Biden should pardon Trump

These left wing cult fucks always have no idea about anything other than ORANGE MAN BAD.

So many dumb fucks. You would think they would change their thinking after taking the clot shot.

What do you mean?! I’m talking about throwing Trump a bone here!
I’m not concerned with coy cute or precious but I appreciate you sharing. I take it you don’t like the idea of Trump getting a pardon?
See, folks, you give it a chance to respond as a human being and still it refuses.

We need a new forum for trash like this and call it "Bottomlessly Stupid Leftist Bullshit" and maybe we could even use it as a fundraiser , with the stupidest leftist winning brain surgery -- just one additional cell so that they'd then have two of them to hammer together in the hope of actually making a thought happen.
See, folks, you give it a chance to respond as a human being and still it refuses.

We need a new forum for trash like this and call it "Bottomlessly Stupid Leftist Bullshit" and maybe we could even use it as a fundraiser , with the stupidest leftist winning brain surgery -- just one additional cell so that they'd then have two of them to hammer together in the hope of actually making a thought happen.
How about you just follow the rules and stick to the subject instead of making every response a personal insult rant about the OP?
Maybe we can sponsor a left wing family.

A Fauci OUCHY every day.
I'm normally pretty picky about the charities to whom I give -- mostly keeping my giving focused on Veterans' charities or feeding the needier folks in my small town -- but I could get behind ponying up daily shots for some deserving litter of lefties.
I'm normally pretty picky about the charities to whom I give -- mostly keeping my giving focused on Veterans' charities or feeding the needier folks in my small town -- but I could get behind ponying up daily shots for some deserving litter of lefties.

Imagine if we could cull about half of the left with their own stupidity.

We are just agreeing with them….the shot is great. Get it early and often.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
Ford pardoned Nixon. That may have been a mistake.
Donald Trump, and others, took from it that there would really be no serious consequences to actions against the Constitution and the Rule of Law and no one would end up in prison.

It would mean that Trump would be guilty, and that is something Trump would never accept.

Trumps alleged crimes against the country are different and more serious than those of Nixon's.

In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
Pardon Trump for what? He has yet to be found guilty of anything more than making liberal parasites wet their beds.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
[checking to make sure this isn’t in Political Satire…]

Don’t know about ‘unity’ – it might make conservatives angry as a presidential pardon is a de facto acknowledgement of guilt, as we saw with Nixon.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
No pardon.

Wait until Rump is (a) indicted and (b) tried and (c) convicted and (d) sentenced.

Let the American public (and the history books) get an eyeful of Rump in an orange jump-suit holding a photo-placard in front of him...

Let the door close on the jail cell in a maximum security Federal penitentiary and let him spend one night in jail...

Then grant him clemency the next day...

Not a pardon...


Commute his sentence to time served...

Although he should still be paying ruinous fines, and lose his pension, and lose his Secret Service detail...

That way he will be constitutionally barred from ever holding public office again in the United States...

The existential threat to American representative democracy will have passed for the moment and the Brown Shirts will scatter and deny their allegiance...

REAL Republicans can take-back their party from the trailer trash and gutless nutless Orange A$$-kissers running it now...
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Why do you think it was a mistake?
It undermined the rule of law and facilitated the notion that presidents are above the law.

The pardon was predicated on the wrongheaded notion that to try, convict, and punish Nixon would somehow ‘harm’ the presidency and democracy, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Indeed, other democracies tried and convicted former heads of state absent any harm to the office or democracy, in fact it made both stronger.

By pardoning Nixon, Ford believed he was bringing the trauma of Watergate to an end and giving the American people ‘closure,’ when actually he denied the American people of both.

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