Biden should pardon Trump

In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
I see you've reached stupid saturation. How do you pardon someone not convicted of a crime?
What do you mean?! I’m talking about throwing Trump a bone here!

Throw Trump a bone for what?

I know you people on the left wish you could try, convict and sentence people to prison based on what the MSM tells you, but we don't do that in this country.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
Chairman Mao, Leonid Brezhnev, Fidel Castro, Che Rivera would pardon Joseph Biden. The Outer Limits 100 Days of the Dragon is Joe without the science fiction. Treason is part and parcel of the West because of excess freedoms and less government clamping down on people. But the clamping down has increased more and more and more with government politicians compromised making more and more decisions making their citizens suffer and struggling to live.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?!
It's a worthwhile topic, poster Slade.
If memory serves it has been offered to the forum at least once in the last couple of months by some poster.
I am persuadable....either way. So am willing to read informed thoughtful views about it.
It is a topic that has some traction.
Thanx for hoisting it up the flagpole.

"These left wing cult fucks always have no idea....." So many dumb fucks."
Trump University English major?
He should ask the Trump Organization for his tuition back.

"Just to see Trump refuse to thank him like a normal, decent adult would, might be worth it."
Refusal to a given.
And really unnecessary.
Certainly expected.
And that's OK.
Let Trump be Trump. Let Trump tar himself.
And that's OK, too.

"It would mean that Trump would be guilty, and that is something Trump would never accept.
Trumps alleged crimes against the country are different and more serious than those of Nixon's."
Well, yes.....Trump's alleged crimes are more serious than Nixon's.
But what Trump has that Nixon didn't is about 25 or 35 million cult followers (think FLDS and Warren Jeffs. No persuasion is gonna get through to the hardcore).
And those 30million TrumpCult are: 1. A political force; 2. Have shown a willingness to violence. Nixon didn't have that cult to that degree. They could be problematic for the safety of American citizens, for our current government officials, for our law enforcment. For our rule-of-law. For our democracy.
So, we can regard Trump's reality a little differently.

An as far as 'that would mean Trump is guilty'.....yupper.
And he may very well refuse a pardon.
So be it. A pardon does not hinge upon the acceptance of the guilty party. It is unilateral. Biden issues it. Trump is the recipient whether he acknowledges it or not.

"Pardon Trump for what? He has yet to be found guilty of anything more than making liberal parasites wet their beds."
No, he does not need to be found guilty. Convicted.
He need only be indicted. And the President of the United States can issue a unilateral pardon.

No pardon.....Wait until Rump is (a) indicted and (b) tried and (c) convicted and (d) sentenced.
Well, yeah, poster Kondor3....I most certainly understand and sympathize with that sentiment.
But sending Trump to trial after an indictment is fraught with an awful lot of risk for America. The trial would be a circus. It could harden and increase the radicalization of the violent MAGA elements. And that could be troublesome for America and the safety of its citizens, law enforcement personnel, our democracy. Recall what the MAGA losers and extremists did on January 6th.

I could be persuaded.....if someone will make a cogent argument....that indicting this disgruntled ex-employee for the theft of America's highly sensitive documents, and then pardoning him could euchre him from attempting to run again for POTUS. I think.

"How do you pardon someone not convicted of a crime?"
See above.
.....Well, yeah, poster Kondor3....I most certainly understand and sympathize with that sentiment. But sending Trump to trial after an indictment is fraught with an awful lot of risk for America. The trial would be a circus. It could harden and increase the radicalization of the violent MAGA elements. And that could be troublesome for America and the safety of its citizens, law enforcement personnel, our democracy. Recall what the MAGA losers and extremists did on January 6th.
The Republic has survived far more dangerous things than that over the course of its centuries -long history.

To paraphrase ol' Ben Franklin... Those who would trade the Rule of Law and Executive Accountability for a little short-term tranquility deserve neither.

"I see you must re-enforce your stupid."

Mike, if we may ask a personal question, ........ will Joe Biden's recent action on student debt apply to the loans you took out for your Trump University classes?
And is it true that P.T.Barnum's most famous quote is headlined across your Trump U. diploma?
Didja even get a diploma for all that money?

Just curious.
It's a worthwhile topic, poster Slade.
If memory serves it has been offered to the forum at least once in the last couple of months by some poster.
I am persuadable....either way. So am willing to read informed thoughtful views about it.
It is a topic that has some traction.
Thanx for hoisting it up the flagpole.

Trump University English major?
He should ask the Trump Organization for his tuition back.

Refusal to a given.
And really unnecessary.
Certainly expected.
And that's OK.
Let Trump be Trump. Let Trump tar himself.
And that's OK, too.

Well, yes.....Trump's alleged crimes are more serious than Nixon's.
But what Trump has that Nixon didn't is about 25 or 35 million cult followers (think FLDS and Warren Jeffs. No persuasion is gonna get through to the hardcore).
And those 30million TrumpCult are: 1. A political force; 2. Have shown a willingness to violence. Nixon didn't have that cult to that degree. They could be problematic for the safety of American citizens, for our current government officials, for our law enforcment. For our rule-of-law. For our democracy.
So, we can regard Trump's reality a little differently.

An as far as 'that would mean Trump is guilty'.....yupper.
And he may very well refuse a pardon.
So be it. A pardon does not hinge upon the acceptance of the guilty party. It is unilateral. Biden issues it. Trump is the recipient whether he acknowledges it or not.

No, he does not need to be found guilty. Convicted.
He need only be indicted. And the President of the United States can issue a unilateral pardon.

Well, yeah, poster Kondor3....I most certainly understand and sympathize with that sentiment.
But sending Trump to trial after an indictment is fraught with an awful lot of risk for America. The trial would be a circus. It could harden and increase the radicalization of the violent MAGA elements. And that could be troublesome for America and the safety of its citizens, law enforcement personnel, our democracy. Recall what the MAGA losers and extremists did on January 6th.

I could be persuaded.....if someone will make a cogent argument....that indicting this disgruntled ex-employee for the theft of America's highly sensitive documents, and then pardoning him could euchre him from attempting to run again for POTUS. I think.

See above.

What was fhe exact moment you realized you fucked up by getting the shot?
It's a worthwhile topic, poster Slade.
If memory serves it has been offered to the forum at least once in the last couple of months by some poster.
I am persuadable....either way. So am willing to read informed thoughtful views about it.
It is a topic that has some traction.
Thanx for hoisting it up the flagpole.

Trump University English major?
He should ask the Trump Organization for his tuition back.

Refusal to a given.
And really unnecessary.
Certainly expected.
And that's OK.
Let Trump be Trump. Let Trump tar himself.
And that's OK, too.

Well, yes.....Trump's alleged crimes are more serious than Nixon's.
But what Trump has that Nixon didn't is about 25 or 35 million cult followers (think FLDS and Warren Jeffs. No persuasion is gonna get through to the hardcore).
And those 30million TrumpCult are: 1. A political force; 2. Have shown a willingness to violence. Nixon didn't have that cult to that degree. They could be problematic for the safety of American citizens, for our current government officials, for our law enforcment. For our rule-of-law. For our democracy.
So, we can regard Trump's reality a little differently.

An as far as 'that would mean Trump is guilty'.....yupper.
And he may very well refuse a pardon.
So be it. A pardon does not hinge upon the acceptance of the guilty party. It is unilateral. Biden issues it. Trump is the recipient whether he acknowledges it or not.

No, he does not need to be found guilty. Convicted.
He need only be indicted. And the President of the United States can issue a unilateral pardon.

Well, yeah, poster Kondor3....I most certainly understand and sympathize with that sentiment.
But sending Trump to trial after an indictment is fraught with an awful lot of risk for America. The trial would be a circus. It could harden and increase the radicalization of the violent MAGA elements. And that could be troublesome for America and the safety of its citizens, law enforcement personnel, our democracy. Recall what the MAGA losers and extremists did on January 6th.

I could be persuaded.....if someone will make a cogent argument....that indicting this disgruntled ex-employee for the theft of America's highly sensitive documents, and then pardoning him could euchre him from attempting to run again for POTUS. I think.

See above.
There is a lot to go through before any indictment and trial happens. The investigation has to come to its conclusion.

It is not the only investigation.

Time will tell what will happen, but letting him not go on trial if there is enough evidence because of his cult followers will be a huge mistake. It will only get worse, and Trump or someone else will try to take if to the next level. And we do not want that.

I am for patience and let us see what happens.
Ford pardoned Nixon. That may have been a mistake.
Donald Trump, and others, took from it that there would really be no serious consequences to actions against the Constitution and the Rule of Law and no one would end up in prison.

It would mean that Trump would be guilty, and that is something Trump would never accept.

Trumps alleged crimes against the country are different and more serious than those of Nixon's.

Ford became President because of it. The deal was made. It was a showing of who ruled at the time. As they do now. The example made was not Nixon be pardoned. But the control of the elites and Nixon may have been part of it.
Mike, if we may ask a personal question, ........ will Joe Biden's recent action on student debt apply to the loans you took out for your Trump University classes?
And is it true that P.T.Barnum's most famous quote is headlined across your Trump U. diploma?
Didja even get a diploma for all that money?

Just curious.
As usual this scumbag traitor lies.
The Republic has survived far more dangerous things than that over the course of its centuries -long history.

To paraphrase ol' Ben Franklin... Those who would trade the Rule of Law and Executive Accountability for a little short-term tranquility deserve neither.
Franklin never said that ya filthy liar.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
I agree, after he is convicted in trials by the Justice Department and the states of New York and Georgia.

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