Biden's speech. Pretty damn good

Your lack of respect for the country and its wonderful institutions is noted, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel for crying out loud....
You are Delusional.

Nothing you think is happening is actually happening in reality.

You Leftist Extremist live in an Alternate Leftist Reality full of Fake News Delusions.
It was actually the first segment of the convention I have watched. But I knew it was tonight and planned to give a listen, though I already planned to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. I liked it. A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support. He did a good delivery, smooth, steady and deliberate. He is somebody Democrat can get behind and someone Republican can get behind and he will try to re-unite the country. Did anybody see the statement of support, of 70 Republican National Security officials that put out a joint letter tonight, with officials from trump administration, going all the way back to the Reagan administration. Here is a link.
and the orange moron really wants to debate a tried and true vet?? He'll bury the moron ,send him back to his game show Once more Repubs are dead wrong That was one hellofa speech last night Sorry repubs Like the rabbi told me and I'll tell you ,,it won't be long now
"How do we know Biden's speech was live? Maybe he was doing different takes all day until they got one where he didn’t stumble all over himself."
it doesnt surprise me you think so, Franco.
He could have a stroke and fondle 4 kids and not say a word and you would cheer.
Every word of Biden's TelePromtor speech was written for him. All he had to do is read it.
Is he still on intravenous this morning?
"It's OK Joe. It was just a dream".
Every word of Biden's TelePromtor speech was written for him. All he had to do is read it.
Is he still on intravenous this morning?
"It's OK Joe. It was just a dream".
Maybe so But the moron in the WH NOW reads speeches prepared for him too ,and he doesn't understand them
As one person said quite succinctly... if Joe knew how to fix everything, then why didn't he tell Obama?
In a nutshell, Biden's greatest accomplishment is making himself, family members and friends wealthy by using his position and influence. PERIOD

Barry Soetoro said Senile Joe was great at fucking things up :auiqs.jpg:
G i watch Fox so I thought he was a babbling idiot demented LOL

1 Night, 1 Speech ... compared to ....

40 years of doing NOTHING significant as a career politician

Enriching himself and his family at tax payer expense

Using his political office / positions to engage in Influence Peddling

Confessing to extorting world leaders

Climbing into bed with / selling out his country, like Feinstein, to the Chinese

Participating in the largest criminal political scandal in US History - a failed political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt and overturn a democratic election because Democrats didn't like the outcome

Actually DOING what Dems/snowflakes ACCUSED Trump of doing - grabbing a woman by the pu$$y

Groping, sniffing women and children

Being a career tax-raiser, Class-Warfare divider, pushing policies of economic slavery...

Demanding 'everyone' pays their fair share when his own drug addicted, adulterous, deadbeat-dad son refuses to pay child support for his illegitimate son, despite reportedly having millions
-- Who reportedly is still connected to Chinese companies (a 'chip off the ol' block')

Being a total RACIST

Suffering with dementia so badly and is so feeble that he usually has trouble remembering where he is, what office he is running for, doesn't recognize his wife, has to be kept hidden in a basement, is not allowed to be asked questions by the press...they must have given him all of his meds / some really good drugs last night

Actions speak louder than words, and 1 night, 1 good speech, does not make up for 40 years of being a horrible politician, racist, perv, or everything we have seen so far from Joe up until now.

Being President is a 24/7 job and requires more than 1 good night, 1 good speech.

Good speeches and unfulfilled re-tread promises are what has kept blacks 'on the plantation' for a century despite never making up for failed, oppressive policies of economic slavery.

Barry was / is a GREAT speaker, yet he and his administration is still officially the most criminally FOIA / FRA NON-compliant administration in US history, still illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates, and Presidents, still attempted a failed political coup, still weaponized the IRS against Americans legally opposing his re-election, still admittedly violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, still paid Iran hundreds of millions in ransom money, still dragged the US into another War - an act classified as an International War Crime by the UN (Not bad for a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, huh?), and still armed, supplied, financed, trained defended, protected, supported, & aided (militarily) terrorists world-wide and Mexican Drug cartels. He proved, you can put a smooth-talking, criminal POS in a suit and put him in the WH but in the end he's the most scandalous, criminal smooth talking, well-dressed POS in a suit ever in the WH.

The man is supposed to be - according to Democrats and snowflakes - probably the smartest man on the planet, at least to ever sit in the WH, a self-professed Constitutional Scholar, the left's 'liberal Messiah', their black 'Reagan'...yet they refuse to listen to what Barry says about Biden:

'Never underestimate Biden's ability to f* things up'.

Barry and Michelle had so much confidence in Joe that they refused to endorse him until just recently, and they believe in him so much that they have refused to donate even one dime of their millions to Joe's campaign.

The 'Master Orator', Barry, knows 1 good speech by Joe means nothing. It was just 'lipstick on a pig'.

Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
Biden's speech is so great, that everyone who says it is great, have failed to quote Biden. Best speech ever but the democrat idiots here, making this claim have not agreed on any great lines, ideas, or thoughts. from the speech.

Hell, after biden spoke of unity every democrat here are posting like they are the biggest bigots in the world.
Chris Wallace also was impressed. Not me as most high school students can read a teleprompter, especially after some practice.

But a press conference where reporters ask questions require a quick mind and subject knowledge is far more

Chris Wallace has been kissing Biden's ass and taking shots at Trump lately. Biden read a prepared speech off a teleprompter that he practiced 20 times, big whoop. Go give Biden a big smooch on the lips Chris Wallace you lowlife Dem scrum loving traitor.
Journalism must be quite a shock to you......

Journalism is dead franco.
Biden's speech is so great, that everyone who says it is great, have failed to quote Biden. Best speech ever but the democrat idiots here, making this claim have not agreed on any great lines, ideas, or thoughts. from the speech.

Hell, after biden spoke of unity every democrat here are posting like they are the biggest bigots in the world.
RINO Neocon Never Trumper Bush family puppet Dana Perino on Fox News last night was drooling over Senile Joe's lousy speech. She never forgave President Trump for destroying clueless asshat Jeb Bush in the 2016 Republican Debates.
A President for the whole country not just the the party faithful but the whole country, including those that do not support.
Funny how if it's a guy YOU support, he's a "uniter," but if you dont support him, he's a "divider."

The Orange Virus has been sewing division for four years. If you can't see this now, welp, you can't fix stupid.
When Biden shows up on the first day, he’s not going to need to be told where the Situation Room is. He’s been in the Situation Room for hundreds of hours. So he’s going to come in as the most experienced and qualified person in terms of federal experience of anybody in the history of the country.
LOL...The above posts are what are called....we’re screwed posts. Biden was on his game tonight. We will contrast Trump’s speech next week. We all know that Trump reads a speech like a dim witted 4th grader.
I'll bet Trump makes a speech every night of the convention to prove that he has the stamina that Biden does not.

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