Biden Running Organized Crime Organization from the White House


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Let's look at the evidence.

When Biden took office, he immediately ceased enforcing immigration law passed by Congress. This act alone allowed the drug trafficking, human trafficking, and illegals to enter the US unchecked. They then gave these illegal entries money and assistance to be placed all over the US despite them being MS13 gang members and potential terrorists.

A few days back we learned that Kattie Hobbs and the DNC in Arizona are on the Sinaloa Cartel payroll. That Hobbs takes bribes and assists in ballot fraud and other intimidation tactic to keep them in power. Knowing that the DNC is involved and on the payroll leads me to believe that Joe Biden and his staff are on the Sinaloa payroll as well.

The Boarder Patrols hands are tied when it comes to the drug smugglers, by Biden and Mayorkas. Rancher protecting their properties are being treated as murderers for shooting drug mules who threaten their safety. The DOJ and FBI are prosecuting landowners who are protecting their civil rights under US law from invasion.

People who are assisting the child exploitation across the US are being let off by DOJ attorneys Instructed to do so by Biden and his staff in the administrative branch. Pedophilia is being demanded to be normalized by the DNC with drag shows and other perversions being force feed to our children in schools. Drug dealers are being let out of jail without posting bail across this nation due to the left-wing DNC prosecutors.

From top to bottom, all of this is being orchestrated by Joe Biden and Democrats who are lining their pockets from the drug cartels billions of profits that he has enabled.

110,000 deaths from Fentanyl last year alone, 10,987 known deaths crossing our border by illegals. Some 230,000 children unaccounted for and cannot be located, Need I go on? Billions of dollars in profits are making their way into democrats HANDS FROM THE DRUG CARTELS, and our DOJ and FBI are the strong men keeping the Biden's and democrats from accountability.

The DNC is the largest Organized Crime Syndicate in US history. IT was exposed by brave men and women in Arizona who are now taking massive numbers of death threats from the cartels and others from within the US.

There is so much evidence that it is coming out of the woodwork but because Biden and Democrats have politicized the FBI and DOJ they will never be held to account for killing America and Americans.

I want to see all banking records from every politician in congress. Every single one. I don't give a shit who they are or what party they belong too. There are leads from Arizona that directly implicate Joe Biden and many other in DC. IF the Cartels and corruption have this big a grip on our people in DC we are in deep trouble as a nation.
Laughable falsehood
Everything is factual... It is all a matter of public records... I see that no one wants to discuss the verifiable facts and that the mod staff are fine with moving where it cannot be seen.

Factuality in evidence is not being considered. Protection of criminal democrats is paramount for this place.
I guess I need to Challenge the Moderator who moved this thread to provide proof that any of this is a "conspiracy theory".

Day one of Bidens administration Joe Biden signed an executive order telling those enforcing our laws to stop enforcing the laws enacted by congress that the Trump Administration was enforcing. This is a violation of Bidens Oath of office to uphold our laws and ensure our national sovereignty.

This is also a violation of Federal Immigration laws, enacted by congress. In doing this Biden is actively aiding and abetting the criminal act of illegal immigration AT TAXPAYERS EXPENSE. Biden is moving illegal entries all over the US in violation of US Law using government funds to do so. All of which are criminal acts under US LAW.

Bidne is required to enforce the laws enacted by congress. He is given NO OPTION to enforce only laws he likes or agrees with.

THE DNC platform of No Jail and No Bail are widespread and in violation of US and State law. Drug dealers are being releases faster than they can do the paper work. Democrat DA's are impeding police ability to enforce laws and releasing criminals. The defund police is part and parcel of these policies.

According to Homeland security 230,000 minors cannot be found, just one year out. This raises major concerns that the Biden administration is moving minors to the interior of the US for sale, aiding the cartels in the moving and sale of human children.

According to National records on Fentanyl deaths reached 110,000 this last year from the open border polices and free flow of drugs into the US. Criminal actors are not being deported and allowed to stay in the US by the Biden administration and the Democrat DA's are now releasing them back to the streets faster than they can be arrested according to the National Institue of Jails and Prisons. (NIJ)

A Texas rancher is currently being tried for murder even though the man he shot was armed and packing drugs for the cartels. The Biden administration is actively going after those protecting their homes and rights.

The DOJ and FBI are actively protecting Joe Biden and his family while covering up their blatant criminal acts, money laundering and other criminal acts of power and influencing pedaling. More to the point is the recent investigation in Arizona that showed Kattie Hobbs and the DNC were on the Sinaloa Cartel payroll and committing crimes of money laundering and other financial and human trafficking crimes which indicate that the Biden family is using the federal government to move children, at public expense, to their final Cartel destination.

CRT and other "equity" agenda items are trying to normalize pedophilia and sexual deviancy in our children. This is a core DEMCORAT platform policy that is a violation of parental rights and deeply held religious beliefs.

This criminal conduct starts at the top with Joe Biden and the DNC in Washington DC. The facts are clear. The laws are clear. What exactly is the "conspiracy theory" and why was this moved?
Everything is factual... It is all a matter of public records... I see that no one wants to discuss the verifiable facts and that the mod staff are fine with moving where it cannot be seen.

Factuality in evidence is not being considered. Protection of criminal democrats is paramount for this place.
Lots of whining going on there.
I guess I need to Challenge the Moderator who moved this thread to provide proof that any of this is a "conspiracy theory".

Day one of Bidens administration Joe Biden signed an executive order telling those enforcing our laws to stop enforcing the laws enacted by congress that the Trump Administration was enforcing. This is a violation of Bidens Oath of office to uphold our laws and ensure our national sovereignty.

This is also a violation of Federal Immigration laws, enacted by congress. In doing this Biden is actively aiding and abetting the criminal act of illegal immigration AT TAXPAYERS EXPENSE. Biden is moving illegal entries all over the US in violation of US Law using government funds to do so. All of which are criminal acts under US LAW.

Bidne is required to enforce the laws enacted by congress. He is given NO OPTION to enforce only laws he likes or agrees with.

THE DNC platform of No Jail and No Bail are widespread and in violation of US and State law. Drug dealers are being releases faster than they can do the paper work. Democrat DA's are impeding police ability to enforce laws and releasing criminals. The defund police is part and parcel of these policies.

According to Homeland security 230,000 minors cannot be found, just one year out. This raises major concerns that the Biden administration is moving minors to the interior of the US for sale, aiding the cartels in the moving and sale of human children.

According to National records on Fentanyl deaths reached 110,000 this last year from the open border polices and free flow of drugs into the US. Criminal actors are not being deported and allowed to stay in the US by the Biden administration and the Democrat DA's are now releasing them back to the streets faster than they can be arrested according to the National Institue of Jails and Prisons. (NIJ)

A Texas rancher is currently being tried for murder even though the man he shot was armed and packing drugs for the cartels. The Biden administration is actively going after those protecting their homes and rights.

The DOJ and FBI are actively protecting Joe Biden and his family while covering up their blatant criminal acts, money laundering and other criminal acts of power and influencing pedaling. More to the point is the recent investigation in Arizona that showed Kattie Hobbs and the DNC were on the Sinaloa Cartel payroll and committing crimes of money laundering and other financial and human trafficking crimes which indicate that the Biden family is using the federal government to move children, at public expense, to their final Cartel destination.

CRT and other "equity" agenda items are trying to normalize pedophilia and sexual deviancy in our children. This is a core DEMCORAT platform policy that is a violation of parental rights and deeply held religious beliefs.

This criminal conduct starts at the top with Joe Biden and the DNC in Washington DC. The facts are clear. The laws are clear. What exactly is the "conspiracy theory" and why was this moved?
The authorities cannot move detained persons from one place to another?
So they are supposed to leave the detained person where they arrested them...on the roadside, in the ravine, etc???? What specific federal law is Biden supposedly violating?
You moron.... They need to DEPORT THEM AS THE LAW STATES> not give them a free ride where ever they want... The Biden admin may as well just pick up the drug mules and drop them off at the drug house...
You moron.... They need to DEPORT THEM AS THE LAW STATES> not give them a free ride where ever they want... The Biden admin may as well just pick up the drug mules and drop them off at the drug house...
And you have zero evidence that this happened.... "free ride where ever they want"?

But while we're on the topic...right wing nut job governors Abbott and DeSantis have actually given detainees who "volunteered" rides to presumably places they wanted to go.

They should be arrested too right?

This is the point where you now defend the actions you've just railed against.
And you have zero evidence that this happened.... "free ride where ever they want"?

But while we're on the topic...right wing nut job governors Abbott and DeSantis have actually given detainees who "volunteered" rides to presumably places they wanted to go.

They should be arrested too right?

This is the point where you now defend the actions you've just railed against.

Everything I cited above is publicly available records...

So sad that you are incapable of finding them..

Everything I cited above is publicly available records...

So sad that you are incapable of finding them..
You never cited any federal law that prevents the President from moving a detainee from one place to another and you completely sidestepped the question I asked you about the two governors.
The DNC is a criminal syndicate to begin with. Xiden is just there to steal as much as he can get.
Always ready to laugh off true threats to our country, eh? OH B-B-B-BUT TRUMP TWEETS!!!!! :aargh:
Yes she is. The laws on Organized crime are easily found. The laws what a president can and cannot do are easily found, The fact she is ignoring them, and the facts presented is not unexpected, nor is the Mods not having the balls to own up to moving the thread for political purposes. Funny how the bias here ALWAYS goes to protecting democrats.

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