Biden's speech. Pretty damn good

Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
I knew he had a vision of what America should be, but it's the same one he had in 1988. I was surprised last night how well he articulated that vision. And that is pretty much the only point a candidate needs to make in a nomination acceptance speech.

He's seemed to me always to have been a guy with a clear social and moral vision. He knows who he is and where he came from, and he's ok with that. But unlike AOC or even a young Pelsoi and most recently Sanders, he can compromise a lot of legislative details to get even 55% of what he wants, so long as he's advancing that vision. He's even opposed busing for desegregation. Clarence Thomas would probably never had been confirmed it Ted had chaired the committee. But he doesn't have a religious of racial bigot bone, and he's worked his entire life (even before politics) to make it easier for women to avoid abuse. His ability to compromise is strangely sometimes a weakness, and sometimes a strength.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Fingers Biden is selling unity. Not under the American flag but under a Burn Loot Murder banner. Pledge allegiance not to the country but to inclusion and anti racism. It's all about convincing the entire country of the superiority of those who want to kill us.

We have taken a line from movie The Ten Commandments, "You know it is death to strike an Egyptian" and made it racial policy. It is death to strike a black. Or even insult one.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
Fox News has went all in on the great Senile Joe speech bullshit. Rupert Murdock's sons Lachlan and James who are extremely Communist Democrat are turning Fox News into another CNN. They will be crying tears of extreme bitterness on Fox News when President Trump is reelected on November 3rd. When Tucker Carlson,Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham leave Fox News when their contracts run out(for One America News probably) Fox News will be pretty much a CNN clone.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Well yeah. His faith is beyond the pale. (-: I knew a Presbyterian minister who lost his faith when his wife got cancer, and to cure her the docs made her literally a shell, but he found his faith again. I met some holocaust survivors back in my "yout." I'm not sure how much faith that had. But people who can keep going are beyond my ability to comprehend. But Conan the Barbarian quoted Nietzsche that which does not kill us makes us stronger. LOL

What struck me about Biden's speech last night was his use of the "light" and "dark" images. Possibly there was a subtle dig at Trump, but I didn't think of that till I read your post. But what Biden did was "plagerize" John 1:3-4
In him was life,(F) and that life was the light(G) of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness,(H) and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.(I)

That is a definition of faith

For love is more powerful than hate.

Hope is more powerful than fear.

Light is more powerful than dark.

This is our moment

And John plagerized his imagery from the Essenes. And they probably took it from the Zoroastarians
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
Fox News has went all in on the great Senile Joe speech bullshit. Rupert Murdock's sons Lachlan and James who are extremely Communist Democrat are turning Fox News into another CNN. They will be crying tears of extreme bitterness on Fox News when President Trump is reelected on November 3rd. When Tucker Carlson,Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham leave Fox News when their contracts run out(for One America News probably) Fox News will be pretty much a CNN clone.
Communist running a capitalist corporation, you are deranged..and unhinged that Republicans are turning on Trump because he is the biggests disaster since the Titanic.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
Obama had no power to ship any jobs overseas, the president can't make a company select a manufacturer for its product. Trump can't get corporations to move their operations because he has no power to do it, the only method is the carrot and a stick.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
At this point the only policy that Senile Joe is capable of is wiping his ass after taking a shit or keeping his fly zipped. ;)
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
Obama had no power to ship any jobs overseas, the president can't make a company select a manufacturer for its product. Trump can't get corporations to move their operations because he has no power to do it, the only method is the carrot and a stick.
Of course he can. The president can raise tariffs on goods produced in China for sale in the US, forcing the companies that ship their jobs to China to raise their prices and become less price competitive with US made items. Obama made a choice not to try to preserve these jobs for American workers. Would Biden make the same choice if, God forbid, he should become president?
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
At this point the only policy that Senile Joe is capable of is wiping his ass after taking a shit or keeping his fly zipped. ;)
I can tell that is all you are interested in if that is your evaluation of Biden. Joe is really too old and so is Trump. We deserve better but....we ain't gonna get it.
Yeah, I was waiting for him to pass out. It's the first time I watched him do a speech - 25 minutes. He's a boring speaker.

I thought he seemed old - I can see all his hair gone in four years.
Maybe he can get some pointers on a good combover like Trump or a wear a wig like Reagan.
LOL You know trump had his scalp shrunk so he wouldn't look bald?
Well, he wouldn't compromise his need for brain pan space.
Any man that loses a wife a daughter and son and can still go on shows he's more of a man than orange slime bag can ever be
Biden is but one of millions of men that have suffered such losses and gone on with their lives. Many of those men suffered their losses as a result of needless wars promoted and extended by assholes like Joe Biden.

Fuck Joe and his pity party.
there was no self-pity or whine in that speech. That was to contrast himself to Trump. And imo that was a conscious a decision as was putting his kids face front for the camera.
Now whether you like or don't like his policies or his past positions …. that's totally up to you, and I would not criticize it.
Joe has policies? Why doesn't he tell us about the? What's his plan to deal with illegal immigration? Will he continue Obama's support of Iranian wars across the ME and Iranian terrorism around the world in order to keep Obama's bff status with the ayatollahs? What's his plan to secure the best covid vaccines and treatments for Americans or does he plan to allow the UN to decide what we should get? Will he turn a blind eye to China's unfair trade policies and continue to ship US jobs to China as Obama did?
Obama had no power to ship any jobs overseas, the president can't make a company select a manufacturer for its product. Trump can't get corporations to move their operations because he has no power to do it, the only method is the carrot and a stick.
Of course he can. The president can raise tariffs on goods produced in China for sale in the US, forcing the companies that ship their jobs to China to raise their prices and become less price competitive with US made items. Obama made a choice not to try to preserve these jobs for American workers. Would Biden make the same choice if, God forbid, he should become president?
The tariffs didn't bring home Apple or any of the big corporations they simply moved to Vietnam Why? Because they can...All tariffs did was inflate prices and make your dollar worth less.

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