Biden should pardon Trump

Sounds about right. Don't forget the kiddies. we want to give them every opportunity to grow uo every bit as leftie and their evil parents!
Yup. You far right morons are trying to educate them by banning books, denying that racism ever occurred, that being gay is chosen willfully and re-writing history of slavery and the civil war.
Yup. You far right morons are trying to educate them by banning books, denying that racism ever occurred, that being gay is chosen willfully and re-writing history of slavery and the civil war.
And you're trying to educate them by convincing them that what you actually think you know is the truth.

In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
Biden can't pardon Trump. Trump hasn't committed a crime.
In the name of unity, how great would it be if Biden saves the Don with a Pardon?! You know Trump isnt going to stop attacking Biden and his son but it would just make Trump look that much more petty if he does it following a Biden pardon.

Let’s make it happen!
Pardon him for what?

One thing is certain: Trump won't pardon Joe or Hunter.
Just to see Trump refuse to thank him like a normal, decent adult would, might be worth it.

On the other hand, we already know that there is no bottom to Trump's pettiness.
Says the guy who voted for the politician who is conducting a witch hunt against his rival and having anyone who even stepped foot on the capitol on Jan 6 arrested.

You can't get anymore petty than Biden, or any other Democrat, for that matter.
Yup. You far right morons are trying to educate them by banning books, denying that racism ever occurred, that being gay is chosen willfully and re-writing history of slavery and the civil war.
And you ass-wipes are trying to educate kids by telling boys they're really girls and girls are really boys, brilliant...dumbass.
Not a bad idea for the left to be honest.

This would defuse a lot of the talking points on the right, turn down the temperature of the general political discourse and, best of all for the democrats, it would saddle the republicans with Trump for another decade really giving them the juice to maintain power.

Sure, it would really piss off the hard liners but what are they going to do about it? It is not as though they are going to vote republican. It may mean Biden gets a primary challenge but I doubt it.
In the odd chance Trump gets indicted then shits going to hit the fan, and it won’t be good. He should pardon trump for the count it’s sake
Franklin never said that ya filthy liar.
Never said he did...

Did I not use the verbiage "To paraphrase..." at the beginning of that sentence?

Franklin's reported original verbiage went along the lines of "Those who sacrifice liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

PARAphrased that verbiage to fit the context in which I utilized it and clearly identified it AS paraphrasing early-on.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "paraphrase"....pi$$ant?

Wake me up when you've grown a brain, clod.
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In the odd chance Trump gets indicted then shits going to hit the fan, and it won’t be good. He should pardon trump for the count it’s sake
Biden should not pardon Trump, but instead commute his sentence.
We can't have an ex-president sitting in jail.
Never said he did...

Did I not use the verbiage "To paraphrase..." at the beginning of that sentence?

Franklin's reported original verbiage went along the lines of "Those who sacrifice liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

PARAphrased that verbiage to fit the context in which I utilized it and clearly identified it AS paraphrasing early-on.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "paraphrase"....pi$$ant?

Wake me up when you've grown a brain, clod.
You said he did you filthy liar!
You said he did you filthy liar!
Go back and look at it again, slick...

Better yet... have someone with a brain read it for you and interpret it properly...

Now... go away, my little internet disability poster... I've grown weary of you trying to dry-hump my leg...
I don’t know, you tell me if you’re in the maga cult.

Biden can still pardon him for anything involved with taking classified documents. Take the heat off of him. I think it would be a nice thing for President Joe to do
Then what good is prosecuting him? Why spend all those resources on that? As a matter of fact, let's just pardon everyone for everything and see how that works out.

We are either a country that acknowledges and adheres to laws, or we are lawless.

The problem with folks like Trump in power, is the law doesn't apply to him and his circle. But it will apply to you. So you see, Biden will have accomplished nothing really.

Trump is a career criminal. He will be one until his last days.

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