Biden should pardon Trump

There is no crime to pardon.

Trump should have pardoned Assange and Snowden. Fuck Trump for not pardoning them. ( I am in the Maga cult…..right?)
If Trump is guilty of mishandling classified material he just needs to use the defense that was handed to Clinton "Didn't know any better"
I am for patience and let us see what happens.
Then what good is prosecuting him? Why spend all those resources on that?

OK, as I said, I can be persuaded.
Both posters above offer credible points.

I'm OK, with a call for patience, as poster Sixties suggests. But too, my idea of a pardon is for only one of the suspected crimes now being investigated. In short, one pardon of an indictment does NOT preclude an indictment ---or a conviction--- on another. But the pardon leaves more than a simple 'demerit' on Trump. There are legal consequences for such...for him. So there is that.

And then, poster BWK suggests a not insignificant consideration. A lot of time, money, effort, and national focus has been invested in this 'stolen document' -thingy. Are we to just fuggedaboutit after a pardoned indictment?
Good question. A worthwhile consideration.

Personally, I lean towards a conviction with appropriate sentence if a court decides he is guilty. But that's the idealist in me. The pragmatist suggests .... a half-loaf is better than no loaf. And there is risk if going to trial. Not only of losing but also of insurrectionist violence by the worst of MAGACult's whack-jobs and nut-bars. Recall January 6th.

And too, a first indictment, even if pardoned.....can make it easier, and more palatable to all Americans accept a second indictment, and then perhaps a trial and conviction.

I don’t know, you tell me if you’re in the maga cult.

Biden can still pardon him for anything involved with taking classified documents. Take the heat off of him. I think it would be a nice thing for President Joe to do
Not up to Biden.
In the odd chance Trump gets indicted then shits going to hit the fan, and it won’t be good. He should pardon trump for the count it’s sake
The odd chance? I'm going with very likely. If he is above the law, so should everyone else. Just this year a woman went to jail for the same crime but with lesser secret documents;
If Trump is guilty of mishandling classified material he just needs to use the defense that was handed to Clinton "Didn't know any better"
Ignorance is not a defense. He had intelligence briefings daily, and he ignored them daily according to his own WH staff.
Biden can't pardon Trump. Trump hasn't committed a crime.
He sure is. And lots of them. I think we've already been through this before. Are you a talking parrot who repeats what you are told?
I see you've reached stupid saturation. How do you pardon someone not convicted of a crime?
You do what Rudy asked trump to do for him. It’s just a standard run of the mill
Blanket pardon.
Throw Trump a bone for what?

I know you people on the left wish you could try, convict and sentence people to prison based on what the MSM tells you, but we don't do that in this country.
I know! which is why a Biden pardon would totally help!
It's a worthwhile topic, poster Slade.
If memory serves it has been offered to the forum at least once in the last couple of months by some poster.
I am persuadable....either way. So am willing to read informed thoughtful views about it.
It is a topic that has some traction.
Thanx for hoisting it up the flagpole.

Trump University English major?
He should ask the Trump Organization for his tuition back.

Refusal to a given.
And really unnecessary.
Certainly expected.
And that's OK.
Let Trump be Trump. Let Trump tar himself.
And that's OK, too.

Well, yes.....Trump's alleged crimes are more serious than Nixon's.
But what Trump has that Nixon didn't is about 25 or 35 million cult followers (think FLDS and Warren Jeffs. No persuasion is gonna get through to the hardcore).
And those 30million TrumpCult are: 1. A political force; 2. Have shown a willingness to violence. Nixon didn't have that cult to that degree. They could be problematic for the safety of American citizens, for our current government officials, for our law enforcment. For our rule-of-law. For our democracy.
So, we can regard Trump's reality a little differently.

An as far as 'that would mean Trump is guilty'.....yupper.
And he may very well refuse a pardon.
So be it. A pardon does not hinge upon the acceptance of the guilty party. It is unilateral. Biden issues it. Trump is the recipient whether he acknowledges it or not.

No, he does not need to be found guilty. Convicted.
He need only be indicted. And the President of the United States can issue a unilateral pardon.

Well, yeah, poster Kondor3....I most certainly understand and sympathize with that sentiment.
But sending Trump to trial after an indictment is fraught with an awful lot of risk for America. The trial would be a circus. It could harden and increase the radicalization of the violent MAGA elements. And that could be troublesome for America and the safety of its citizens, law enforcement personnel, our democracy. Recall what the MAGA losers and extremists did on January 6th.

I could be persuaded.....if someone will make a cogent argument....that indicting this disgruntled ex-employee for the theft of America's highly sensitive documents, and then pardoning him could euchre him from attempting to run again for POTUS. I think.

See above.
Thanks Chilli, even though this thread did go down the troll hole I actually do think it would be a good move. I don’t think it would be wise for the DOJ to convinced Don over some papers he took from the White House. I understand they are important but Donnie doesn’t pay attention to shut like that and the prosecution would literally tear our country apart. Best move is to have the White House Pardon Don and then the DOJ release the findings of their investigation. Trump needs to lose again by the voice of the people
Pardon him for what?

One thing is certain: Trump won't pardon Joe or Hunter.
Trump doesn't need to pardon Joe or hunter. He would have to be prez to do that. Joe can just give Donnie a blanket pardon so he doesn’t have to worry about all these pesky court cases.
This has been explained to you ignorant goons thousands of times. The comparison is laughable. Get lost.
No it's not and I kinda know what I'm talking about. The last couple of years I served in the military I managed a secure network and email server. If anyone had transmitted the information on that network across an unsecured one they would have spent some time breaking big rock into small rocks. What the fuck is your experience on the subject ?
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Ignorance is not a defense. He had intelligence briefings daily, and he ignored them daily according to his own WH staff.
And Clinton was the Secretary of State apparently ignorance was a great defense for her. Set a precedent. All I'm doing is calling out the blatant hypocrisy of you loons.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!

Unity? Trump is going out there to disunite everyone. Why would pardoning a disuniter, unite people? It'd just embolden his supporters

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