Biden to campaign on “restoring” ROE V WADE.

Wait. Why is Biden sending checks to people? If he is forgiving their debt, shouldn't he be sending those checks to the colleges owed? And if he is repaying them money they already paid into their debt, isn't he really giving them free college?

Either way, how is that fair to the rest, and why should anyone ever repay a school loan ever again?

The colleges aren't owed the money. The banks and finance companies are owed the money.
Why should tuition be 10 times higher today than it was when I was going to school???? Wages aren't 10 times higher today. When I applied to Western University, the tuition for a 4 year business degree was $2,000 per year - $8,000 total, and I could earn $20,000 per year on graduation.

Today, that 4 year degree is $20,000 per year - $80,000 total, and the starting salary is $40,000 per year. Students are graduating with an average of $50,000 in student loans and for poor students, that number is even higher.

Do you know any women who got knocked up unwantingly who can't get an abortion? I have been hearing about abortion rights since the 1960s--- what kind of stupid does it take to think that if democrats haven't fixed it by now that they ever will?

And do you think abortion is anywhere near as important as food, rent, housing, fuel and energy? Or a secure border, low crime, and a stable world place?

Maybe women worried about abortion should just get a hysterectomy.

Here is what is happening:
  • Women are leaving states with no reproductive choice, and refusing to attend school, take a job, or move to states that ban reproductive care for women
  • OB/GYN's are leaving states which ban provision of abortion care for their patients, or which criminalize abortion care for their patients in crisis
  • hospitals are closing maternity care clinics in their hospitals in states which ban abortion care because they have no OB/GYN's practicing in their states
  • a Texas woman, who went to court and obtained a court ordered exception to the Texas law had to leave the state to get a life saving abortion, because the Texas AG threatened to prosecute both her physician and her home hospital if either performed the abortion
  • The maternal death rate from pregnancy complications, already the highest in the first world, have doubled in states which have banned abortion.
  • Republicans have lost every election where abortion has been on the ballot.
Keep telling us abortion doesn't matter.
Why should tuition be 10 times higher today than it was when I was going to school???? Wages aren't 10 times higher today.
America is the most expensive place to get a degree. Where are our politicians?

Women are leaving states with no reproductive choice
When you get pregnant, unless it threatens your life, your duty should be to reproduce. Not get pregnant nonchalantly with the aforementioned intention that, ho hum, I'll just abort it so I don't care. That is akin to being bulimic and eating a big meal knowing in advance you intend to just throw it up afterwards. What does that say about human life?

a Texas woman, who went to court and obtained a court ordered exception to the Texas law had to leave the state to get a life saving abortion, because the Texas AG threatened to prosecute both her physician and her home hospital if either performed the abortion
That is just plain wrong. No state should be able to flatly deny ALL abortions, even in the case of medical danger, much less a court order. While abortion should be a last choice and hotly discouraged, in the final analysis if the parents absolutely refuse to want the child or in medical emergency, you have to give people some option.

Republicans have lost every election where abortion has been on the ballot.
I don't agree with any state that flatly bans all abortion. The point of the SCOTUS ruling was to put the law into state hands and the states should be acting according to the wishes of their electorate. This IS a REPRESENTATIVE republic.
And here you say it again after you just said Dobbs was needed to codify states control over abortion.
You, again, choose to not understand the argument, because you know you have no other way to address it.

Now, tell us:
Why do you support a ruling form the USSC which held women do not have an absolute right to bodily autonomy , and that states have the power to regulate abortions, even to the point of prohibition?
The colleges aren't owed the money. The banks and finance companies are owed the money.
Why should tuition be 10 times higher today than it was when I was going to school????
Like anything else:
When the consumer is insulated from the cost of a product or service, that cost always rises at a far greater rate than goods and services which the consumer pays for directly.

College, health care, whatever - this is always the case.

You, again, choose to not understand the argument, because you know you have no other way to address it.

Now, tell us:
Why do you support a ruling form the USSC which held women do not have an absolute right to bodily autonomy , and that states have the power to regulate abortions, even to the point of prohibition?
Keep bumping the thread retard.

Your argument satisfies you and no one else but at least you’re keeping the issue where people can see it

It is a states rights issue. Wasnt that determined By SCOTUS? Why should California care what Texas does?

Blue states now have WAY LAXER abortion laws.
So Biden thinks he may get a few exter votes if he butchers the innocent. Screw that racist SOB. criminal. What some brain rot losers will do for a vote behind the dumpster at 7-11.
So Biden thinks he may get a few exter votes if he butchers the innocent. Screw that racist SOB. criminal. What some brain rot losers will do for a vote behind the dumpster at 7-11.
So that's what you call it. Reproductive Freedom. I still call it murder of the innocent and I think God will call it that too.

It is a states rights issue. Wasnt that determined By SCOTUS? Why should California care what Texas does?

Blue states now have WAY LAXER abortion laws.
The Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health decision did not prevent the federal government from passing laws protecting the right of all US citizens to obtain an abortion on demand in the first trimester. There is an excellent chance that come January 20, 2025, that the Democratic Party will control the Executive and both houses of Congress and such legislation can be put in place.
Which is why it's a really dumb idea to stock it with candidates that only check boxes instead of having stellar legal qualifications.
I know you think that means something. No one else knows what.

Are you going to tell us who is on the bench that you think is unqualified to be there?

I guarantee you will be talking about liberals only and you’ll pretend that Justices (qualified or not) often vote based on politics.

I also guarantee you will ignore the “anti-abortion” box and the Federalist Society approved box.
I know Democrats have turned totalitarian now that our President thinks he can overturn the Supreme Court. What's more likely is that Biden thinks the American people are too dumb to know he doesn't have that power. Biden's just an old, confused liar. Anyway, Roe v Wade was overturned on his watch so I blame him. Back to MAGA.
Have you seen the thread in this forum this morning that is claiming that Abbot and the Texas National Guard are defying SCOTUS? Would you support THAT?

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