Biden Wins

The one huge negative that might cancel out all the positives is the expansion of Nato.

It's always been crystal clear that Trump was a much better choice on avoiding nuclear war with Russia.

A heavy defeat of the Dem party overall could at the least present some hope that Biden won't maintain enough popularity to continue America's war on Russia.

Even considering that the R's are just as hawkish as the D's.
Run along duck. This is an American issue. You, as a commie Canadian, have no standing or informed knowledge in US domestic policy. Better to expound you ignorance of Canadian policy.

Thank you, President Biden! A vote for Republicans is a vote for tax cuts for billionaires and corporations, paid for by cuts to Medicare and Social Security.
Thanks OP for that big pic of Bidung!

I'm going to blow it up, print it out, and make a target out of it this weekend as I try out my new 30 06!
View attachment 713070

Remember to VOTE - and do it with an OPEN MIND!!!!! Love your country more than you hate Democrats!!!!!
Remember to VOTE - and do it with an OPEN MIND!!!!!

already voted

Love your country more than you hate Democrats!!!!!

I do love my country, that's why I voted against Hilary, Trump and Biden.

and the democrats currently holding congressional seats in my area.

tired of their blatant campaign lies
Oh, well if Schumer says so it must be true.
The top Prog politicians have been lying low as compared to before the legislations passed. Trillions and trillions of dollars going to pay off special groups, businesses and blue states who ran their economies into the ground.
I'm grateful he defeated the biggest threat to freedom and democracy around the world in Trump. But those types of terrorists are going to need to be defeated in a different way before long, I think.

It is amazing how your side protected “democracy” by openly cheating in the 2020 election, and suppressing efforts to investigate it. It truly goes to show how committed you are to “democracy”.
Just wait. When the Republican landslide starts on Election Night, the protests and riots will start. As the losing Dems encourage their sheep to perform violence and attack Republican voters.
First President in US History to tell Putin he could takeover Crimea.....oops that was Obama... and we'd do nothing about it.
Let me start again... Second President in US History to tell Putin he could take over Ukraine and he would do Nothing About It.

First President in US History to Tell Putin he could help Iran develop Nuclear Weapons and we'd do nothing about it.....ooops that was Obama.
Let me start again.... Second President in US History to Tell Putin he could help Iran develop Nuclear Weapons and we'd do nothing about it.

First President in US History to give a Terrorist State Millions of Dollars to purchase weapons, military hardware and technology to terrorize the MIddle East With (Iran)...oops that was Obama.
Let me start again.... Second President in US History to give a Terrorist State Millions of Dollars worth of military hardware, weapons, ammo and technology to terrorize the Middle East With (Afghanistan.)

First President in US History to help Iran sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with.

First President in US History to shut down an American Pipeline throwing 20,000 Americans out of work while opening a Russian Pipeline.

First President in History to cause Baby Formula Shortages, Supply Chain Shortages, 14% inflation, lose $18 Trillion in Wealth from this country, and cause 401ks to lose 20% of their value all the while levying $750 Billion in new taxes on The Working Poor, Middle Class and Small Businesses.

First President in US History to take America from a net exporter of oil and gas to a net importer.

First President in US History to to increase illegal immigration by 200% and increase violent Crime in Democrat controlled cities by 20%.

Do I really need to go on with what this clown did to kill people with experimental vaccines or how many people his fascist lockdowns and mandates killed?

Joe's Motto: "Let's make The Middle East Glass Again."
You left out him telling the hackers what not to hack.
What did Trump accomplish in FOUR years compared to what Biden has accomplished in less than TWO years? Please cite "credible" sources to back up your claims!
Fewer Covid deaths
Building a wall to control illegal invasion
Lower gas prices
Filling up the Emergency Reserve
Selling our own oil to other countries
Lower food prices
Lower inflation
Higher stock market
Higher job growth
Higher job participation rate
Tax breaks for the middle class
Supporting US citizens in Afghanistan
Not supporting nuclear armament in Iran
Not paying Putin gas money to fund a war
Not sending billions to the Ukraine so it can be laundered and kicked back

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