Biden to campaign on “restoring” ROE V WADE.

On the contrary, we absolutely have to do that. How many laws do we have on the books defining the protections and the limits of the 2nd Amendment? Thousands. How many defining the 1st? Have you tried verbally threatening the life of the president lately?

In this case, we have an issue that's not even explicitly named in the Constitution, which means the Court that decided Roe created the "right" out of nothing,
According to Roe, the right to an abortion is found in emanations from the right to privacy, which extends from the penumbra of the 4th and 14th amendment -- 3 degrees of separation from the Constitution. A reach? At best.
Right to keep and bear arms - literally included in the constitution. 0 degrees separation.

Safe to say, if the pro-abortion crowd had to suffer through the restrictions some gun owners do, they'd scream bloody murder; the same clowns want -more- restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.

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False. Those examples you gave are terrible. They represent precisely what I said: laws made possible by the SCOTUS ruling it a constitutional right. They are not simply federal laws recodifying a scotus decision. They are exercising their latitude in state law.
State law? You are not seriously going to claim there are no federal gun laws are you?
Furthermore, the paucity of examples you are able to come up with would only reaffirm my point.
There are many examples, I didn't need to post them all because these make the point very well and you'd just snip them out anyway.
So the point stands.
Incorrect. The Constitution clearly spells out the rights to free speech, assembly, exercise of religion, and bearing arms, etc. There was no need for a SCOTUS decision creating any of them, unlike abortion. That "right" was invented in 1973, out of thin air.
Not that simply recodify a scotus decision.

No there aren't. If so, very few.

As I said.

You just don't have a leg to stand on. Sorry.
Consider what you just admitted. Abortion is not a constitutional right, it had to be invented as such by a Court decision. Those others are explicitly defined in the Constitution.
LOL Why would they ever say a bill is "based on a Constitutional right"
Not a bill. A law. Every law must have a right covered by the Constitution. Roe v. Wade was always argued that it was based on a right to privacy which is not and never was in teh Constitution. That is why it was overturned and the power was returned to the states and the people.
Not a bill. A law. Every law must have a right covered by the Constitution.
Where did you get that from? Congress must have the power from the Constitution to pass a law. But DEms have fought tooth and nail against including the source of ther power in any bill.
Roe v. Wade was always argued that it was based on a right to privacy which is not and never was in teh Constitution. That is why it was overturned and the power was returned to the states and the people.
RvW was the Judiciary, not the COngress. Dobbs didn't effect COngress' power to pass legislation regulating abortion.
Where did you get that from? Congress must have the power from the Constitution to pass a law. But DEms have fought tooth and nail against including the source of ther power in any bill.

RvW was the Judiciary, not the COngress. Dobbs didn't effect COngress' power to pass legislation regulating abortion.
Oh, please! Tell me you are more intelligent than that!
Abortion is not a constitutional right, it had to be invented as such by a Court decision
That doesn't make sense, sorry. Things are constitutional precisely because the supreme court says they are.

One of the functions of the Supreme Court is to delineate nonenumerated rights. So your characterization is wrong and silly.

Abortion up to 20 weeks was a constitutionally protected right for almost 50 years.
Oh, please! Tell me you are more intelligent than that!
Reduced to mindless insults, huh. Prolly because you have no support for your position. I asked your other advocate and he couldn't do it. Cite the Dobbs decision where they take away COngress' power to regulate abortion.
Reduced to mindless insults, huh. Prolly because you have no support for your position. I asked your other advocate and he couldn't do it. Cite the Dobbs decision where they take away COngress' power to regulate abortion.
Not a mindless insult. Fact! My students could have figured it out with a base knowledge of the structure of the Constitution and judicial review. Your comments indicate a severe lack of understanding of the topic.

The entire decision rested on the constitutional right to abortion. Why don't you see that? The decision was that Congress had no right under the Constitution to regulate abortion in any way.
Biden and Kamala Whore will play on the stupid Liberal baby killers and promise them the moon. Most young stupid Liberals will vote for the soggy old man who won't make it 5 more years. :cheeky-smiley-018:
Not a mindless insult. Fact! My students could have figured it out with a base knowledge of the structure of the Constitution and judicial review. Your comments indicate a severe lack of understanding of the topic.

The entire decision rested on the constitutional right to abortion. Why don't you see that? The decision was that Congress had no right under the Constitution to regulate abortion in any way.
We'll that's 100% wrong. Congress can pass a federal ban.
Potato Brain Biden has the young Liberal minions believing something was "taken away" from them and is going to brainwash many young voters.
Not a mindless insult. Fact! My students could have figured it out with a base knowledge of the structure of the Constitution and judicial review. Your comments indicate a severe lack of understanding of the topic.
Ignorance and condescension. A deadly combination

The entire decision rested on the constitutional right to abortion. Why don't you see that? The decision was that Congress had no right under the Constitution to regulate abortion in any way.
So citing the portion of the Dobbs decision where they take away Congress' power to regulate abortion, should be a snap Perhaps one of your "students" will be able to help you.
That doesn't make sense, sorry. Things are constitutional precisely because the supreme court says they are.

One of the functions of the Supreme Court is to delineate nonenumerated rights. So your characterization is wrong and silly.

Abortion up to 20 weeks was a constitutionally protected right for almost 50 years.
Which means it was created by the Court and could then easily be destroyed by the same Court. The Court could not, however, so destroy the 1st Amendment by deeming it unconstitutional. That would be rather ludicrous, yes?

He should restore his brain instead of ROE V WADE.

Look at this fool. He cannot even make a understandable sentence. :laughing0301:
Ignorance and condescension. A deadly combination

So citing the portion of the Dobbs decision where they take away Congress' power to regulate abortion, should be a snap Perhaps one of your "students" will be able to help you.
Why would I waste time quoting chapter and verse, when you will just say, "Nuh-unh!"
The decision was that Congress had no right under the Constitution to regulate abortion in any way.
Dobbs, holding, final paragraph:

-The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion.
-Roe and Casey arrogated that authority.
-The Court overrules those decisions and returns that authority to the people and their elected representatives

The power to regulate abortions belongs to the states.
Not the states and the federal government - the states.
As such, federal government regulating or prohibiting abortions - like Roe and Casey - arrogates the state's authority to do so.
See how easy that was?

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