Biden's Press Conference Doesn't Change Democrat Needs For Top Of The Ticket!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The take away that the American people should have from watching President Biden's Nato Press Conference is not that the President is unfit to be President or is incompetent and should be removed from office it is that he has what is common, age related physical and cognitive ability loss which makes him a weak actually an unqualified candidate to run for another four year term as President. A President within reasonable bounds of human ability has to be able to analyze incoming things or challenges well on his feet or contemporaneously, and in that same time frame chart an optimally prudent course of action and timely proceed to implement that action. President no longer reliably has that ability; moreover, he no longer reliably has the ability to fully consider scrutiny to his set positions that offer better policy positions for the country.

One example of this is that President Biden said he was staying in the Presidential race but he also said he released his delegates at the convention to vote their conscience. You either stay in the race and follow the electoral system where delegates vote the way the voters in their state voted or you get out of the race and release the delegates to vote their conscience. What President Biden just did was invite some radical progressive like California Gavin Newsome who has no chance of winning the general election for one reason, Americans across the nation don't want the alarmingly bad things in California to spread across the nation, to mount a campaign to seek the nomination at the Democrat convention and in so doing he will offer a lot of policy proposals that will have great appeal to segments of the Democrat electorate but are not viable or good policies overall for the nation and it will end up weakening the ultimate Democrat Presidential campaign leaving the convention as Newsome's voters stay home during the election because of disillusionment with the Democrat Presidential nominee!

Weakness abounded in President Joe Biden's performance last evening. Besides the not strong persona he projected during the vent with his low voice and lack of forceful and strongly persuasive responses. Further what a dumb policy proposal to limit corporate landlords to a five percent yearly cap increase; it is like something the White House staff cooked in the last couple of days for the Press conference to score points. First, such a cap would cause these corporate landlords when the first offer a rental for rent to jack up the rent as high as the market will bear because they will be stuck with the cap, it will cause corporate landlords that need to do capital improvements on the property to avoid so because they cannot pay for it in rent increases because of the cap and if you make this an exception to the cap you open up a lot of gamesmanship and also you probably won't save a lot of tenants from rent increases because after a few years the Corporate landlord will sell the rental property because there is a lot of locked in value in the property because the new owner can dramatically increase the rent to match market value and is not restrained by the cap! A smart President who wasn't a Progressive figure-head Progressive because he is mentally infirmed President would have recognized this as an impractical gimmick. President Biden said he thinks he is a strong President because he created two thousand jobs last week, Joe get a clue the nation you lead has three hundred and fifty million people in it you need to be creating at least fifty-thousand jobs per week to be doing a good job.

Democrats that think Joe Biden is a rock star Presidential candidate need to consider how other responsible Americans perceive his claims. President Biden claims he implemented a lot of his plans and needs a second term to get the job done. First off Joe's plan the three or six "trillion" dollar Build Back Better plan was gutted a third or less finally made law and only because it was boot strapped to a must pass Pandemic relief bill, the inflation reduction act. That bill cemented President Biden as reckless spending Progressive Democrat namely one group of provisions prove this the "give away" to the Union pensions. Joe egregiously violated the sacred precedent on this issue which is union's when you negotiate pensions and you don't negotiate adequate funding of those pensions and you have to go into the nation's Pension safety net program you have to take a pension haircut it still leaves the pensioners with a good safety net pension. Joe should have just filled the financial hole in the nation's pension safety net program and not bailed out the Union pension plans and eliminated an important moral hazzard that Unions got to get into their labor agreements guarantees their pensions will be funded. President Biden claims he is this Legislative President Svengali, two major legislative accomplishments during his three and a half years in office the bipartisan chip Act and the bipartisan infrastructure bills deserve to be equally credited to the extraordinary act of virtue of moderate Republicans that weathered the extreme criticism from wide swaths of their Party to cross the aisle and vote for these packages. By the way to these Americans it has not missed their purview how the Biden Administration has weakened the positive effect of the bill by mandating the chip manufacturers investing in the U.S. not sell chips from their plant to China; the key problem here is that the Administration is not limiting this restriction to specialized chips used for surveillance or military application where China could not get anywhere else the Administration is just impeding these Chip manufacturers business with imprudent political pandering anti-China policies.

President Biden condemned the Bush/Obama policies on Afghanistan saying we should have just killed Osama Bin Laden the head of al qaeda the terrorist group responsible for 9-11 and left Afghanistan to their life in the Middle Ages fate. The foreign policy guru, Joe, is not right on this policy position. America made an abundance of policy blunders on Afghanistan, the leaders of Afghanistan bear the Lion's share of culpability in the Afghan peoples tragic fate but the American government bears a huge amount of culpability. First off the American government should not have been paying security protection money for the construction of infrastructure projects in Afghanistan which was funneled back to the Taliban. Also, the American government every year should have come upon the Afghanistan government like King Kong and Godzilla from the 1960s and 1970s monster movies when it came to yearly funding and aid about making their constitution one that extricated every scintilla of provisions which say the Islamic religion is supreme law in any area of civil rights, the Afghan constitution should have made and emphatically so civil rights especially women's civil rights take precedence over Islamic law no exceptions; how can America ally in a war for a country whose constitution provides for and protects the evil society of the enemy in the war whose aim is to spread the evil society across the entirety of the country. America should have never agreed to release five thousand Taliban fighters prior to them leaving they should have left that decision to the Afghan government. The American government should have demanded the battle testing of local Afghanistan military units, rotating them to the battle front and after recognizing their reliability shortcomings should have rebuilt the Northern Alliance militias to give Afghanis in the north of Afghanistan the power to avoid Taliban rule.

One area of President Biden's comments would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad when he claims why is everyone getting so anxious and desperate about the election race the campaign season hasn't even begun yet it will start after the conventions and in September. Is he kidding he cannot be serious, American citizens are formulating their decisions on the next election continually when they go into the supermarket to buy food and cannot get over the increase in prices and they hear the current President say inflation is not a problem and the guy looks like he is a resident of a nursing home looking to find out where one of the social events scheduled that day will be held. The vast vast majority of Americans who are a no vote on Joe Biden for this year Presidential election are a hard no and ain't changing their mind because of a great campaign staff or $250 million in the bank to be spent on commercials that will begin their real work in September. One last point, many of the "let's stick with Joe" Democrats say we have to respect the primary process it is about respecting Democracy it is about not disenfranchising tens of millions of registered Democrat Americans that voted in the primary for Joseph Biden to be their nominee! Do these Democrats not think a fraud was committed on the Democrat base and the entire American people about the physical and mental condition of Joe "they should" the evidence compellingly establishes it. In the past week in the TV and print media the American people have learned that the top staff of the White House was conducting a top priority and extensive campaign to hide the mental and physical deterioration of President Biden. The staff tried to prevent access to the President when access did occur they tried to limit the length of that access and tried to see that a script was followed and staff was kept close to the President so that if he was having a cognitive issue episode a staff member could help him. The truth of the matter is that if the American people knew a year ago what they know today about Joe's mental and physical health, he would have been primaried by competitive contenders would have done as expected in the expected debates and would not be the presumptive nominee because he would have been fairly deemed not qualified to fill out another four year term as President and too weak a candidate for the general election!
I am sure them teaching him to recognize when he has rambled a bit too far to say "but anyway" will work like a peach.
Last night Biden displayed a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of policy issues Trump never has and never will possess. Because Trump isn't a serious man who wants to learn about the world around him, he's an entertainer.

As the NYT said, Trump is "a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great."
The take away that the American people should have from watching President Biden's Nato Press Conference is not that the President is unfit to be President or is incompetent and should be removed from office

Well, I learned two things from Joe's appearance from post conference coverage:
  1. Biden thinks Trump is his Vice President.
  2. Biden thinks Putin is the president of Ukraine now (as he literally introduced Zelenskyy).
Apparently, Joe has both Putin and Trump on the brain. The democrat calls for him to step down are getting to him, really shaking him up. America's Most Popular President is now getting yanked off stage before he is even through his first term. Joe cannot think ahead and cannot keep a train of thought straight until he says it, HEARS the words, then it sinks in a few seconds later his mouth did not say what he brain wanted. What will Joe say next?

Embarrassing at best. Biden did nothing to assuage concerns over his competency to run the country.

This guy is a huge danger and liability to us all. This boob is either going to get us attacked by an enemy during our period of weakness weith him in office, or he is going to do something very dumb and drag us into WWIII. Can you imagine this guy a year from now? Two? Three? Four?
Last night Biden displayed a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of policy issues

Yeah, about 1 micron deep. :laughing0301:

We learned from Joe that Trump is his vice president and that Putin is the head of Ukraine.

To think .. the Democrat sheeple selected him as a candidate and have been deceived for the past 4 years that he is sharp as a tack, responsive, and in perfect health. Enjoy that shit sandwich where you are sleeping, sheeple.
Last night Biden displayed a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of policy issues Trump never has and never will possess. Because Trump isn't a serious man who wants to learn about the world around him, he's an entertainer.

As the NYT said, Trump is "a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great."
neither are fit for office.

hope a meteor hits the next debate.

it may be our country's best chance to survive.
Last night Biden displayed a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of policy issues Trump never has and never will possess. Because Trump isn't a serious man who wants to learn about the world around him, he's an entertainer.

As the NYT said, Trump is "a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great."
Unfortunately, concerns about Biden's Age and Health distract from that reality.
The take away that the American people should have from watching President Biden's Nato Press Conference is not that the President is unfit to be President or is incompetent and should be removed from office it is that he has what is common, age related physical and cognitive ability loss which makes him a weak actually an unqualified candidate to run for another four year term as President. A President within reasonable bounds of human ability has to be able to analyze incoming things or challenges well on his feet or contemporaneously, and in that same time frame chart an optimally prudent course of action and timely proceed to implement that action. President no longer reliably has that ability; moreover, he no longer reliably has the ability to fully consider scrutiny to his set positions that offer better policy positions for the country.

One example of this is that President Biden said he was staying in the Presidential race but he also said he released his delegates at the convention to vote their conscience. You either stay in the race and follow the electoral system where delegates vote the way the voters in their state voted or you get out of the race and release the delegates to vote their conscience. What President Biden just did was invite some radical progressive like California Gavin Newsome who has no chance of winning the general election for one reason, Americans across the nation don't want the alarmingly bad things in California to spread across the nation, to mount a campaign to seek the nomination at the Democrat convention and in so doing he will offer a lot of policy proposals that will have great appeal to segments of the Democrat electorate but are not viable or good policies overall for the nation and it will end up weakening the ultimate Democrat Presidential campaign leaving the convention as Newsome's voters stay home during the election because of disillusionment with the Democrat Presidential nominee!

Weakness abounded in President Joe Biden's performance last evening. Besides the not strong persona he projected during the vent with his low voice and lack of forceful and strongly persuasive responses. Further what a dumb policy proposal to limit corporate landlords to a five percent yearly cap increase; it is like something the White House staff cooked in the last couple of days for the Press conference to score points. First, such a cap would cause these corporate landlords when the first offer a rental for rent to jack up the rent as high as the market will bear because they will be stuck with the cap, it will cause corporate landlords that need to do capital improvements on the property to avoid so because they cannot pay for it in rent increases because of the cap and if you make this an exception to the cap you open up a lot of gamesmanship and also you probably won't save a lot of tenants from rent increases because after a few years the Corporate landlord will sell the rental property because there is a lot of locked in value in the property because the new owner can dramatically increase the rent to match market value and is not restrained by the cap! A smart President who wasn't a Progressive figure-head Progressive because he is mentally infirmed President would have recognized this as an impractical gimmick. President Biden said he thinks he is a strong President because he created two thousand jobs last week, Joe get a clue the nation you lead has three hundred and fifty million people in it you need to be creating at least fifty-thousand jobs per week to be doing a good job.

Democrats that think Joe Biden is a rock star Presidential candidate need to consider how other responsible Americans perceive his claims. President Biden claims he implemented a lot of his plans and needs a second term to get the job done. First off Joe's plan the three or six "trillion" dollar Build Back Better plan was gutted a third or less finally made law and only because it was boot strapped to a must pass Pandemic relief bill, the inflation reduction act. That bill cemented President Biden as reckless spending Progressive Democrat namely one group of provisions prove this the "give away" to the Union pensions. Joe egregiously violated the sacred precedent on this issue which is union's when you negotiate pensions and you don't negotiate adequate funding of those pensions and you have to go into the nation's Pension safety net program you have to take a pension haircut it still leaves the pensioners with a good safety net pension. Joe should have just filled the financial hole in the nation's pension safety net program and not bailed out the Union pension plans and eliminated an important moral hazzard that Unions got to get into their labor agreements guarantees their pensions will be funded. President Biden claims he is this Legislative President Svengali, two major legislative accomplishments during his three and a half years in office the bipartisan chip Act and the bipartisan infrastructure bills deserve to be equally credited to the extraordinary act of virtue of moderate Republicans that weathered the extreme criticism from wide swaths of their Party to cross the aisle and vote for these packages. By the way to these Americans it has not missed their purview how the Biden Administration has weakened the positive effect of the bill by mandating the chip manufacturers investing in the U.S. not sell chips from their plant to China; the key problem here is that the Administration is not limiting this restriction to specialized chips used for surveillance or military application where China could not get anywhere else the Administration is just impeding these Chip manufacturers business with imprudent political pandering anti-China policies.

President Biden condemned the Bush/Obama policies on Afghanistan saying we should have just killed Osama Bin Laden the head of al qaeda the terrorist group responsible for 9-11 and left Afghanistan to their life in the Middle Ages fate. The foreign policy guru, Joe, is not right on this policy position. America made an abundance of policy blunders on Afghanistan, the leaders of Afghanistan bear the Lion's share of culpability in the Afghan peoples tragic fate but the American government bears a huge amount of culpability. First off the American government should not have been paying security protection money for the construction of infrastructure projects in Afghanistan which was funneled back to the Taliban. Also, the American government every year should have come upon the Afghanistan government like King Kong and Godzilla from the 1960s and 1970s monster movies when it came to yearly funding and aid about making their constitution one that extricated every scintilla of provisions which say the Islamic religion is supreme law in any area of civil rights, the Afghan constitution should have made and emphatically so civil rights especially women's civil rights take precedence over Islamic law no exceptions; how can America ally in a war for a country whose constitution provides for and protects the evil society of the enemy in the war whose aim is to spread the evil society across the entirety of the country. America should have never agreed to release five thousand Taliban fighters prior to them leaving they should have left that decision to the Afghan government. The American government should have demanded the battle testing of local Afghanistan military units, rotating them to the battle front and after recognizing their reliability shortcomings should have rebuilt the Northern Alliance militias to give Afghanis in the north of Afghanistan the power to avoid Taliban rule.

One area of President Biden's comments would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad when he claims why is everyone getting so anxious and desperate about the election race the campaign season hasn't even begun yet it will start after the conventions and in September. Is he kidding he cannot be serious, American citizens are formulating their decisions on the next election continually when they go into the supermarket to buy food and cannot get over the increase in prices and they hear the current President say inflation is not a problem and the guy looks like he is a resident of a nursing home looking to find out where one of the social events scheduled that day will be held. The vast vast majority of Americans who are a no vote on Joe Biden for this year Presidential election are a hard no and ain't changing their mind because of a great campaign staff or $250 million in the bank to be spent on commercials that will begin their real work in September. One last point, many of the "let's stick with Joe" Democrats say we have to respect the primary process it is about respecting Democracy it is about not disenfranchising tens of millions of registered Democrat Americans that voted in the primary for Joseph Biden to be their nominee! Do these Democrats not think a fraud was committed on the Democrat base and the entire American people about the physical and mental condition of Joe "they should" the evidence compellingly establishes it. In the past week in the TV and print media the American people have learned that the top staff of the White House was conducting a top priority and extensive campaign to hide the mental and physical deterioration of President Biden. The staff tried to prevent access to the President when access did occur they tried to limit the length of that access and tried to see that a script was followed and staff was kept close to the President so that if he was having a cognitive issue episode a staff member could help him. The truth of the matter is that if the American people knew a year ago what they know today about Joe's mental and physical health, he would have been primaried by competitive contenders would have done as expected in the expected debates and would not be the presumptive nominee because he would have been fairly deemed not qualified to fill out another four year term as President and too weak a candidate for the general election!

TL;DR version?
As I said on another thread it wasn’t as bad as the debate performance or the Stephanopoulos interview which were pretty low hurdles to clear but it wasn’t an earth shattering rebound performance either. I doubt what we saw last night changes many if any minds.
Last night Biden displayed a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of policy issues Trump never has and never will possess.
False. He simply rambled on about his days in the Senate and that Putin/Trump are Devils.
Because Trump isn't a serious man who wants to learn about the world around him, he's an entertainer.
So that is your comparison with Trump's depth of knowledge? How trite.
As the NYT said, Trump is "a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great."
Selecting quotes from the NYT is like picking through garbage for a snack.

P.S. Did you forget that they also said Biden was unfit for office?
Last night Biden displayed a depth of knowledge on a wide variety of policy issues Trump never has and never will possess. Because Trump isn't a serious man who wants to learn about the world around him, he's an entertainer.

As the NYT said, Trump is "a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great."
Oh, the NYT had an editorial that said that? What a shock!
False. He simply rambled on about his days in the Senate and that Putin/Trump are Devils.

So that is your comparison with Trump's depth of knowledge? How trite.

Selecting quotes from the NYT is like picking through garbage for a snack.

P.S. Did you forget that they also said Biden was unfit for office?
I think anyone who lies and says his opponent is the devil is not representative of our values as Americans.
Well, I learned two things from Joe's appearance from post conference coverage:
  1. Biden thinks Trump is his Vice President.
  2. Biden thinks Putin is the president of Ukraine now (as he literally introduced Zelenskyy).
Apparently, Joe has both Putin and Trump on the brain. The democrat calls for him to step down are getting to him, really shaking him up. America's Most Popular President is now getting yanked off stage before he is even through his first term. Joe cannot think ahead and cannot keep a train of thought straight until he says it, HEARS the words, then it sinks in a few seconds later his mouth did not say what he brain wanted. What will Joe say next?

Embarrassing at best. Biden did nothing to assuage concerns over his competency to run the country.

This guy is a huge danger and liability to us all. This boob is either going to get us attacked by an enemy during our period of weakness weith him in office, or he is going to do something very dumb and drag us into WWIII. Can you imagine this guy a year from now? Two? Three? Four?

My guess he will be gone within 2 years max, so makes you wonder why these people cling to power so vehemently when they won't even be around much longer. The human ego is the source of all man's ills, it's apparently all they care about.
My guess he will be gone within 2 years max, so makes you wonder why these people cling to power so vehemently when they won't even be around much longer. The human ego is the source of all man's ills, it's apparently all they care about.
If by “gone,” you mean dead, I agree. If you mean gone from power, I expect him to pull out of the race before the DNC. Could even be within a week.

P.S. Did you see him try to climb the baby boy stairs? He was doing the one-foot step move that toddlers do when first learning to go upstairs.
If by “gone,” you mean dead, I agree. If you mean gone from power, I expect him to pull out of the race before the DNC. Could even be within a week.

P.S. Did you see him try to climb the baby boy stairs? He was doing the one-foot step move that toddlers do when first learning to go upstairs.

Yes, I meant passed away, yet here he is in his current state, trying to run again. What is it with these people with their unquenchable thirst for power, control, and money. You won't even be here to enjoy any of it.
Yes, I meant passed away, yet here he is in his current state, trying to run again. What is it with these people with their unquenchable thirst for power, control, and money. You won't even be here to enjoy any of it.
HE won’t be able to enjoy it. But his wife will, and the longer she can persuade him to play puppet, the more money the family can rake in from corrupt Communists.

I predict that he will lose - either drop out or just be defeated - and in January he will be in his Delaware home, attended by aides that Jill hires so she will be free to live a jetset lifestyle. By spring, she will move to the beach house, lapping up the waves, and have him moved to a bedroom somewhere, again fully attended, while she will have nothing to do with him.

She does not love this man, and will have no compassion from him as he moves into the late stages of dementia.
My guess he will be gone within 2 years max, so makes you wonder why these people cling to power so vehemently when they won't even be around much longer. The human ego is the source of all man's ills, it's apparently all they care about.

Well, talk now is that Joe may step down from the DNC nomination as early as by this weekend. But clinging to power? That is easy. It is more than ego--- many of these people arrange bribes under the table with lobbyists, foreign and domestic in exchange for large sums of money and information in exchange for using the power of their office to help them. These are powerful contracts with dangerous people and should someone like Joe suddenly fail to fulfill his contract, it could be bad news for him, financially or otherwise. So before Joe can step aside (and believe me, the SOLE reason for his stepping down is out of fear of not fulfilling his end of the deal), they must be sure they have someone else they are confident represents an equal or greater chance of winning the election to maintain power and influence.

And that is really the ONLY reason for the Left's angst against Trump, because whatever Trump may be, he just won't deal with these people and "take a fall" for them. Everything else, all the hatred by their idiot base because he is "orange," "fat," or a playboy (or at least used to be), is nothing but clever media distraction to keep the dumbed-down public by and large realizing the true situation.

I remember when wrestler Jesse Ventura became state governor years ago, his recounting afterwards, the story of when he took office a few men in black suits coming to him telling him what he would and wouldn't do. Jesse was shocked and told them that HE was the governor, highest office in the state and HE called the shots--- and they explained to him: "No, you are not. You better do what we TELL you to do, if you want to stay alive."

You don't hear much from Jesse now, do you? And he was quickly discredited as a "crackpot" not to be taken seriously, right?
HE won’t be able to enjoy it. But his wife will, and the longer she can persuade him to play puppet, the more money the family can rake in from corrupt Communists.

I predict that he will lose - either drop out or just be defeated - and in January he will be in his Delaware home, attended by aides that Jill hires so she will be free to live a jetset lifestyle. By spring, she will move to the beach house, lapping up the waves, and have him moved to a bedroom somewhere, again fully attended, while she will have nothing to do with him.

She does not love this man, and will have no compassion from him as he moves into the late stages of dementia.

Yeah, but even she is 73, not a spring chicken, so even if it is for her selfish reasons, it's still mind boggling to me, I'll just never understand the mindset, the greed. And it's not like Joe wasn't the same way prior to the dementia setting in, he was a corrupt piece of shit for his entire pollical life, so guess you reap what you sow.
Well, talk now is that Joe may step down from the DNC nomination as early as by this weekend. But clinging to power? That is easy. It is more than ego--- many of these people arrange bribes under the table with lobbyists, foreign and domestic in exchange for large sums of money and information in exchange for using the power of their office to help them. These are powerful contracts with dangerous people and should someone like Joe suddenly fail to fulfill his contract, it could be bad news for him, financially or otherwise. So before Joe can step aside (and believe me, the SOLE reason for his stepping down is out of fear of not fulfilling his end of the deal), they must be sure they have someone else they are confident represents an equal or greater chance of winning the election to maintain power and influence.

And that is really the ONLY reason for the Left's angst against Trump, because whatever Trump may be, he just won't deal with these people and "take a fall" for them. Everything else, all the hatred by their idiot base because he is "orange," "fat," or a playboy (or at least used to be), is nothing but clever media distraction to keep the dumbed-down public by and large realizing the true situation.

I remember when wrestler Jesse Ventura became state governor years ago, his recounting afterwards, the story of when he took office a few men in black suits coming to him telling him what he would and wouldn't do. Jesse was shocked and told them that HE was the governor, highest office in the state and HE called the shots--- and they explained to him: "No, you are not. You better do what we TELL you to do, if you want to stay alive."

You don't hear much from Jesse now, do you? And he was quickly discredited as a "crackpot" not to be taken seriously, right?

It's ego that gets them into the game, and ego that keeps them there though, so they deserve everything they get as a consequence. I'm sure we'd be blown away if we knew the real extent of the corruption in DC. I wish someone would be brave enough to stand up and fully expose it, you only get a sense of what truly takes place by watching the results. Same with the 'media', they need to be blown out of the water, but most people have their price unfortunately.

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