Biden Set to Announce an Unprecedented Crackdown on Gas-Powered Vehicles


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
And, of course, you know the elites and their brethren will continue to be chauffeured around in their gas guzzling SUVs, and jet setting to climate summits in their private, carbon spewing, aircraft.

Just like with the lockdowns, the sacrifices will be made by the little people.

For the good of the planet, don't you see?

As it stands, these changes could be sneaking up on Americans far sooner than expected.

Biden’s crackdown on gas-powered vehicles could impact vehicles manufactured for model years 2027 through 2032. That’s just a few years away.
Per Bloomberg, these sweeping changes will focus on governing “tailpipe emissions of carbon dioxide, smog-forming nitrogen oxide and other pollution from vehicles.”

Biden and his administration have long stated their desire to crack down on gas-powered vehicles, but aside from the above stated concerns from automakers, there’s one more rather large group of people that could be concerned: everyday Americans who drive to work.

There are numerous, documented issues with electric vehicles, ranging from the silly to the downright dangerous.

Even attempting to foist these changes on Americans could have an indelibly negative effect on Biden’s chances at re-election in 2024 — should he run again.

I absolutely loathe these communist criminals.

America cannot afford another term of China Joe.
And, of course, you know the elites and their brethren will continue to be chauffeured around in their gas guzzling SUVs, and jet setting to climate summits in their private, carbon spewing, aircraft.

Fuck Joe Biden. He isn't empowered to enact legislation and neither is the EPA.

The EPA is a near-worthless agency commissioned to carry out and ENFORCE environmental legislation, not write it.

All of the auto makers ought to give both of them the big finger. I want to see Joe and his EPA Gestapo fine or put out of business all of the car makers for not complying!
"Appears to be on the verge"...........................

Hmm...................nothing concrete in other words.

"Appears to be" means that to the observer, something looks like what the observer wants it to be.

"On the verge" of something means that you are still in the process of considering something, but have yet to take concrete action.

So...................basically, to the observer that wrote the OP's article, this is something that it looks like Biden is considering, and looks like he MIGHT take action.

Let me know when there is concrete proof.
And, of course, you know the elites and their brethren will continue to be chauffeured around in their gas guzzling SUVs, and jet setting to climate summits in their private, carbon spewing, aircraft.

Just like with the lockdowns, the sacrifices will be made by the little people.

For the good of the planet, don't you see?

I absolutely loathe these communist criminals.

America cannot afford another term of China Joe.
Biden must believe that this move will be politically favourable to a majority of Americans.

Or he's gone completely off the wall and isn't even sure what he believes anymore?
And, of course, you know the elites and their brethren will continue to be chauffeured around in their gas guzzling SUVs, and jet setting to climate summits in their private, carbon spewing, aircraft.

Just like with the lockdowns, the sacrifices will be made by the little people.

For the good of the planet, don't you see?

I absolutely loathe these communist criminals.

America cannot afford another term of China Joe.
Nazi joe
And, of course, you know the elites and their brethren will continue to be chauffeured around in their gas guzzling SUVs, and jet setting to climate summits in their private, carbon spewing, aircraft.

Just like with the lockdowns, the sacrifices will be made by the little people.

For the good of the planet, don't you see?

I absolutely loathe these communist criminals.

America cannot afford another term of China Joe.
That's why the criminal, election-stealing scum are working overtime to literally cause our collapse.
Why do you guys read the miserable "Western Journal" when you can read the source of there report directly. All they said was "according to Reuters". Here is the Reuters report. Seems everyone thinks its reasonable

US EPA to propose new vehicle pollution cuts, sees big EV jump​

By David Shepardson
Travelers are stuck in a traffic jam as people hit the road before the busy Thanksgiving Day weekend in Chicago, Illinois

WASHINGTON, April 6 (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is set as early as next week to propose new rules to spur sweeping cuts in vehicle emissions pollution that will push automakers towards a big increase in electric vehicle sales, sources told Reuters.

The proposed rules are expected to cover the 2027 through 2032 model years. Environmental groups and some automakers think the proposal will result in at least 50% of the U.S. vehicle fleet by 2030 being electric or plug-in hybrids - in line with a goal President Joe Biden outlined in 2021. The administration has not backed calls by California and others ban the sale of new gasoline-only light-duty vehicles by 2035.

In December 2021, the EPA finalized new light-duty tailpipe emissions requirements through the 2026 model year that reversed then-President Donald Trump's rollback of car pollution cuts.

One big question is whether the new EPA rules will be as aggressive as California's effort to ramp up zero-emission vehicles and phase out new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.
California Air Resources Board Executive Officer Steven Cliff told Reuters in December the federal government should "look at stringency that’s equivalent to our rules ... We’re 68% zero emissions in 2030 so modeling that and looking at that as an option for 2030 is absolutely critical."

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a trade group representing nearly all automakers including Ford Motor (F.N), Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and Toyota Motor (7203.T), said Thursday the industry backs the shift to EVs. "The question isn't whether it can be done, it's how fast can it be done."

Automakers have raised concerns the administration will require them to spend significant sums to improve the efficiency of internal combustion vehicles that will be phased out in the next decade. "Every dollar invested in internal combustion technology is a dollar not spent on zero carbon technology," The alliance said.

st like with the lockdowns, the sacrifices will be made by the little people.

^^^ This.

Musk is losing sales. It hasn't dawned on these morons who live in bubbles that fewer and fewer people can afford $80,000 electric cars that need 8 hours of recharging after driving across town. They've already glutted the market on people who can afford EV's even with the $13,000 in Fed subsidies, essentially a welfare program for people who already have the Mercedes and Lincoln SUV in the other two garage stalls.
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Seems everyone thinks its reasonable
Well gee, if every moron thinks it's OK, that's good enough for me.

No reasonable American thinks we can replace our IC's engines with unaffordable EV's towards an impossible net-zero pipedream.

They want to take our cars because that's what totalitarians that want to control everything do.
Sorry you proggies are too dense to see what this means.
Well gee, if every moron thinks it's OK, that's good enough for me.

No reasonable American thinks we can replace our IC's engines with unaffordable EV's towards an impossible net-zero pipedream.

They want to take our cars because that's what totalitarians that want to control everything do.
Sorry you proggies are too dense to see what this means.
Why is it unfathomable to you that it is simply good policy to push and incentivize healthy decisions? What do you care if cars in the future are a bit lower on emissions? Seriously? It is like a religion to you folks that if you arent polluting you arent American. Get a grip.
"The President appears to be on the verge of saying something profitic, Oh wait, no he's taking a whiz, so much for the spy-cam Bob, back to you!"

Spy cam?

Are you talking about the Chinese spy balloons he allowed to float over the country for days?

The ones that now even the Fake News admit were gathering intelligence over sensitive US military sites?

The ones the Biden Admin. had insisted were collecting weather data or some such nonsense?

What does it feel like to have zero integrity, and so much intellectual rot that you'll defend bold face lies again and again and again?

I couldn't do it.

And then I took a look at the other side and realized they weren't "RACISTS!" or "NAZIS!", but people who love America and want to take it back from the crooked Globalist cabal that has paid off our current government to gain its total servitude.

Maybe you should open your mind, admit there are enough signs/signals that you could be wrong.

Swallow your pride.

Or just continue to swallow the lies.
Biden must believe that this move will be politically favourable to a majority of Americans.

Or he's gone completely off the wall and isn't even sure what he believes anymore?

As if he's making any of these decisions...
"Appears to be on the verge"...........................

Hmm...................nothing concrete in other words.

"Appears to be" means that to the observer, something looks like what the observer wants it to be.

"On the verge" of something means that you are still in the process of considering something, but have yet to take concrete action.

So...................basically, to the observer that wrote the OP's article, this is something that it looks like Biden is considering, and looks like he MIGHT take action.

Let me know when there is concrete proof.

Bloomberg News is reporting he is going to make the announcement on Wednesday.

Hey man: I hope you're right and China Joe backs off due to political reasons.

But the fact is anyone with half a clue already knows they will do this if they think they can get away with it. They are compromised by the Chinese, and in service to the World Economic Forum. So their nefarious motivations were never in doubt.

When I started the first "Trump arrested" thread on here (before the Mods made the totally non-political decision to shift it to the "Legal" forum) I had plenty of doubters. Well look what happened. I don't see how this outcome would be any crazier.

Here's a question: Will you react like an objective human being if he does announce this on Wednesday?

Or will the talking point simply evolve to defend it?


Enquiring minds wanna know.

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