*Biden Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. So where is the shredding of Biden on all News Channels?
2. He was on record saying he did not send the goons.
3. And now, the truth comes out.
4. Lookie Here:

5. Libtards heads spinning. lol!!!!

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. So where is the shredding of Biden on all News Channels?
2. He was on record saying he did no send the goons.
3. And now, the truth comes out.
4. Look Here:

5. Libtards heads spinning. lol!!!!

"Hey....I heard about it when you did"; he said.

Obama used to say the same shit every time he did something bad.

Sorry bout that,

1. So where is the shredding of Biden on all News Channels?
2. He was on record saying he did not send the goons.
3. And now, the truth comes out.
4. Lookie Here:

5. Libtards heads spinning. lol!!!!


Libtards will simply ignore it.
Democrats don't care about lies, or using the DOJ to go after political opponents. Democrat voters are just as corrupt as the people they put in office.

Right now, they're all shrugging...."so what?"

Some of us naively thought, how do these reprobates keep getting in office?
Then we realized the fucking Democrats electing them were exactly the same pieces of shit..
Sorry bout that,

1. So where is the shredding of Biden on all News Channels?
2. He was on record saying he did not send the goons.
3. And now, the truth comes out.
4. Lookie Here:

5. Libtards heads spinning. lol!!!!

and the left calls Trump a tyrant ....
What exactly do you claimed happen?

The President requested records of a previous president for records he needed in dealing with his job?

Yeah, of course we would say, so what? It is perfectly normal....especially when the former president never allowed his administration a transition period updating the new administration on what was pending etc.
What exactly do you claimed happen?

The President requested records of a previous president for records he needed in dealing with his job?

Yeah, of course we would say, so what? It is perfectly normal....especially when the former president never allowed his administration a transition period updating the new administration on what was pending etc.
Are you serious? You're a put on right? If it's on the up and up why did Biden lie and say he had no knowledge of it? You think the weaponization of the federal government against a political opponent is peachy, even though Joe then had the same issue with documents? It is BECAUSE Pedo Joe knew about the finding of documents that he had, that this was done. To provide cover for his Classified Documents.
The real question is why you libtard scumbag fascists admire vermin like Hitler so much.



Definition of "libtard" = fiscally conservative patriot of America who disproves theory that Co2 is cause of Earth Climate Change

"conservative" = IQ under 5, supporter of W, big spending, massive deficits, putting opium in legal pills, socializing senior drugs by lying to Congress about the estimated cost, porking out to public education while flipping off vouchers, cheering for Joe Biden in 2020, and supporter/believer that if all Middle East Muslims are exterminated by US troops and that land is given to Israel, Jesus will float down from the clouds....

Any more for us, "counselor??"
What exactly do you claimed happen?

The President requested records of a previous president for records he needed in dealing with his job?

Yeah, of course we would say, so what? It is perfectly normal....especially when the former president never allowed his administration a transition period updating the new administration on what was pending etc.
Requesting records be returned is a far cry from ordering a raid

Huge fail
Are you serious? You're a put on right? If it's on the up and up why did Biden lie and say he had no knowledge of it? You think the weaponization of the federal government against a political opponent is peachy, even though Joe then had the same issue with documents? It is BECAUSE Pedo Joe knew about the finding of documents that he had, that this was done. To provide cover for his Classified Documents.
He had no knowledge of the DOJ search and seizure at Mara Lago in August 2022.

What weaponization?

Crooked Donald stole government owned, presidential records and refused to return them, until a partial return of 15 cases in January 2022. When NARA went through them to sort and archive, the cases were filled with top secret and classified documents. The archive then sent a referral to the FBI of them finding top secret documents their archivists had no security clearance to go through, so the FBI with clearance sorted through them and found over 100 CLASSIFIED documents spread out in the 15 cases...

At that point, the doj's FBI were called in to investigate.... Same thing happened to Hillary.

The National archives went through her emails turned over to them and the archivists found 4 emails with top secret classified status documents so they gave a referral to the FBI.... which was REQUIRED under the Law and the FBI took over and opened an investigation in to her emails....

The FBI worked for months with Trump trying to get them all returned, got subpoenas, for records they knew Trump still had, in May and June....Trump lawyers returned a few more, then swore on an affidavit that all records were returned.

Fbi knew there were more and suspected they lied on the sworn affidavit so they got a court ordered subpoena for Trump security video.

When they went through the security video it showed Trump going through cases of records he lied about returning and moving some of them to hide them....

They called in Trump staff who moved the records, and one of them told the FBI where to search for them.

The FBI returned to court, and got a court ordered search and seizure, to go to Trump's house/resort, to retrieve them, in August.

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