Biden's Ridiculously Irresponsible Immigration Plan


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
How can anyone not read this and understand where we are headed. It is beyond insane. We want to allow asylum seekers to come to the US unfettered, meaning, no stopping at the nearest safe country, but instead coming directly to the US. He also wants to shutdown all private detention centers, which is 2/3rds of them. This means they will be released directly into the population and given work visas. Couple this with the fact that asylum seekers will get "free" healthcare and there is a recipe for complete disaster. What is wrong with liberals? Do they have any sense whatsoever?

The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants | Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website
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How can anyone not read this and understand where we are headed. It is beyond insane. We want to allow asylum seekers to come to the US unfettered, meaning, no stopping at the nearest safe country, but instead coming directly to the US. He also wants to shutdown all private detention centers, which is 2/3rds of them. This means they will be released directly into the population and given work visa. Couple this is the fact that asylum seekers will get "free" healthcare and there is a recipe for complete disaster. What is wrong with liberals? Do they have any sense whatsoever?

The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants | Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website

This is what the communists and global socialists wanted. Therefore, this is what you will get.

I'm surprised there haven't been massive Class Action Lawsuits from Americans. Especially those from military backgrounds who have fought for secure borders of foreign nations.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.
There is ONE and only ONE reason the left has come so far.......
This man nailed it!
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Yeah, because 20M of such valuable workers isn't enough, you want to add 20M more?

So much for the poor American worker. Why deal with inconvenient vetting and securing your border when you can just leave it open to any criminal, terrorist or foreign spy. Brilliant!
How can anyone not read this and understand where we are headed. It is beyond insane. We want to allow asylum seekers to come to the US unfettered, meaning, no stopping at the nearest safe country, but instead coming directly to the US. He also wants to shutdown all private detention centers, which is 2/3rds of them. This means they will be released directly into the population and given work visa. Couple this is the fact that asylum seekers will get "free" healthcare and there is a recipe for complete disaster. What is wrong with liberals? Do they have any sense whatsoever?

The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants | Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website
Don't worry under Trump there were still hundreds of thousands that were in the catch and release stat.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Yeah, because 20M of such valuable workers isn't enough, you want to add 20M more?

So much for the poor American worker. Why deal with inconvenient vetting and securing your border when you can just leave it open to any criminal, terrorist or foreign spy. Brilliant!
Is that why the American businessman and woman prefer to hire them or is it the cheaper labor cost?
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Yeah, because 20M of such valuable workers isn't enough, you want to add 20M more?

So much for the poor American worker. Why deal with inconvenient vetting and securing your border when you can just leave it open to any criminal, terrorist or foreign spy. Brilliant!

Migrant Mexican workers have been coming for 100 years

Only change is we closed the border and stopped them from going back and forth. So they stay
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Sure. All the while costing we tax payers billions every year.

If they wanted they could get visa's to harvest crops and work while they are here. Once done, they go back home. That's what Canada does and it works well.

They love the money they make here and send back to Mexico or wherever they came from and if you think they will just go home you're nuts.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Yeah, because 20M of such valuable workers isn't enough, you want to add 20M more?

So much for the poor American worker. Why deal with inconvenient vetting and securing your border when you can just leave it open to any criminal, terrorist or foreign spy. Brilliant!

Migrant Mexican workers have been coming for 100 years

Only change is we closed the border and stopped them from going back and forth. So they stay

Bullshit. No one would stop them from going back. ICE is only worried about illegals coming in.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Yeah, because 20M of such valuable workers isn't enough, you want to add 20M more?

So much for the poor American worker. Why deal with inconvenient vetting and securing your border when you can just leave it open to any criminal, terrorist or foreign spy. Brilliant!

It's likely that RightWinger is a paid Chinese Troll. They actually have very well English versed agents trolling US forums.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

The stupidity is off the charts.

You do realize there are 170 million people in the world that can qualify for asylum status. They would all come here since we are the dumbest country in the world with regards to letting them in. We can't afford healthcare for 170 million more people

Something is seriously wrong with the brain of a lefty.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Sure. All the while costing we tax payers billions every year.

If they wanted they could get visa's to harvest crops and work while they are here. Once done, they go back home. That's what Canada does and it works well.

They love the money they make here and send back to Mexico or wherever they came from and if you think they will just go home you're nuts.
Migrant workers contribute more to the economy than they consume. They provide low cost labor and pay taxes for which they receive little benefit.

Lets put then on the books, make employers pay legal wages and benefits and have them pay official payroll taxes and income taxes.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Yeah, because 20M of such valuable workers isn't enough, you want to add 20M more?

So much for the poor American worker. Why deal with inconvenient vetting and securing your border when you can just leave it open to any criminal, terrorist or foreign spy. Brilliant!

It's likely that RightWinger is a paid Chinese Troll. They actually have very well English versed agents trolling US forums.

It is hard to imagine a person who is supposed to love American saying the things he does. It makes absolutely no sense, but we cannot underestimate the power of indoctrination. These kind of people really do exist in this country. Heck 70+ million of them voted for Biden/Harris. That tells you all you need to know.
Works for me

Allow those who want to come and harvest crops, perform menial labor, housekeeping and landscaping to get a temporary work visa.
This way they can go home when the season is over rather than just stay here.

Sure. All the while costing we tax payers billions every year.

If they wanted they could get visa's to harvest crops and work while they are here. Once done, they go back home. That's what Canada does and it works well.

They love the money they make here and send back to Mexico or wherever they came from and if you think they will just go home you're nuts.
Migrant workers contribute more to the economy than they consume. They provide low cost labor and pay taxes for which they receive little benefit.

Lets put then on the books, make employers pay legal wages and benefits and have them pay official payroll taxes and income taxes.

Complete moron.

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