Biden's speech. Pretty damn good

Joe Biden looked old and tired. There’s no way he can stand up to North Korea, Russia or Iran. He supports the rioting, high taxes and open borders. Systemic Racism = Joe Biden
It's more likely Senile Joe meets the Grim Reaper than winning the November 3rd Election and having to stand up to North Korea,Russia,China or Iran;)
Lol...I guess you forgot that Trump has written love letters to Kim Jong Un, that Trump is a Putin tool, and that Trump praises Xi on numerous occasions...try again.

No, he has written letters to get dialogue going. Hiden biden though, spread his ass cheeks wide and his son partnered with a chinese government entity to steal US defence secrets.
Wrong... Trump’s letters actually were a disgrace to this nation. Love letters from a US President to a communist dictator. As far as Hunter is concerned, if that is all your have, Trump is headed for a landslide loss.

First lowlife scum Democrats claimed Trump would start a war with North Korea and foamed at the mouth. Now lowlife scum Democrats bitch and complain about Trump trying to negotiate peace. Proving lowlife scum Democrats are nothing but lying double talking filth baby aborters.
LOL...The above posts are what are called....we’re screwed posts. Biden was on his game tonight. We will contrast Trump’s speech next week. We all know that Trump reads a speech like a dim witted 4th grader.
LOL...The above posts are what are called....we’re screwed posts. Biden was not on his game tonight. We will contrast Biden's speech. We all know that Biden reads a speech like a dim witted 4th grader.
Joe's speech was phenomenal. Rivaled only by the Sermon On The Mount and the Gettysburg Address.

Thanks to Trump and his moron supporters, it didn't have to be. All Joe had to do was avoid drooling and getting lost at the order to exceed the bar set by the head dummy.

Mission accomplished. Let the whining commence.
Trump has dragged my standards down so far at this point, I'm not asking for much, Joe.

Just demonstrate some fundamental decency, some fundamental empathy, some fundamental respect for the office and for others.

Not even all the time. At least now and then. That's it. That's how little I'm asking for. Just end this humiliation.
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......
Do not underestimate the power of these Fake News Parrots to parrot the psycho Leftist shit the Left tells them ....
Yes every respected media around the world and law-enforcement agrees with us also. You have Rupert Murdoch and his spawn. Pathetic hateful propaganda.
The police unions support Trump, moron.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....
I caught some of it just now, plagiarising a song, classic sitcom comedy!
Biden's message was one proving his party is the mob racketeering party.
Their Strategy: They cause the hate, anger, division then claim if you vote for them they will be unifying the nation, because they'd no longer be angry and divisive=racketeering threat.
"Come on man", how can you be a uniter when calling yourselfs the resisters (divisive meaning).
Biden is basically saying if the crybaby's get their way then they will stop resisting(stop dividing) and being enraged.=racketeering 101.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....
One simply cannot make up the level of ignorance coming from the American Left.

He actually delivered it reasonably well.
The best he has done in several years.
But it proves nothing.
And you can BET - he will be hidden away even more now as the media will protect this image. They will not want to fuck it up by showing him again after doing well.
Trump has dragged my standards down so far at this point, I'm not asking for much, Joe.

Just demonstrate some fundamental decency, some fundamental empathy, some fundamental respect for the office and for others.

Not even all the time. At least now and then. That's it. That's how little I'm asking for. Just end this humiliation.

Classic Mac response. Zero concern for results, and 100% concern for "acting", "how it looks", "feelings" and all other irrelevant nonsense.

President Trump has achieved tremendous things. Biden is 40 years of failure.
none of the GOP phony scandals and conspiracy theories have gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement. And I'm not talking about the drones.....
One simply cannot make up the level of ignorance coming from the American Left.

Nothing new and nothing criminal. Unlike the entire Trump campaign..... Now in prison. Russian hoax my eye..... Try real news.
I like the part where Biden plagiarized Trump. Biden is going to make America great again? Yet Biden did nothin for 8 years as VP? Sure he got an Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating his son, using the guarantee of billions of dollars as a stick. But other than that why will Biden do now what he neglected for the last 25 years?
As one person said quite succinctly... if Joe knew how to fix everything, then why didn't he tell Obama?
In a nutshell, Biden's greatest accomplishment is making himself, family members and friends wealthy by using his position and influence. PERIOD

So much for Biden being ‘senile.’

Biden did exactly what he needed to do: he made a factual, compelling case as to Trump’s failures and incompetence – particularly with regard to the pandemic and economy, he sought to reunite a divided America, and he was truthful about the consequences of this election, another four years of Trump will make the current bad situation worse.
The time for uniting the nation with Progs has passed. They will not do it. Only by force will it happen. So will the same police apparatus that is being destroyed by them, do their bidding?

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