Biden’s Education Department Will Move Fast to Reverse Betsy DeVos’s Policies

Boy I'm really gonna miss her! :rolleyes:

This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

What damage?

That done by the nasty cult bitch who had no experience in education and who sought to make our schools safe for sexual harassers and steal taxpayer money to fund her cult indoctrination centers.
Hypocrisy just shit its pants.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Having cosigned for my kid's debt, and promised to pay it for her, I'm hoping for debt forgiveness. LOL

My parents paid for my college education. However my ex's parents didn't pay for his. By the time he was done with school he had 4 student loans.

I got them paid off in the 90s but no one should finish school with such a debt.

My parents believed that if you bring a new life into this world you are obligated to make sure that person can properly support and take care of themselves. Which means a proper education. At the time I didn't think much about it but once I got older I couldn't agree with them more.

Soon after my child was born I signed up for the prepaid college tuition program in my state.

When my child finished high school there was 4 years of college completely prepaid.

I support college tuition debt forgiveness. A person shouldn't start their lives out with tens of thousands in debt.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Having cosigned for my kid's debt, and promised to pay it for her, I'm hoping for debt forgiveness. LOL

My parents paid for my college education. However my ex's parents didn't pay for his. By the time he was done with school he had 4 student loans.

I got them paid off in the 90s but no one should finish school with such a debt.

My parents believed that if you bring a new life into this world you are obligated to make sure that person can properly support and take care of themselves. Which means a proper education. At the time I didn't think much about it but once I got older I couldn't agree with them more.

Soon after my child was born I signed up for the prepaid college tuition program in my state.

When my child finished high school there was 4 years of college completely prepaid.

I support college tuition debt forgiveness. A person shouldn't start their lives out with tens of thousands in debt.
I'm not universally in favor. I know kids who just run up debt with no intention of graduating or repaying. But the system is broken. Good kids can't afford educations.

Like I said, my support was purely personal. My kid did her work, and got her grades and degree. She's in the fortunate group whose parents are able to help her out. And she'll have to take out more loans for post-grad education. She's already paying federal and state taxes. It's a social investment for the govt to help. It's not even debatable. See the GI Bill post WWII. But students have to be motivated.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Horrible damage? Please be more specific....if you can.

She's a product of the system......I don't think she knows what that means.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Having cosigned for my kid's debt, and promised to pay it for her, I'm hoping for debt forgiveness. LOL
I support college tuition debt forgiveness. A person shouldn't start their lives out with tens of thousands in debt.

Where is that written.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

What damage?

That done by the nasty cult bitch who had no experience in education and who sought to make our schools safe for sexual harassers and steal taxpayer money to fund her cult indoctrination centers.

sexual harassers and assaulters get prosecuted. the issue is you have bad hookups resulting in men being assumed guilty because they are men.

Plenty of lawsuits where the men are winning because the schools stack the deck against them.
I support college tuition debt forgiveness. A person shouldn't start their lives out with tens of thousands in debt.
So what responsibilities do our universities, our national indoctrination centers, bear in the constantly
expanding cost of a mostly worthless college degree?
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

What damage?

That done by the nasty cult bitch who had no experience in education and who sought to make our schools safe for sexual harassers and steal taxpayer money to fund her cult indoctrination centers.

sexual harassers and assaulters get prosecuted. the issue is you have bad hookups resulting in men being assumed guilty because they are men.

Plenty of lawsuits where the men are winning because the schools stack the deck against them.

The deck was stacked against the victims for many, many years. The schools never made clear to whom the victim should report harassment and what would be done. The issue was were ignored. There was a code of silence. We just had to suck it up no matter how we were mistreated. After all, mustn't ruin the futures of these precious young men.

I know that you guys don't like the #MeToo movement because it gives women who have carried this baggage silently for years, decades, an opportunity to tell their stories.

It is a characteristic of the right-wing movement that its members want to prevent people from speaking out about their experiences, not just women who have experienced sexual aggression against them, but all survivors of mistreatment and cruelty to which they were subjected because of some characteristic they have, from Holocaust survivors to survivors of mistreatment based on their race or sexual orientation or religion. Mature men who were abused as altar boys are even speaking out. Right-wingers don't want all this to come out. They want everyone who isn't them to suffer in silence. No way.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Yeah, how dare parents have a choice of where their children go to school. It's much, much better to have union schools where none of the children can read at grade level and can't pass a math test. No need for the basics when it's so urgent to teach kids about fags and trannies. FOAD commie.

This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.


They say that a lot of young ladies at the universities are delighted that Ms. DeVos will soon be out.

Now if they decide to accuse a young man of untoward behavior, the latter will no longer have any rights to defend himself against a vindictive young lady.

Sure hope that such men did not vote for the Dems!

Yeah, who needs due process anyway.

This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Having cosigned for my kid's debt, and promised to pay it for her, I'm hoping for debt forgiveness. LOL

So personal responsibility isn't a thing around your household, figures.

This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Having cosigned for my kid's debt, and promised to pay it for her, I'm hoping for debt forgiveness. LOL

My parents paid for my college education. However my ex's parents didn't pay for his. By the time he was done with school he had 4 student loans.

I got them paid off in the 90s but no one should finish school with such a debt.

My parents believed that if you bring a new life into this world you are obligated to make sure that person can properly support and take care of themselves. Which means a proper education. At the time I didn't think much about it but once I got older I couldn't agree with them more.

Soon after my child was born I signed up for the prepaid college tuition program in my state.

When my child finished high school there was 4 years of college completely prepaid.

I support college tuition debt forgiveness. A person shouldn't start their lives out with tens of thousands in debt.

If they couldn't afford college, maybe they should have gone to a trade school. Most trades pay better anyway.

Why even have a Federal Department of Education?

Education should be done on the state and local level.

Just another stupid expensive Federal bureaucracy that fucks up everything that it does.
This is good news. A lot of the horrible damage trump and devoss have done to our education system will be undone quickly. Some will take some time but will be reversed.

It looks like Biden will be very busy reversing all the damage trump has done.

Having cosigned for my kid's debt, and promised to pay it for her, I'm hoping for debt forgiveness. LOL

My parents paid for my college education. However my ex's parents didn't pay for his. By the time he was done with school he had 4 student loans.

I got them paid off in the 90s but no one should finish school with such a debt.

My parents believed that if you bring a new life into this world you are obligated to make sure that person can properly support and take care of themselves. Which means a proper education. At the time I didn't think much about it but once I got older I couldn't agree with them more.

Soon after my child was born I signed up for the prepaid college tuition program in my state.

When my child finished high school there was 4 years of college completely prepaid.

I support college tuition debt forgiveness. A person shouldn't start their lives out with tens of thousands in debt.

If they couldn't afford college, maybe they should have gone to a trade school. Most trades pay better anyway.

Trade school is not cheap either
Why even have a Federal Department of Education?

Education should be done on the state and local level.

Just another stupid expensive Federal bureaucracy that fucks up everything that it does.

90 percent of public school education is controlled by the state and local level.
Dept of Education sets basic standards, ensures there is no discrimination, protects special education and facilitates the exchange of information between states

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