BIG!!!! Latest Gruber video will finish off Obamacare

Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...
Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...

Yeah, that's pretty much the case. If you have a family, a home and a car, then more than likely you're in the class of people who are getting raked over the coals by Obamacare.
Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...

Affordability has nothing to do with it.

I can easily afford health insurance, but I don't need it and I don't want it.

I refuse to buy a product I do not want and do not need. Until this POS is repealed, I'll pay the tax....

Oh, and good luck collecting the tax.....

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Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...

Affordability has nothing to do with it.

I can easily afford health insurance, but I don't need it and I don't want it.

I refuse to buy a product I do not want and do not need. Until this POS is repealed, I'll pay the tax....

Oh, and good ood luck collecting the tax.....


so Obama isn't MAKING you buy Insurance ?

good to know.
Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...

Affordability has nothing to do with it.

I can easily afford health insurance, but I don't need it and I don't want it.

I refuse to buy a product I do not want and do not need. Until this POS is repealed, I'll pay the tax....

Oh, and good ood luck collecting the tax.....


so Obama isn't MAKING you buy Insurance ?

good to know.

He couldn't. So he broke the entire system instead. I had a perfectly good health insurance policy that met my needs perfectly for a low cost. Had it for over 10 years and it worked perfectly. Then some Democrat ***** in DC decided that it wasn't good enough. The premium almost tripled.

Why do you think the GOP has its largest majority in history? Why do you think the GOP is going to hold 54 seats in the Senate in January? Why do GOP governors control more states than ever? Because Obamacare is a clusterfuck of fail, that's why. When the Employer mandate kicks in, the gig is up......
Sure it does. I recently went on the Obama cere website to see what it would cost. One plan I looked at for my wife and I was $1200/month and the deductible was $12000. That's $27000 Before the insurance pays a single dime.
That's why your company has to provide you with insurance where they get a group policy with a much lower premium and deductible. Plus, many companies pay a portion of the premium.

So how is Obamacare making healthcare cheaper?
It's cheap for those on low/no income.
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.
Words have meaning. Communism and Socialism are societies where the people collectively own production. Obamacare is not that.
You're retarded.
Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...

Affordability has nothing to do with it.

I can easily afford health insurance, but I don't need it and I don't want it.

I refuse to buy a product I do not want and do not need. Until this POS is repealed, I'll pay the tax....

Oh, and good ood luck collecting the tax.....


so Obama isn't MAKING you buy Insurance ?

good to know.

He couldn't. So he broke the entire system instead. I had a perfectly good health insurance policy that met my needs perfectly for a low cost. Had it for over 10 years and it worked perfectly. Then some Democrat ***** in DC decided that it wasn't good enough. The premium almost tripled.

Why do you think the GOP has its largest majority in history? Why do you think the GOP is going to hold 54 seats in the Senate in January? Why do GOP governors control more states than ever? Because Obamacare is a clusterfuck of fail, that's why. When the Employer mandate kicks in, the gig is up......

sounds real good. Repeat that 10 times a day. NGAFF.
Look for Captain Choom to simply rewrite the law himself as he has already done like 30 times. The most lawless president in history.

The law CAN be changed by congress if obozo will go to congress and make a deal. But he won't do that. He won't admit he screwed up yet again.

Congress isn't going to make a deal, they are going to try to repeal it.

Here's the thing you guys don't get. Big Insurance actually like the ACA. And the Roberts Court is a Business Court. As much as the rednecks out in the sticks dislike ObamaCare because a black guy came up with it, big business is perfectly fine with it.

Hey genius, they didn't like Hillary 'Her Thighness' Clintons healthcare plan either

The progressive dream is 100% taxation. Why allow the (stupid) people the ability to make any decisions or have "disposable" income?
And yet, the highest income tax rates occurred under a Republican administration.

Not true. The highest rate was in 1944- under a Democrat. Here 8217 s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 8211 Quartz

It wasn't until the 1960's that JFK cut tax rates.... he'd be a Republican today.

Liberals invented the "income tax" ....
Funny thing is your link shows the highest effective tax rate was during the Eisenhower administration. But still, I was talking about tax rates, so I stand corrected ... there was one year during WWII where the top bracket was raised to 94%; whereas it ranged from 91 to 92 percent under Eisenhower until a Liberal Democrat lowered it in 1964.

Your nonsense about JFK is absurd. A) he would not be a Republican today; and B) he never cut taxes.
That's why your company has to provide you with insurance where they get a group policy with a much lower premium and deductible. Plus, many companies pay a portion of the premium.

So how is Obamacare making healthcare cheaper?
It's cheap for those on low/no income.
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.
Words have meaning. Communism and Socialism are societies where the people collectively own production. Obamacare is not that.

Socialism is where society (the government) controls production. Having some worthless piece of paper called a "title" that confers no authority to determine how the property is used is meaningless. The more government controls the use of private property, the more socialist it is. Obamacare is a big step in that direction. It has partially nationalized the insurance companies.
Sorry, you don't get to make up your own deluded definitions for words.


1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
That is not ObamaCare. ObamaCare does NOT own healthcare, which remains privately owned.
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The progressive dream is 100% taxation. Why allow the (stupid) people the ability to make any decisions or have "disposable" income?
And yet, the highest income tax rates occurred under a Republican administration.

Not true. The highest rate was in 1944- under a Democrat. Here 8217 s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 8211 Quartz

It wasn't until the 1960's that JFK cut tax rates.... he'd be a Republican today.

Liberals invented the "income tax" ....
Funny thing is your link shows the highest effective tax rate was during the Eisenhower administration. But still, I was talking about tax rates, so I stand corrected ... there was one year during WWII where the top bracket was raised to 94%; whereas it ranged from 91 to 92 percent under Eisenhower until a Liberal Democrat lowered it in 1964.

Your nonsense about JFK is absurd. A) he would not be a Republican today; and B) he never cut taxes.

It was JFK's idea to cut tax rates.....

The president finally decided that only a bold domestic program, including tax cuts, would restore his political momentum. Declaring that the absence of recession is not tantamount to economic growth, the president proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65% He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Ironically, economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable. Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes

The law was passed - It was called the Revenue act of 1964 and was signed into the law by LBJ - Revenue Act of 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So how is Obamacare making healthcare cheaper?
It's cheap for those on low/no income.
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.
Words have meaning. Communism and Socialism are societies where the people collectively own production. Obamacare is not that.

Socialism is where society (the government) controls production. Having some worthless piece of paper called a "title" that confers no authority to determine how the property is used is meaningless. The more government controls the use of private property, the more socialist it is. Obamacare is a big step in that direction. It has partially nationalized the insurance companies.
Sorry, you don't get to make up your own deluded definitions for words.


1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
That is not ObamaCare. ObamaCare does NOT own healthcare, which remains privately owned.
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

collective ownership and administration of health care...
collective ownership and administration of transportation
collective ownership and administration of education
collective ownership and administration of ....
Plus I only have a $2000 deductable, and that's also my maximum total out-of-pocket. The Obamacare plan has a $12000 deductible.

Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

Told you so, having an Obamacare plan is like not having any insurance at all for the vast majority of people. Their annual costs won't exceed the deductible, then factor in the premiums on top of out of pocket costs.

Healthy people would be far better off just purchasing a catastrophic health plan like before BUT Obamacare won't let them because Obamatard needs those people to buy a LOT more coverage than they need to fund all his free crap for the poor. Otherwise Obamacare implodes.

People its simple, ACA is just a wealth redistribution scheme, another lying puke liberal tax in disguise.

Indeed. ObamaCare is yet another income and wealth transfer scheme from working middle class Americans to The Poor and Idle. Beware of any scheme where The Rich are targeted to "fairness". It's always a Trojan Horse to put working Americans under a Heavier Yoke.

Great point! Ultimately its the middle class who pay the price. I'm amazed at the imbeciles who honestly think they can somehow punish the rich like the rich will just stand there and take it. lol In one form or another the middle class eventually pays the price.

Taxes are pretty much always justified as being a way for The Rich to pay their Fair Share. Look at the original income tax rates. The top rate was 7% for incomes above $11.86M in today's dollars. And today? The AMT aimed a Millionaires now applies to the middle class at 26% (for a married couple with joint income of $175K). The Progs claim that $175K is RICH, but in the major metro areas where the jobs are, that level of income is basic middle class in terms of housing affordability and cost of living.

Progressive liberal leaders are LIARS!
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.

Why should the quality of health care you recieve being contingent on your wealth or earning potential? Health care should be a public service like police or fire protection.
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.

Why should the quality of health care you recieve being contingent on your wealth or earning potential? Health care should be a public service like police or fire protection.

That's like asking why should the quality of the car you drive or the size of you house be contingent on your wealth or earning potential. Most people, if asked such a question, will just stare at you as if you are clinically insane. That's because you are clinically insane.

Oh, and police and fire protection should not be public services. The biggest problem with both is that they are public services - which means the are grossly overpriced and ineffective.
That doesn't sound credible.
Sure it does. I recently went on the Obama cere website to see what it would cost. One plan I looked at for my wife and I was $1200/month and the deductible was $12000. That's $27000 Before the insurance pays a single dime.
That's why your company has to provide you with insurance where they get a group policy with a much lower premium and deductible. Plus, many companies pay a portion of the premium.

So how is Obamacare making healthcare cheaper?
It's cheap for those on low/no income.

Right, because the rest of us are being shaken down to subsidize their rates. It's welfare, in other words.
People like us (tax payers), were already shaken down. People who can't afford insurance use emergency rooms for health care but wouldn't pay the bill. Tax dollars cover those losses. At least now, those bills will be paid by insurance companies only at a loser cost.
So how is Obamacare making healthcare cheaper?
It's cheap for those on low/no income.
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.
Words have meaning. Communism and Socialism are societies where the people collectively own production. Obamacare is not that.

Socialism is where society (the government) controls production. Having some worthless piece of paper called a "title" that confers no authority to determine how the property is used is meaningless. The more government controls the use of private property, the more socialist it is. Obamacare is a big step in that direction. It has partially nationalized the insurance companies.
Sorry, you don't get to make up your own deluded definitions for words.


1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
That is not ObamaCare. ObamaCare does NOT own healthcare, which remains privately owned.
What company being told who they must serve by force of law is "privately owned"? When government controls a company's clients, spending appropriations, profit margins, operational model, and every other aspect large and small, it's no longer a private business. You on the Socialist Left have cleverly disguised socialism to appear as free market capitalism. Not everyone is fooled.
You fucking morons have been trying to kill SS and Medicare forever.

And I'm talking 'bout for-fuckng-ever.

Problem is...

The old republican morons in places like Florida like their SS and Medicare...

(Just like the toothless poor republican morons in Kentucky like ObamaCrap)

Don't you idiot republicans get it?

You been played.

(People like free candy)


(OP is nice but he dumb)
Why would anyone prefer Obamacare?

SSSSHHHHHHHHH ... Don't tell anyone, but ....

The ACA is designed for people who don't have any insurance. Something or nothing.

Millions of people who aren't dumb as a rock RW's prefer something.... Keep that quiet.

By anyone, I meant a tax paying citizen, not a tick on the ass of society.

Obama promised all the suckers like you who voted for him that Obamacare would be cheaper than your current insurance. He also promised you could keep your plan if you like and keep your doctor.

In short, nothing Obama said was true, but like the worst kind of sucker, you continue to defend him and his scheme.

people who work 1 or 2 jobs, have a family, a home, a car and can't afford insurance premiums don't pay taxes ...

you just keep telling yourself that ...

Yeah, that's pretty much the case. If you have a family, a home and a car, then more than likely you're in the class of people who are getting raked over the coals by Obamacare.
No, you're more likely already getting insurance through your company.
That's why your company has to provide you with insurance where they get a group policy with a much lower premium and deductible. Plus, many companies pay a portion of the premium.

So how is Obamacare making healthcare cheaper?
It's cheap for those on low/no income.
Translation: obamacare is communism/socialism. If you work hard you are punished for it... if you are lazy you are rewarded by the state.
Words have meaning. Communism and Socialism are societies where the people collectively own production. Obamacare is not that.
You're retarded.
Not as retarded as the yokel who doesn't know the definition of communism or socialism.

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