Biden takes revenge on Red states

Nobody, Dumbass. Pedo Joe cut supplies to Red States by 50%, and ignored the fact KKKalifornis had the 5th most new infections.

How stupid are you?
A. You have not documented the 50% claim. I have documented that those states were getting far more than their share

B. What are you talking about regarding California (I assume that's the state you are stupidly referring to)

Watch colfax_m ignore this thinking it didn’t happen.
You've already been shown a link showing that 70% of MCA drugs are going to only 7 states.

That means the remaining 30% was being spread over 43 states.

Fucking dope
You've already been shown a link showing that 70% of MCA drugs are going to only 7 states.

That means the remaining 30% was being spread over 43 states.

Fucking dope
So Biden didn’t cut supplies to KKKalifornia like he did Red states.

I accept your concession.
A. You have not documented the 50% claim. I have documented that those states were getting far more than their share

B. What are you talking about regarding California (I assume that's the state you are stupidly referring to)
50% claim documented in the OP, Dipshit.
Supplies to CALIFORNIA (learn to spell asshole) were already far lower than to those seven red states
Thanks for confirming Pedo Joe didn’t cut supplies to KKKalifornia like he did Red states.

You lose again.
I read far better than you. Fucking moron

Post a quote from the OP saying what you claim.

And some retard making a twitter remark ain't proof of shit
Already posted in the OP.

Learn to read.
Listen you fucking troll.

The OP doesn't say what you claim it says.

In fact it proves that Biden INCREASED shipments overall.

God you're too stupid for words.

You're not even a good troll
Biden wants to reward those who have vaccinated to stop the thread of COVID

If you have refused to be vaccinated, you should be at the back of the line
No. Biden wants to punish those who haven't taken the vaccine. He wants all alternative defenses against the virus to be unused. He's afraid that they will provide more protection than the vaccines...which is highly likely.

The vaccines don't seem to be working well.

People who have not been vaccinated should be free to try any medicines they want.

Fuck Joe Biden!

Nope. So desperate that you have to make shit up now.

I guess that is what Trump should have done when the outbreak began, denied extra resources to NY because they would have used resources the other states may need later. Because that is the way we treat healthcare in this nation now, not administering it to those that need it but rather saving it for those that the people in power deem are worthy.

I am unsure if I can express exactly how evil that sentiment is.
Trumps solution?

Lay the blame on everyone but himself
Attack those who wear masks and socially distance
Lie to the public’ about the threat of Covid
Yet it was Pelosi and Fauci that said Covid was not as bad as the common cold?

Obviously you are lying through your teeth when you get that little bit wrong.

The Democrats had it wrong from day one.

The travel ban, was Trump's idea, the democrats opposed.

Now, the democrats have opened our borders, thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants untested and not vaccinated are allowed into our country.

I see how the democrats handle Covid, as a political weapon. Certainly if covid is deadly the democrats do not care who it kills. The illegal immigration problem is proof
Yet it was Pelosi and Fauci that said Covid was not as bad as the common cold?

Obviously you are lying through your teeth when you get that little bit wrong.

The Democrats had it wrong from day one.

The travel ban, was Trump's idea, the democrats opposed.

Now, the democrats have opened our borders, thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants untested and not vaccinated are allowed into our country.

I see how the democrats handle Covid, as a political weapon. Certainly if covid is deadly the democrats do not care who it kills. The illegal immigration problem is proof
Never heard them say that
Can you show me a quote in context?

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