Biden Response on Maui Death Toll: No Comment

Im not part of the filth that’s brought America down. I love my country and am proud of it. I see the clown show you’re parading around in as the anti america force trying to rip us apart. But thankfully not many take your kind seriously.
Youre defending it recklessly
My guess is Joe doesn’t know about it, much less know where Maui is and part of the USA.

You have to run with my guess, Lefties. Otherwise the only other option is he’s a cold heartless SOB.

/----/ Dementia Joe knows, he just doesn't care.
Here… from 5 days ago. Do better

There's a difference between a written statement that could be put together by any staffer who knows how to write and a live, verbal statement given by the president in response to a direct question. A simple, "We are doing everything we can to help those devastated by the fires" is a whole lot better than nothing. This guy is politically tone deaf.
There's a difference between a written statement that could be put together by any staffer who knows how to write and a live, verbal statement given by the president in response to a direct question. A simple, "We are doing everything we can to help those devastated by the fires" is a whole lot better than nothing. This guy is politically tone deaf.
Y’all are really desperate for things to bitch about aren’t ya?! Wow
Here… from 5 days ago. Do better

Thanks for admitting NO COMMENT Joe is just a puppet while others pull strings behind the curtain.

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