normal people need to take the responsibility for those previous lefty&lib actions, and find a way to teach their kids, that being gay is great and normal. If not, respective laws need to be enforced.

Just like this never-ending fear-mongering about CO2 - whilst absolutely ignoring their own sole responsibility of having defied and dismantled nuclear energy as a primary energy source.

As the former Bavarian Prime-Minister stated in 1981: Lefty&Libs and Greens are just like the Nazi's - brainwashing the children, media control and enforcing laws via fearmongering concepts, and instigating violent protests to subdue the overall population into submission towards their ideals.
These "men" adopted two boys then proceeded to molest them. Then they sold them into prostitution with other men. Sickening, in my opinion.
Not just in your opinion - but any "normal" human being.
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

People have a right to do it. This is not a theocracy. I do not believe that the Lord would condemn anyone who follows his commandments. The ten commandments do not mention same sex marriage or transgenderism.
Democracy used to represent the majority. Not a tiny minority assholes well funded by Soros.

The majority support same sex marriage. You are the hate-mongers who want to divide people. You people are in league with Satan.
Doesn't look good for conservatives;

Brain - neurological studies have already identified significant differences in the development of brain sections between e.g. liberal/democrat and conservatives.
It is therefore already proven that the EI function/emphasis of conservatives are less developed/emphasized then those of liberals or democrats.

Simple example: a person like me who is in majority a conservative will shoo away or ignore a stray cat - whilst a liberal&lefty will immediately bring a bowl with milk, or go to tears complaining as to why the world doesn't provide lush homes to all cats. - paid for by conservatives off course.

Studies in regards to pedophile behavior have revealed that 80%+ of Pedophilia cases are in regards to a low EI - expressed via a brutalizing urge, in regards to a random availability, (of a victim) rather then a sexual motive. Specifically noticeable in cases involving relatives or family members.

Liberals&lefties are trying to "excuse" or define Pedophilia - as a "mere different" sexual orientation (just as being gay) - that therefore needs to be acknowledged, respectively needs to be thought in e.g. schools so as to prevent Pedophiles thoughts and to possibly derail them at a young age - aka it is not okay to have sex with a 6 year old person. That liberals&lefties are simultaneously trying to lower the sex consent age - or the definition time spectrum of sex in regards to the term minors is also understood. E.g 12 years should be okay, but not 11.

Other scholars define Pedophilia as a mental deficiency/distortion - that as such can't be cured or treated medically, or therapeutic means offering a very low probability of success. Just as homosexuality - that in all cases known to me personally, is based on a mental distortion due to family related issues in regards to the upbringing of those respective mentally distorted children.

Trans-sexuality, independent of family cultural upbringings such as predominately exercised in e.g. the Philippines or Thailand - actually intentionally raising queers - is due to hormone and a genetic disorder - resulting into bisexual humans with the respective bi-organs or simply e.g. a male body trapped in a female enriched hormone body. As such the latter two, are simply poor bastards IMO harmed/impeded by a dysfunction of nature. If an operation can help them to lead a normal life - I would be in support of this.

What a pant load
I cannot believe it is 2023 and we still have bigoted morons still whining about same sex marriage.
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

Oh Potatohead, the pedo, would be pro queer.

The sonofabitch has never been right on anything in his life.

It means you trusted someone with your kid when you kid was very young who raped your kid and initialized your kid as homo.

It had nothing to do with you other than you trusted someone to care for your kids you should not have.

Keep homos away from kids.

Apparent6ly someone raped your ass. You are a bigot and nothing more.
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

The Lord that ordered gays and adulterers to be killed under the Puritans?

Or the Lord that ordered just gays but NOT adulterers to be killed under the Founders?

or the Lord that ordered that NEITHER gays NOR adulterers be killed today?

Smiling....did 'the Lord' change his mind?
Come on - rape has nothing to do with a homo or lesbian vulture/predator eying for my daughter or son. These heavily disturbed people do not rape - but manipulate uneducated or disturbed kids.

Rape is punishable by law - no matter who and what
A homo/lesbian eying or making advances onto my daughter/son - unfortunately is not punishable by law.

But as for manipulation that is where the personal education - given by the parents kicks in. - to prevent one's own kids from getting manipulated.
If a distorted/disturbed parental home situation comes in - then those kids/children are prone to become distorted/disturbed themselves. And Homo/lesbians have a natural instinct towards identifying such kids/people.

And again: Biden's UN attempt isn't about Homo marriage as such - but to get a political leverage (for Lefty&libs controlled countries) towards countries who oppose such a law presently. e.g. China. Russia, etc. etc. ...

It is about barbarism. People who are transgender and gay have a right to live their life and should not be in fear of their lives.
The majority support same sex marriage. You are the hate-mongers who want to divide people. You people are in league with Satan.
"The majority" of the world's population see "same sex" anything as perverted and contrary to God's plan, purpose, and creation. You don't see homosexuality in the animal kingdom except in the rarest occasions. It is the exception rather than the rule. Homosexuality is perversion. Period.
It is about barbarism. People who are transgender and gay have a right to live their life and should not be in fear of their lives.

So live their lives but stop demanding acceptance when the majority realizes it's a mental illness
Apparent6ly someone raped your ass. You are a bigot and nothing more.


Actually many gays admit it. The radical left wing homos do not want that truth out there. They push DNA and born gay and other complete bullshit because they want to continue to rape, as they have with Boy Scouts and public school kids for decades...
Stupid Joe Biden has left his law school studies far behind. Marriage is not a right, but a privelige. I know this because couples need a marriage license from the state they marry in and the state can refuse such a license in certain cases.,

Here are California's marriage requirements:

It really is not a privilege. We treat it as a right. Most state requirements for a marriage license has to do with non-gender aspects such as age and not still being legally married. The equal protection clause of the Constitution forbids discrimination.

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