Biden Sells Our Oil

Biden didn't sell shit. As much as I dislike the man, that anything released from the SPR left the U.S. is not on him.

"Once oil is released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, current U.S. law allows for companies that are registered to purchase it to then sell it on the market..."

To anyone.

Why U.S. Petroleum Reserve Oil Went Overseas
Seems that during a crisis, all this would be placed on hold, so are we in a crisis or not ????? If not, then who gives a representative government the power to suffer the American people as it is currently doing now ?????
Seems that during a crisis, all this would be placed on hold, so are we in a crisis or not ????? If not, then who gives a representative government the power to suffer the American people as it is currently doing now ?????
The Repubs said no when it was brought up earlier In the year.
1. It is not about the price of gas in other countries, it is about the global price of oil. That is what dictates the price of gas in this nation.

2. Well, then you need to work on having the oil industry nationalized.

Neither those statements seem correct or make any sense. Everybody has their own pipelines. Ours is closed and we are forced to get our oil from elsewhere. It only should be as necessary to get oil from other countries and right now we probably need it more than China which doesn't have a lot of vehicles anyways. Except bikes if you want to consider that a vehicle.
Neither those statements seem correct or make any sense. Everybody has their own pipelines. Ours is closed and we are forced to get our oil from elsewhere. It only should be as necessary to get oil from other countries and right now we probably need it more than China which doesn't have a lot of vehicles anyways. Except bikes if you want to consider that a vehicle.

They do not make any sense because you are fucking idiot.

The price of oil is the price of oil. Right now today it is at about $10 a bl. That is how much is being paid for it no matter where it is coming from.

The US oil companies do not give the US a special price.
They do not make any sense because you are fucking idiot.

The price of oil is the price of oil. Right now today it is at about $10 a bl. That is how much is being paid for it no matter where it is coming from.

The US oil companies do not give the US a special price.

You're the one who's clueless. The gas prices aren't the same even in different places in my own state. None of them are anywhere close to ten dollars. You could use ten dollars to go buy yourself a clue though. :rolleyes:
Thank fucking Odin I never said it was. Let me try this one more time....

Here's the Biden EXCUSE MAN again defending his bitch Biden...........We open the Reserve for our use OR OUR ALLIES........Not China WHO IS BUYING RUSSIAN OIL paying in RUBLES. China and India are buying about 37% of Putin's oil now. They cut buying from Saudi Arabia at the same time. So Maybe you can EXPLAIN THIS GLOBAL SUPPLY TO ME AGAIN..........Because Biden has been saying it's ALL RUSSIA'S FAULT.........

They just moved the Global supply to China, India and BRICS nations..........Paying with the RUBLE.

Now he sends OUR RESERVES to those bankrolling Russia.......NICE HUH????????? Maybe we should investigate your ass.........fitting symbol of the DNC .....FOR COLLUSION WITH PUTIN.

Can somebody please explain to me how our gas prices are the same as China's when the majority of the country DOESN'T EVEN DRIVE!?!
Can somebody please explain to me how our gas prices are the same as China's when the majority of the country DOESN'T EVEN DRIVE!?!
Overall oil production plus tarriffs and taxes.

Most gas stations make almost no profit off of gas. It's sale of beer and such that makes them the money. However, lower gas price at the pump brings everyone in.

When our country has HALF THE RIGS since 2019 we are losing a lot of oil and gas production. Biden is directly responsible for a large portion of it because he attacked it from day one and made it more expensive to lease even if he allowed it. 1st day in office he put a 100 moratorium on oil and gas sales TO SAFE THE PLANET.

He is a Billboard sign against fossil fuels.

Overall oil production plus tarriffs and taxes.

Most gas stations make almost no profit off of gas. It's sale of beer and such that makes them the money. However, lower gas price at the pump brings everyone in.

When our country has HALF THE RIGS since 2019 we are losing a lot of oil and gas production. Biden is directly responsible for a large portion of it because he attacked it from day one and made it more expensive to lease even if he allowed it. 1st day in office he put a 100 moratorium on oil and gas sales TO SAFE THE PLANET.

He is a Billboard sign against fossil fuels.


Yeah I know. My point was that Golfing Gator is full of shit. He says that he doesn't follow Biden, but I haven't heard one ounce of truth from him so far in this thread.
You're the one who's clueless. The gas prices aren't the same even in different places in my own state. None of them are anywhere close to ten dollars. You could use ten dollars to go buy yourself a clue though. :rolleyes:

The fact that gas prices are set off the price of oil does not mean they will all be exactly the same. How fucking stupid are you?

Different states have different tax rates on gas, different counties have different tax rates on gas, different cities have different tax rates on gas. Add in the different prices charged by the distributors to the gas station and the companies that actually make the gas and you get different prices.

One thing that stays steady, if the price of oil goes up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.
Can somebody please explain to me how our gas prices are the same as China's when the majority of the country DOESN'T EVEN DRIVE!?!

The price of gasoline is higher in China than it is here.

Are you really this fucking stupid?
The fact that gas prices are set off the price of oil does not mean they will all be exactly the same. How fucking stupid are you?

You're the one who said the prices were all the same globally Einstein not me. You're only making yourself dumber by the minute. :rolleyes:
You're the one who said the prices were all the same globally Einstein not me. You're only making yourself dumber by the minute. :rolleyes:

I said the price of oil is the same, not the price of gasoline you fucking brain dead bitch.

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