Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

"I don't even know the Dixie Chicks, but I find it an insult for all the men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching."--- Merle Haggard

Obviously Merle doesn't understand that if you do not want to know what other people think of where it is that you choose to stand on anything, keep your mouth shut until you do want to because everyone has the right to put their feelings out there.

God bless you and him always!!!


"Keep your mouth shut" is the antithesis of the concept of free speech.

Well Fuck the fuck that.

For the record the audience loved the comment. It's the fascists an ocean away who want to dictate what somebody else is allowed to say about their own state that present a problem to democracy.

Again, the coming war was already the elephant in the room (at the concert in London). Up to three million people had just come out in winter to protest the idea in London alone. It was the daily buzz at the time.

Everybody in London knew it, everybody in London was aware that it was being mongered by a President who ostentatiously identifies with Texas, and everybody in the venue knew they were watching a music performer who also ostentatiously identify with Texas.

Therefore Maines addressed the obvious association, to disassociate it, and stand up for her state. And the audience, again, approved uproariously. So what "other people think" is exactly what she was reassuring.

Are you just too dense to see that?

Merle Haggard had it exactly right. So did Vince Gill. Know who else disagrees with you?
George W. Bush.

"The Dixie Chicks are free to speak their mind. They can say what they want to say ... they shouldn't have their feelings hurt just because some people don't want to buy their records when they speak out ... I want to do what I think is right for the American people, and if some singers or Hollywood stars feel like speaking out, that's fine. That's the great thing about America." -- interview with Tom Brokaw, April 23

What you should be asking is how come the music/media industry took it upon itself to reach all the way out to London, to a comment made to that audience, and bring it back here all dolled up in witch clothes, because it didn't help sell the invasion they were in the profit-grabbing business of selling. What you should be asking is how come radio stations that are part of that megacorporation were firing their DJs for playing DC records. What you should be asking is what the hell is wrong with a world that puts death threats on a girl for assuring an audience ----- FIVE THOUSAND MILES AWAY ----- that they agree with that audience and are not warmongers like their Texan President.

Natalie Maines and that London audience already knew then, that invading a country without reason was a bad idea. The whole world knew it. And by now even we know it. And they were right.
^^^ People who love what they have to say do not speak for the rest of us, therefore, if you do not want to deal with any form of negativity, keep your mouth shut until you do want to deal with any form of negativity because everyone has the right to put their two cents out there.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ People who love what they have to say do not speak for the rest of us, therefore, if you do not want to deal with any form of negativity, keep your mouth shut until you do want to deal with any form of negativity because everyone has the right to put their two cents out there.

God bless you always!!!


They weren't speaking for "the rest of us". They said, and I quote, "we" --- the band.

"We're ashamed the President is from Texas". We -- "the three of us on this stage".

You're actually suggesting a musical trio isn't allowed to speak for itself??

This is where the fascism comes in ---- dictatorial control freaks who want to control not only what somebody else says, not only what somebody else says to the English, but actually wants to control what somebody else says about themselves to other third parties.

THAT is all kinds of fucked up. How in the HELL does some radio mega-owner in the States get to dictate what the Dixie Chicks say about themselves?


Answer that.
^^^ They can speak for themselves, but they can't speak for anyone else and so if they don't want to hear what everyone else has to say, then they should keep their mouths shut until they do want to hear what everyone else has to say because everyone has the right to put their two cents out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If we don't like what is said by another person, we have the right to point that out if we want to. If you don't like what I have to say and its clear that you don't, you have the right to say so. I have no ability to keep you quiet. Well the Chicks do not have the ability to keep everyone else quiet either.
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^^^ They can speak for themselves, but they can't speak for anyone else and so if they don't want to hear what everyone else has to say, then they should keep their mouths shut until they do want to hear what everyone else has to say.

God bless you always!!!


They DID speak for themselves. That's exactly what the word "we" means. WHERE are you getting this bullshit that they were "speaking for anyone else"?


And where do you get this cockamamie idea that they "don't want to hear what everyone else has to say"? Where was that ever expressed?

^^^ She made it as clear as glass that she did not want to hear what other people had to say when she cried about those who did not like what she had to say and she did cry whether a clip of her doing so is out there to watch or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, if she couldn't take the heat, she shouldn't have gone into the kitchen in the first place and her crying made it as clear as glass that she could not take the heat.
^^^ She made it as clear as glass that she did not want to hear what other people had to say when she cried about those who did not like what she had to say and she did cry whether a clip of her doing so is out there to watch or not.

God bless you always!!!


Back to that bullshit "crying game" again. You tried that last night, and I proved you wrong.

What is it with you that you can't admit you're wrong?

So you cannot answer either of those questions.
P.S. If we don't like what is said by another person, we have the right to point that out if we want to. If you don't like what I have to say and its clear that you don't, you have the right to say so. I have no ability to keep you quiet. Well the Chicks do not have the ability to keep everyone else quiet either.

And where did they do that?

Exactly --- they didn't. You made that up too.
^^^ I don't make things up and she did cry whether you believe me or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And I believe that the reason why she cried is because she realized that she couldn't put her hand over anyone else's mouth.
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^^^ I don't make things up and she did cry whether you believe me or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And I believe that the reason why she cried is because she realized that she couldn't put her hand over anyone else's mouth.
JO, I like your posts for their positive attitude that I wish I could maintain myself, and for the honesty you always seem to have.

But in this thread, I am clicking 'agree' primarily because you are arguing with that complete waste of human sperm, Pogo.

Thank you.
^^^ I wouldn't call it arguing. We are just having a disagreement which no one on this planet is a stranger to experiencing at one point or another.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Thank you so much by the way. :) :) :)
just take a listen to the classic Dixie Chicks song "Travelin Soldier" and grieve the loss of good young U.S. soldiers who spilled blood , unnecessarily, because of the GWB error , that Dick Cheney knew would be "a quagmire"

I guess you didn't listen to the lyrics. It is about Vietnam!

I think we are all smart enough to realize that . . . . The concept applies to any of our wars , any young soldier who dies in battle and a nation that scarcely notices their absence .

You didn't listen to the song OBVIOUSLY!

Lyrics of songs are metaphoric ,,,,,,, duh !
Anyway , I've experienced just enough stupid bull $#!+ on this board to have realized it is mostly a bunch of bitter , ignorant , dyed in the wool , GOP sheeple still unwilling to face the fact that B. H. Obama won the POTUS and re-election (even with a terrible fiscal record) - because GWB was such a train wreck . GWB and Dick are responsible for the unnecessary deaths and life long wounds suffered by 10's of thousands of U.S. soldiers . The nation will not soon forget it either .
I'll soon pull up stakes here and leave you and your friends to your self imposed condition of misery ;/)

Listened to the lyrics?

You said: "a nation that scarcely notices their absence ."

From the lyrics:

One Friday night at a football game
The Lord's Prayer said and the Anthem sang
A man said, "Folks would you bow your heads
For a list of local Vietnam dead."
Crying all alone under the stands
Was a piccolo player in the marching band
And one name read but nobody really cared
But a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair

Scarcely notices?

Maybe if you libs would stop overreacting and exaggerating everything to fit your agenda, perhaps you might find a little respect.
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^^^ I don't make things up and she did cry whether you believe me or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And I believe that the reason why she cried is because she realized that she couldn't put her hand over anyone else's mouth.

Basically your entire position relies entirely on things you made up.

You said they tried to "keep everyone else quiet". Didn't happen.
You said they were "speaking for anyone else". Didn't happen.
You said they "didn't want to hear what anyone else had to say". Didn't happen.
Last night you gave me this line about "crying on 60 minutes". Didn't happen. I posted the whole thing.
You said she regretted what she said. Didn't happen. In fact she repeatedly said the opposite. And then went back to the same venue ----- and said it again. I posted that for you when you first got here.

And you just dug deeper from there.

You're broke.
^^^ I don't make things up and she did cry whether you believe me or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And I believe that the reason why she cried is because she realized that she couldn't put her hand over anyone else's mouth.
JO, I like your posts for their positive attitude that I wish I could maintain myself, and for the honesty you always seem to have.

But in this thread, I am clicking 'agree' primarily because you are arguing with that complete waste of human sperm, Pogo.

Thank you.

This is another of the Butthurtia who isn't smart enough to avoid taking me on.
He's still hurtin'.
They have a right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to change the radio station anytime they are played. I also don't have to buy their CDs or attend their concerts. That is what a number of red-blooded Americans did.

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions.

Since you're adept at contradicting yourself, I'll just watch. :popcorn:

They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

Oh but they did. The audience didn't object. The corporate music "industry" did. And you followed their lead like a puppy.

I am sorry! I really am. Nobody should have to go through life saddled with liberalism, but I guess you are just too stupid to rehabilitate.

Have a nice life. Goodbye!
You know that guy in your avatar, Marion Morrison, did not serve in WWII. Like so many Republicans, he got a deferment.

Age 34 with 4 kids. Deferment granted.
Yup, because no one who fought in WWII had wives and kids!

My Dad didn't when he served for the duration of the war.

Did you Dad suddenly go Canadian?
^^^ I don't make things up and she did cry whether you believe me or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And I believe that the reason why she cried is because she realized that she couldn't put her hand over anyone else's mouth.

Basically your entire position relies entirely on things you made up.

You said they tried to "keep everyone else quiet". Didn't happen.
You said they were "speaking for anyone else". Didn't happen.
You said they "didn't want to hear what anyone else had to say". Didn't happen.
Last night you gave me this line about "crying on 60 minutes". Didn't happen. I posted the whole thing.
You said she regretted what she said. Didn't happen. In fact she repeatedly said the opposite. And then went back to the same venue ----- and said it again. I posted that for you when you first got here.

And you just dug deeper from there.

You're broke.
She cried and what you say here is not what I was trying to say. What I have been trying to say is that she probably wishes that she could keep people quiet. Well that right there will never be able to be done by anyone as long as we all have the right to put how we feel out there.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Actually I am still in one piece. How about yourself?
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