Biden says ‘extreme MAGA philosophy’ is like ‘semi-fascism’

Anyone want to bet whether or not resident biden says anything about the 13 Marines killed in Kabul?...
What a shameful human biden is.....
I have asked over 50 Trump supporters since 2016 the reasons why they support this man. Trying to understand the reasons behind the blind loyalty. The ignoring of his incompetence, his what end? What did they think this man was going to return to them? Why is this man deserving of this love and devotion?

I've gotten my answer, and it's ugly. And I stand by my conclusions.
This man, brings out the absolute worst and darkest in his supporters..because they...are him.

Sorry. :)
TS. You got your narrative and not much else.
More gaslighting?
Russia taught Trump well.
Trump taught his cult well.

I wouldn't call 100 years of Dems fellating Russia....gaslighting.


You need to be more flexible.

The 1980s called.
I wouldn't call 100 years of Dems fellating Russia....gaslighting.

View attachment 687810

You need to be more flexible.

The 1980s called.

Photos of President Donald Trump‘s meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office on Wednesday raised eyebrows as well as security concerns when the pictures were released by the Russian government rather than the White House.

The images show the president laughing and looking chummy with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. U.S. reporters and photographers were shut out. The meeting, Politico reports, occurred at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent phone call with Trump.

“He chose to receive him because Putin asked him to,” a White House spokesman told the outlet of Trump’s meeting with Lavrov. “Putin did specifically ask on the call when they last talked.”

Photos of President Donald Trump‘s meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office on Wednesday raised eyebrows as well as security concerns when the pictures were released by the Russian government rather than the White House.

The images show the president laughing and looking chummy with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. U.S. reporters and photographers were shut out. The meeting, Politico reports, occurred at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent phone call with Trump.

“He chose to receive him because Putin asked him to,” a White House spokesman told the outlet of Trump’s meeting with Lavrov. “Putin did specifically ask on the call when they last talked.”

View attachment 687828

Meeting with Russians. LOL!
What's left of this nation?

Why shouldn't we split?
Sue, I really wish you would go ahead and split, maybe buy yourselves a nice banana republic somewhere and make something of yourselves, while this country goes on without you.
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Extreme MAGA Philosophy....I sort of like it....Just another in a long line of phrases designed to describe Trump voters that will backfire on the dems.​

A certain % of MAGAnuts sure didn't like being identified as deplorable but then the truth hurts sometimes. It doesn't make Hillary or Joe wrong.
Meeting with Russians. LOL!
You must not remember what was discussed at that meeting. Or maybe you do and you think it's OK for Trump to have admitted firing Comey to relieve pressure for the "Russia thing" while revealing classified info to them. After all, for MAGAnuts, if Trump does it it's perfectly fine.
You must not remember what was discussed at that meeting. Or maybe you do and you think it's OK for Trump to have admitted firing Comey to relieve pressure for the "Russia thing" while revealing classified info to them. After all, for MAGAnuts, if Trump does it it's perfectly fine.

You must not remember what was discussed at that meeting.

What was discussed?

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