Biden Team Signals It Is Beter To Remain Silent & Let People Think You Are An Idiot Than To...

I hope he keeps talking.

I just have to believe our country can do better than two 70 plus year old men.
I hope he keeps talking.
I just have to believe our country can do better than two 70 plus year old men.
...based on what? ....Seriously? I am hoping somewhere out there are some of the 'best and brightest' ... but the ever increasing act of making a Presidential election a 'blood sport' where completely, utterly, personally destroying the candidate, their family, their friends has made running simply not worth it....which is not just a shame but is a tragedy...IMHO.
After what was / has been done / and is still being done to Trump I don't know of anyone who would want to put themselves or their families what he has gone through...or what Kavanaugh went through....
I hope he keeps talking.
I just have to believe our country can do better than two 70 plus year old men.
...based on what? ....Seriously? I am hoping somewhere out there are some of the 'best and brightest' ... but the ever increasing act of making a Presidential election a 'blood sport' where completely, utterly, personally destroying the candidate, their family, their friends has made running simply not worth it....which is not just a shame but is a tragedy...IMHO.

I cannot argue with a thing you said there. Who in their right mind would volunteer for what these people go through.
Face it the best and brightest don’t want to waste their time under the political microscope. Regretfully we are left with attorneys that failed in practicing law, over educated neophytes without real world work experience, poly sci graduates, social workers, pathological liars, egotistical self proclaimed righteous elites.....what some would consider the bottom of the barrel. This is not to say there are not those that buck the stereotype, however they are dinosaurs, remnants of a forgone era, with thick skin and a sense of duty beyond their political and party’s best interests.

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