Biden's Looking Great after this Debt Deal !!

McCarthy was negotiating from a position of weakness...
If Biden gave anything then this will mean the US people were held hostage by a bunch of irresponsible ideologues

Don't think you quite get the facts, Little Hoss, which is no surprise as usual. The US people WERE getting held hostage by the democrats refusing to sign a good deal good for America and McCarthy got all that he could save for letting our economy crash which it surely would have if allowed to by the terrorists Biden and his band of democrat thugs. This was a hostage situation and the DNC/Far Left were the one holding the gun to the baby's head once again using politics ahead of helping America...
"Defecit"? And you're calling me a pea brain?

It never fails. EVERY TIME a leftard tries to rag on the stupidity of others, they only show instead that they themselves are the ones lucky to be firing on 3 cylinders.

These people barely made it through grade school! Now you know why they vote democrat and follow the likes of the Senile Jockstrap.
Bullshit. Pure Bullshit.
yup nice reply, but back on earth Biden is taking his victory lap, the cuts were minimal and didn't touch any of his core agenda at all, Trump's crying like a bitch, and Biden is showing why the voters elected him.

Enjoy 4 more years.
You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats can't defend Potatohead being an incompetence piece of shit that is fucking this country.

Instead you put on your dumbass hat and start silly ass threads claiming that Potatohead is the greatest thing since White Bread. Even though he has a 73% disapproval rating and is the worst President this country ever had.

You are a sicko that really needs to make an appointment with a mental health specialist like I have recommended to you numerous times.

Assholes like you have fucked this once great country with your socialist greed and complete lack of understanding of basic Economics.

Your drunken rants and tears make me happy

Ass holes like you have destroyed America.
GW Bush was a terrible and failed president who destroyed America with massive debt deficit, failed wars, and a blown up economy, and that retard republican inherited a balanced budget taboot.
Trump was a terrible and failed president, just like gW Bush, with failed results, massive debt and deficit, failed health crisis, low and slow economic growth, massive FED stimulus, and riots at the Capitol based on total lies.

All the problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups
Is you assbuddy Dotard The Sicko Trump mad after his boi McCarthy made a deal with Biden?

Your drunken rants and tears make me happy

Ass holes like you have destroyed America.
GW Bush was a terrible and failed president who destroyed America with massive debt deficit, failed wars, and a blown up economy, and that retard republican inherited a balanced budget taboot.
Trump was a terrible and failed president, just like gW Bush, with failed results, massive debt and deficit, failed health crisis, low and slow economic growth, massive FED stimulus, and riots at the Capitol based on total lies.

All the problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups
Trump inherited an economy on the rebound from Obama after Bush fucked it up then the orange asswipe turned around & ran it into the ground like everything else he touched. That retard halfwitted jerkoff could fuck up a wet dream, then blame someone else.

These joker's on here actually think Dotard was a great POTUS. "Then we see the disinfectant".............BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Trump inherited an economy on the rebound from Obama after Bush fucked it up then the orange asswipe turned around & ran it into the ground like everything else he touched. That retard halfwitted jerkoff could fuck up a wet dream, then blame someone else.

These joker's on here actually think Dotard was a great POTUS. "Then we see the disinfectant".............BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
When you look at Trump's numbers on the economy, they are a joke.
Massive debt and deficit
Massive fake money FED stimulus.
An economy that crashed in 2019 when they tried to raise rates- Biden's economy can handle 5% rates, Trump's economy crashed at like 1.5%
Then in Oct 2019 trump's weak economy needed more QE, and they did QE.

Trump's economy was a joke, and the numbers prove it.
OP calls caving in a “victory.” Well, fine. If that’s true the two sides both can declare some victory.

But the truth is that both sides caved in.

And only morons of the far left would try to label what Brandon had to do as a victory.
yup nice reply, but back on earth Biden is taking his victory lap, the cuts were minimal and didn't touch any of his core agenda at all, Trump's crying like a bitch, and Biden is showing why the voters elected him.

Enjoy 4 more years.
The GOP attempt to sabotage the economy failed.

In 2024 the Economy will boom again like it did in 2021, perfect timing for the election, and

4 More years !
So what did Biden give up to the hostage takers?
In the house. He’ll need Dem votes in the house. Not much of a victory if your opponent has to bail you out.
what? he needed dems to get any debt deal done, so of course he was willing to compromise…he’s been talking about negotiating for months now and the demafasict have refused until now.

It’s a big win for the gop
what? he needed dems to get any debt deal done, so of course he was willing to compromise…he’s been talking about negotiating for months now and the demafasict have refused until now.

It’s a big win for the gop
Derp… he obviously didn’t win if he can’t do it with his majority. It was all a show starting from a position of weakness. Holding the debt ceiling hostage was the only leverage McCarthy had.
A loser position from the start.
Derp… he obviously didn’t win if he can’t do it with his majority. It was all a show starting from a position of weakness. Holding the debt ceiling hostage was the only leverage McCarthy had.
A loser position from the start.
haha what? he needed to get dems to pass it in the senate

geez man
what? he needed dems to get any debt deal done, so of course he was willing to compromise…he’s been talking about negotiating for months now and the demafasict have refused until now.

It’s a big win for the gop
A big win for the GOP would be cuts to any of Biden's programs and agenda.
The GOP got nothing.

They got a micro cut to the IRS, the return of extra covid money that states don't even need, and some vague work requirements that Biden has no problem compromising on.

There are no real wins for the GOP, because they have no leverage. The average American understands that Bush and Trump were terrible on the deficit and Trump gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years.
A big win for the GOP would be cuts to any of Biden's programs and agenda.
The GOP got nothing.

They got a micro cut to the IRS, the return of extra covid money that states don't even need, and some vague work requirements that Biden has no problem compromising on.

There are no real wins for the GOP, because they have no leverage. The average American understands that Bush and Trump were terrible on the deficit and Trump gave us 25% of out total debt in just 4 years.
they got cuts to xiden’s agenda

his irs goon squad, his student loan bribes etc

are you not aware what’s in this?

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