Biden to campaign on “restoring” ROE V WADE.

if the constitution does not give the federal government the power to do something, that power lies with the states.
Dobbs is quite clear on the issue - the Constitution is silent on the issue of abortion.
LOL Quaint concept.

Where is the Constitutional power given to Congress to regulate drivers licenses, guns, drugs ...?
A ruling form the USSC which held women do not have an absolute right to bodily autonomy , and that states have the power to regulate abortions, even to the point of prohibition.
You got that from Roe?
You can’t restore an overturned court decision. This is just a Hail Mary intended for the unquestioning useful idiots.
And yet you cannot cite the Court to support your theory.
(e) Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. The Court overrules those decisions and returns that authority to the people and their elected representatives. Pp. 78–79.

There you go.
The power belongs to the states, and thus, not the federal government.
Thus, a federal law regarding constitution violates the 10th amendment.

Please feel free to further demonstrate your willful ignorance.

You can.
But the court won't. That's not how the court does things.
Never ever will there be a ruling from the court that says "We reinstate roe v wade"
If the court overturns Dobbs, it will do so with new terms and specifications.
That mimic Roe. Thanks for the distinction without a difference
I have no idea why you think this is a meaningful response.
The fact you have neither read nor understand Roe v Wade is not my problem.
If Roe does what you say why would you be against it?

Simple question

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